Royal Thickie
- Registriert
- 13. September 2006
- Beiträge
- 1.643
Und noch eine Neuigkeit: Kenneth Branagh, der britische Theatermime- und Regisseur wird Regie bei der Thor-Verfilmung führen! Ich gebe zu, ich kenne das Comic nur vom Hörensagen, aber dass ausgerechnet jemand wie Branagh eine Comicverfilmung übernimmt, macht mich schon neugierig. 
imdb schrieb:Branagh Confirms Thor Rumours
British actor Kenneth Branagh has confirmed he is to direct new comic book movie Thor.
The star - more famous for his roles onstage - has completed negotiations with Marvel bosses to helm the film, due for release in 2010.
Branagh's last big-screen directorial outing was 2007's Sleuth, starring Sir Michael Caine and Jude Law.
And he can't wait to take the challenge of directing a Hollywood blockbuster.
He says, "We're getting the story and visual effects together and all of that is very exciting."
Thor follows the tale of a disabled medical student whose alter ego is the Norse god.