Aus dem Pinnacle Forum:
As mentioned in another thread, we've been working on a tweak to the rules for a while now, and it's gone over so well, we'll be releasing it soon. But before the official release, we're going to let you guys in on it first!
It's a simple change that speeds up play, frees up Bennies for players, and makes the GM's job even easier. In all ways, it fits Fast! Furious! Fun!
At the beginning of their action, a Shaken character makes a Spirit roll to recover. On a failure, he remains Shaken. On a success, the character removes their Shaken condition and may take their action normally.
That's right, folks, a success removes Shaken and allows the character to act immediately. Raises are no longer required.
It may not seem like much, but with only two results for recovering from Shaken instead of three, resolution is sped up dramatically. And by making recovery with actions easier, players don't have to spend as many Bennies just to take an action and can instead spend them to make those actions awesome! Finally, we realized the three conditions for Extras, Up, Down, and Off the Board, had really been four with the inclusion of "Up... but recovered without a raise and can't act." It's a temporary condition to be sure, but one that occurs regularly. GMs never have to worry about that "floating" condition again. Extras who are Shaken can't act, and those who are not Shaken can–there's no middle ground.
Those are some of the reasons for the change, but we think you will all be as thrilled as we are with the results in play. So go ahead and try it out, and see if it doesn't crank your games up to 11!
Clint Black
Savage Worlds Core Rules Brand Manager