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Starblazer Adventures, Legends of Anglerre
Chris Birch, Chefredakteuer für Starblazers Adventures bei Cubicle 7 meldet sich zu Wort und bittet um Mitarbeit. Konkret geht es um die Mithilfe an Starblazer Adventures, Legends of Anglerre (das Fantasy-Setting von Starblazer) und ein für nächstes Jahr angekündigtes aber noch geheimes Projekt das ebenfalls die Fate Regeln als Unterkonstruktion nutzt. Jedenfalls möchte Chris mehr Leute in die Projekte involvieren. Dabei wird die Mitarbeit bezahlt und natürlich und Nennung im Impressum ist Ehrensache.Dazu heißt es:
We’ve got a growing number of products scheduled for the coming months and throughout next year for Starblazer Adventures, Legends of Anglerre (the fantasy version of Starblazer) and next year’s secret FATE project…
As the overall line manager for Starblazer I’d like to get more people involved who are passionate about Fate and can work on products or contribute ideas. It’s a paid gig with writer’s credits and a great opportunity to get published in the gaming world.
You don’t need to have been professionally published but you’ll need to show some proficiency with writing, and an understanding of the Fate system, particularly the way we do things in Starblazer’s interpretation of Fate. You’ll also need to be realistic about how much you can write, and stick to a deadline to deliver it.
So, we’re looking for people who can…
- Help develop rules sections - for example on Anglerre we’ve got a talented team developing the powers/magic system, developing the fantasy careers, the mass combat and galley battles but all based on the foundations laid out in Starblazer. Sometimes this involves extending the work to embrace new concepts but on the whole we don’t create new rules. It’s essentially sticking to Fred’s concept of the Fate Fractal that everything can be described like a character and we embrace that wholly.
- Help write adventures. I’m still a believer in cleverly scripted plots points for adventures to hinge around, but also love the creativity unleashed with Fate declarations and the collaborative campaign building. So we’re looking for people who can write two sided adventures that provide the basics for a collaborative game or a traditional style of adventure with more detail provided.
If you’re interested drop me an email to chris at cubicle7 dot co dot uk with a little about yourself and ideally an example of something you’ve written (can be for anything not just Fate)
Wer diesen Blog kennt weiß das ich Fate als mein Leib- und Magensystem betrachte. Was ins Sachen Reglen aber in Starblazers passiert bzw. was Chris für Legends of Anglerre so plant mag mich doch etwas skeptisch machen. Fate ist eion so tolles schlankes System das in meinen Augen schon in Spirit of the Century durch die Ausarbeitung der Stunts verkompliziert und verhunzt wurde. Ich will ja nicht der typisch deutsche Miesepeter sein aber ich glaube das Starblazers auch schon zu verregelt ist. ich bin mir nicht sicher ob ich für ein Spiel wie Fate ein Massenkampfsystem brauche. Wie seht ihr das?As the overall line manager for Starblazer I’d like to get more people involved who are passionate about Fate and can work on products or contribute ideas. It’s a paid gig with writer’s credits and a great opportunity to get published in the gaming world.
You don’t need to have been professionally published but you’ll need to show some proficiency with writing, and an understanding of the Fate system, particularly the way we do things in Starblazer’s interpretation of Fate. You’ll also need to be realistic about how much you can write, and stick to a deadline to deliver it.
So, we’re looking for people who can…
- Help develop rules sections - for example on Anglerre we’ve got a talented team developing the powers/magic system, developing the fantasy careers, the mass combat and galley battles but all based on the foundations laid out in Starblazer. Sometimes this involves extending the work to embrace new concepts but on the whole we don’t create new rules. It’s essentially sticking to Fred’s concept of the Fate Fractal that everything can be described like a character and we embrace that wholly.
- Help write adventures. I’m still a believer in cleverly scripted plots points for adventures to hinge around, but also love the creativity unleashed with Fate declarations and the collaborative campaign building. So we’re looking for people who can write two sided adventures that provide the basics for a collaborative game or a traditional style of adventure with more detail provided.
If you’re interested drop me an email to chris at cubicle7 dot co dot uk with a little about yourself and ideally an example of something you’ve written (can be for anything not just Fate)
Auf was ich wirklich mehr als gespannt bin sin dide Abenteuer die da kommen sollen, denn Abenteuer für Fate zu schrieben ist nicht einfach
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Abenteuer, Drivethrustuff, Evil hat, Legends of Anglerre, Regeln, Rollenspiel, Setting, Spirit of the Century, Starblazer, Starblazer Adventures
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