AW: empfehlenswerte filme
Absolut empfelenswerter Film, und leider auch sehr schwer zu finden:
Salt Lake City Punk
handelt von Punks in Salt Lake City (wie der Name schon vermuten lässt)
Liquor Store Man: What the hell are you?
Stevo: ooo, we come from the east in search of the Messiah! We followed that big star
[points upwards]
Eddie: Yeah, we bring gold, and frankincense.
Stevo: [Still pointing upwards] You see it?
Eddie: and myrrh.
Stevo, Eddie: Myrrh.
Liquor Store Man: You do what?
Stevo: Followed the star.
Liquor Store Man: Oh my God. Who let you boys out of the state institute? We'd better get you boys back in the hospital.
Bob: No, no, no, no, no, it's all right, man. We're from England.
Liquor Store Man: England?
Bob: Yeah, that's right. That's probably why we seem so weird to you, man.
Liquor Store Man: England, huh? Well that explains it I guess.