It all starts with an EVIL MAN!!! It always starts that way. King Meilge ap Eiluned of the Kingdom of Willows wants more. Typical. He has planed for a very long time to take down David in any way he can. The Lady Faerilyth Nimania ap Eiluned. Lady Faerilyth is a dazzling beauty, any man would be stupid not to fall for her (of stupid TO fall for her... how many app 7 women do you see walking around falling for any old smuck...). Meilge has an idea... hey, why don't I send this girl up to Tara-Nar to meet David... use her as my weapon. And so he did just that. It worked a little too well we fear... it takes all of 4 months for the High King to ask for her to marry him. Everyone, and by that I mean EVERYONE (excluding Meilge and his inner circle) thinks this is a VERY bad move... even worse (again, not to Meilge) is that David names Lady Faerilyth to be his equal... the Lady now becomes High Queen. In order to introduce her to their Kingdom, and to raise her popularity at court, David and Faerilyth plan a Grand Tour of Concordia. Playing right into Meilge's hand, they offer to stop by Willow's Heart (His Thronehold) first. All the King of Willows asks for is one month to plan his overthr... I mean party... for the happy couple. Realizing that fate has given him the edge he wanted, Meilge has an Iron cage made, as well as several cold iron weapons. Can we guess what this is for? He also aquires a supply of the drug Dreambane, a Glamour enriched drug that will make the used very suseptable to shall we call it suggestions... Later, at the ball, Meilge tricks both the High King and High Queen into drinking a wine laced with the drug. Seperating them was easy... convincing David he was no longer High King was fairly simple too... what Meilge didn't expect was Caliburn. The Sword of Kings left David to find the new High King... only to realize that it had been tricked. You see, the Sword will only leave the High King if he dies or chooses to adbicate. When the Sword realized what had happend, it attempted to return to David... unfortunetaly it took the Sword a little too long to come to it's senses... by then the presence it knew as David had vanished. Knowing that he couldn't have vanished that fast without Banality or the Dreaming being at fault, the Sword decided to investigate... and to do this it needed an agent. Seif, Eshu Storyteller became the Chosen Bearer of Caliburn. Meanwhile David was being beaten up by Autumn People with Cold Iron. Under orders from Meilge, the Autumn People were to keep David from any source of Glamour, for fear he would return to his Fae self. They soon took off for parts unknown. Back at the Ball, Faerilyth passes out when she sees the Sword with Seif. When she awakens, she is confronted by... well a fairly large group. Sir Lleu Ardwyad ap Gwydion, cousin of the High King and secretly in love with the High Queen (fun...), Duchess Igrania ap Gwydion, Duke Ferdia ap Fiona (Known as Duke Firedrake) who secretly is in love with Duchess Igrania and the person who supplied Meilge with the iron (too much unrequited love in this story...), Seif the Swordbearer and of course the King of Willows himself. After a very lengthly talk of what to do and what not to do, the High Queen decided to continue on with her Grand Tour, most of the people in the room deciding to go with her. Seif is Knighted by the High Queen and quested to find David... like he needed her to do that, Caliburn was having him do that anyway. Meilge himself wanted the High Queen to stay with him at Willow's Heart, but she wouldn't have that... stuborn person that Faerilyth. And we leave off that part of the story with David being taken away, presumibly north as the story leaves it.
Fast Forward a year and a half to two years (Grumble grumble...) War has broken out in Concordia. 4 factions have formed all claiming a piece of the Throne. The first support Morwen, as the King's sister she has always ruled in his stead when he was not around. the second support Faerilyth for the obvious reason as she was named High Queen but David himself... though others believe that she manipulated him to do this... the third support Princess Lenore, David's appointed heir, only recently a Wilder and under the protection of Queen Mab of the Kingdom of Apples. The last faction supports Queen Mab herself (though she has said she supports Morwen as Queen). There is hope of a new High King, Danwyn ap Gwydion came from the Dreaming with a message for the High King, important as he know it...though the Autumn Realm has caused much of his memory to cloud. He has a large following and may very well be a figure to contend with... Fighting has broken out all over the Kingdom of Apples as Commoners fight against Nobles as the one thing holding Concordia together, High King David's dream, vanishes as though it was never there. The story is left rather unfinished... a Second Accodance War flares up, when the Second Resurgance happens and 5 new Houses return from Arcadia, they see not the Concordia that welcomed Fae for 30 years, but Discordia, the fighting unseen sense the days of the First Accodance War...