The Red Star The Red Star

AW: The Red Star

blut_und_glas schrieb:
Wie darf ich das verstehen? :D
Bezieht sich auf das "Werk", nicht auf die Klasse an sich. Ob die Klasse stark oder schwach ist, kann ich gar nichts sagen, dazu hab ich zu wenig regeltechnische Kompetenz.
AW: The Red Star

Dann sage ich einfach einmal danke. :)

Die Grundidee hinter der Klasse beruht auf den ja recht spärlichen Informationen, die das Camapign Setting über Zauberei in der WTA bereitstellt. Die Eckpunkte die ich mir dabei als besonders wichtig herausgepickt habe sind einmal, dass die WTA über wesentlich weniger Zauberinnen verfügen als die URRS, ihre Protokolle hoch entwickelt sind und Protokoll gestützte/verbesserte Ausrüstung sehr weit verbreitet ist. Darauf aufbauend waren meine Überlegungen dann, dass die WTA Zauberinnen im Gegensatz zu den Angehörigen der Roten Flotte weniger spezialisiert sind, um verschiedene Rollen abdecken zu können, deshalb habe ich auf Basic Training und Sorcery Branches verzichtet. Diese höhere Flexibilität ist allerdings mit weniger zusätzlichen Protokollen, und weniger routiniertem Einsatz (Protocol Mastery, Reduced Cost...) erkauft. Die WTA legen sehr viel Wert auf die Sicherheit und das Überleben ihrer Truppen (siehe STRIFE Armor oder Kingdom of Jade Krieg), und um das zu simulieren habe ich die verbesserten Kaster Physical Safety Fähigkeiten eingeführt.
Die Advanced Trainings schließlich stellen die primäre Umgebung/Aufgaben der Zauberin dar, Feld Zauberinnen sind direkt an der Front -da fällt mir auf, in die Bonus Feat Liste sollte eigentlich auch noch Armor Proficiency (medium)-, sei das nun als Unterstützung bei einer Infantrie Einheit oder an Bord eines Sky Carrier, Stabs Zauberinnen sind in Planungs- und Führungsrollen, und die Unterstützungszauberinnen schließlich im Forschungsbereich oder anderen "ruhigen" Gebieten - dabei könnten alle drei aber die gleichen Protokolle, Feats und Skills besitzen, eine Feld Zauberin mit Heilungsprotokollen wäre dann so etwas wie eine Sanitäterin, eine Stabs Zauberin vielleicht das Äquivalent zum Chirurgen, und eine Unterstützungs Zauberin in der Langzeitbehandlung.
Mit Skill Emphasis, Effort und den Intelligenz abhängigen Starting Protocols schließlich habe ich versucht die Eigenschaft der Westler immer zu versuchen die Besten zu sein und ihre Betonung individueller Stärke(n) herauszustreichen.

AW: The Red Star

Als Base Class:

Western Transnational Alliance Officer

Hit Die: 1d8
Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the character attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Western Transnational Alliance Officer’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are as follows.
Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Craft (any) (Int), Demolitions (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Knowledge (any) (Int), Investigate (Wis), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Repair (Int), Research (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Treat Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (7 + Int Modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int Modifier.
Required Allegiance: The Western Transnational Alliance Armed Forces

Starting Feats
In addition to the two feats all characters get at 1st level, a Western Transnational Alliance Officer begins play with the Armor Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, and Simple Weapons Proficiency feats.

Starting Equipment
OPS pistol and three magazines of bullets, Knife, Crew Vest and Dress Uniform. Starting Wealth Bonus +4.

Class Base Attack  Fort  Ref   Will  Defense  Reputation   Class  
Level    Bonus     Save  Save  Save   Bonus      Bonus    Features
 1st   +0           +0    +0    +2     +0          +0   Comfort (shaken), expert duelist +1, honourbound, rank, ressource access
 2nd   +1           +0    +0    +3     +1          +0   Bonus feat, career soldier
 3rd   +2           +1    +1    +3     +1          +0   Mission orders
 4th   +3           +1    +1    +4     +1          +1   Comfort (fatigued)
 5th   +3           +1    +1    +4     +2          +1   Expert duelist +2, motivate
 6th   +4           +2    +2    +5     +2          +1   Bonus feat
 7th   +5           +2    +2    +5     +2          +2   Preferred mission type
 8th   +6/+1        +2    +2    +6     +3          +2   Comfort (frightened)
 9th   +6/+1        +3    +3    +6     +3          +2   Bark orders
10th   +7/+2        +3    +3    +7     +3          +3   Bonus feat, expert duelist +3
11th   +8/+3        +3    +3    +7     +4          +3   Preferred mission type
12th   +9/+4        +4    +4    +8     +4          +3   Comfort (exhausted)
13th   +9/+4        +4    +4    +8     +4          +4   Bully 1/day
14th   +10/+5       +4    +4    +9     +5          +4   Bonus feat
15th   +11/+6/+1    +5    +5    +9     +5          +4   Expert duelist +4, preferred mission type
16th   +12/+7/+2    +5    +5    +10    +5          +5   Comfort (panicked)
17th   +12/+7/+2    +5    +5    +10    +6          +5   Bully 2/day 
18th   +13/+8/+3    +6    +6    +11    +6          +5   Bonus feat
19th   +14/+9/+4    +6    +6    +11    +6          +6   Preferred mission type
20th   +15/+10/+5   +6    +6    +12    +7          +6   Comfort (rest), expert duelist +5

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Western Transnational Alliance Officer class.

At 1st level a WTA Officer gains the ability to spend comfort to his allies. By taking a full round action to make a Diplomacy check against a DC of 20 + the number of allies to be affected the officer can remove the shaken condition from his allies. At 4th, 8th, 12th and 16th level the officer learns to also use comfort to remove other conditions, fatigued at level 4, frightened at level 8, exhausted at level 12 and panicked at level 16. The removal of each condition requires a separate use of comfort. At 20th level comfort can be used to give the officer's allies all the benefits of 8 full hours of rest.

Expert Duelist
At 1st level the Officer gains a +1 bonus to initiative, attack rolls and defense while fighting a duel. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, +3 at 9th level, +4 at 13th level and finally +5 at 17th level.

If an Officer ever refuses to participate in a formal duel, he permanently loses access to the bark orders, bully, comfort, motivate and ressource access class features.

At 1st level a WTA Officer has the Rank of 2nd Lieutenant.

Ressource Access
At 1st level a WTA Officer may add his reputation bonus to any requisition checks he makes. He can also grant half this bonus on any requisition checks made by his allies.

Bonus Feats
At 2nd level and every four levels thereafter, the WTA Officer gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the WTA Officer must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.

Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Aircraft Operation, Armor Proficiency (medium), Armor Proficiency (heavy), Attentive, Builder, Brawl, Burst Fire, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Confident, Defensive Martial Arts, Double Tap, Educated, Frightful Presence, Gearhead, Gunnery, Heroic Surge, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Logistician, Point Blank Shot, Renown, Surgery, Surface Vehicle Operation, Strafe, Trustworthy, Vehicle Expert, Weapon Focus and Windfall.

Career Soldier
Upon reaching 2nd level and every time thereafter the WTA officer gains a new level, he may make a Reputation check against a DC of 20. If the check suceeds the officer may choose to either be promoted one rank or to take 20 on this levels profession check to increase wealth.

Mission Orders
As a full round action a WTA officer of 3rd level can perform an opposed tactics check against the enemy forces leader. If the check succeeds all allies within voice range of the officer gain a competence bonus depending on the mission orders issued. The bonus lasts a number of rounds equal to the officers Charisma modifier (minimum 1).

Divide and Conquer: All affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on Initiative.

Flush them out: All affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on Attack rolls.

Hit and Run: All affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on Defense.

Hold the Line: All affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on all Saves.

Seek and Destroy: All affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on Damage rolls.

A character can benefit only from one mission order effect at a time. Mission order counts as a tactical aid effect for the purposes of tactical superiority.

By spending an action point an officer of 5th level can give a motivational speech before the beginning of an encounter. The speech must have a length of at least 5 minutes and be held within half an hour of the beginning of the encounter to have an effect. All allies who attend this speech gain a morale bonus to attack rolls and skill checks during the next encounter equal to the officers reputation bonus. The bonus lasts until the officer or one of the affected allies takes damage, misses with an attack or fails a skill check.

Prefered Mission Type
At 7th level the officer selects one of the mission types given under the mission orders class features (Divide and Conquer Flush them out Hit and Run Hold the Line or Seek and Destroy). The competence bonus granted by this mission order increases by +1. At 11th and every four levels there after level the officer may select either a new mission type to gain this benefit, or the bonus of a mission type that has been previously selected increases by another +1.

Bark Orders
At 9th level a WTA Officer can make an Intimidate check opposed by the target's level check (see the decription of the Intimidate skill for details) as a free action to give a short command to a target. If the check is succesful and the target has an allegiance to the WTA Armed Forces it obeys to the best of its ability at its earliest opportunity. You may select from the following options.

Approach: On its turn, the subject moves toward you as quickly and directly as possible for 1 round. The creature may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Drop: On its turn, the subject drops whatever it is holding. It can’t pick up any dropped item until its next turn.

Fall: On its turn, the subject falls to the ground and remains prone for 1 round. It may act normally while prone but takes any appropriate penalties.

Flee: On its turn, the subject moves away from you as quickly as possible for 1 round. It may do nothing but move during its turn, and it provokes attacks of opportunity for this movement as normal.

Halt: The subject stands in place for 1 round. It may not take any actions but is not considered helpless.

If the subject can’t carry out your command on its next turn, the effect automatically fails. Bark orders is a language dependent, mind affecting compulsion effect.

At 13th level a WTA officer can once per day try to bully another character. This requires a full round action and the target must be within voice range of the officer as well as be able to understand him. The target is forced to make a Will Save against a DC of 10 + 1/2 the officers class levels + the officers Charisma modifier +2 for every allegiance the target has in common with the officer. The save automatically succeeds if the target is currently engaged in combat with the officer. If the save fails the officer can generally force the subject to perform as he desires, within the limits of its abilities. Once the target has been given a command, it continues to attempt to carry out that command to the exclusion of all other activities. Changing the instructions or giving a new command is a move action. Subjects resist this control, and any subject forced to take actions against its nature receives a new saving throw with a +2 bonus, +4 if it is an obviously self-destructive order. The effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the officers class levels. At 17th level the officer gains an additonal use of bully per day.

AW: The Red Star

Deterrent als Advanced Class, natürlich auch hier nur ein erster Entwurf:


Feats: Cyborg
Skills: Kast 9 ranks
Protocols: Able to kast at least 5 WTA protocols
Required Allegiance: The Western Transnational Alliance Armed Forces

Hit Die: 1d8
Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the character attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Deterrent’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are as follows.
Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Demolitions (Int), Drive (Dex), Intimidate (Cha), Kast (Int), Knowledge (any) (Int), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Repair (Int), Research (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Treat Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at Each Level: 5 + Int Modifier.

Class Base Attack  Fort  Ref   Will  Defense  Reputation   Class  
Level    Bonus     Save  Save  Save   Bonus      Bonus    Features
 1st      +0        +0    +0    +2     +0          +1    More machine than woman, protocol
 2nd      +1        +0    +0    +3     +1          +1    Uplink
 3rd      +2        +1    +1    +3     +1          +2    Protocol
 4th      +3        +1    +1    +4     +1          +2    Bonus fea
 5th      +3        +1    +1    +4     +2          +2    Protocol
 6th      +4        +2    +2    +5     +2          +3    Omniscience
 7th      +5        +2    +2    +5     +2          +3    Protocol
 8th      +6        +2    +2    +6     +3          +3    Bonus feat
 9th      +6        +3    +3    +6     +3          +4    Living metal, protocol
10th      +7        +3    +3    +7     +3          +4    Omnipresence

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Deterrent advanced class.

More Machine than Woman
At 1st level a Deterrent is implanted with a number of cybernetic attachments. She uses the rules for unlimited cybernetics from d20 Cyberscape, and receives a number of attachments of up to her character level. These implants can be selected from any Progress Level, but Purchase DC modifiers must be applied for attachments over PL 5 (+5 for PL 6 attachments, +10 for PL 7 and +15 for PL 8). The normal rules for purchasing items do apply, but instead of her wealth bonus the Deterrent uses a special Cybernetic Upgrade Bonus instead. The starting Cybernetic Upgrade Bonus of a Deterrent is equal to the Deterrents character level plus her reputation bonus, and it increases every time the Deterrents level or reputation bonus go up, it can also be increased just like the standard wealth bonus, but using this option means the Deterrent cannot increase her Wealth at the same time (i.e. a profession check upon reaching a new level can either be used for increasing wealth or increasing cybernetic upgrades, but not for both).

At 1st level and every two levels thereafter, a Deterrent learns a new protocol. This must be chosen from the list of WTA protocols.

At 2nd level a Deterrent learns to use the Uplink protocols and the hardware necessary to kast protocols via satellite. The Deterrent needs a dedicated spotter to feed her the target information she needs to bring her protocols to bear. Any character with a direct line of communication to the Deterrent (via transpathic protocol or radio for example) can act as spotter. After selecting the protocol to be kast it takes 3 rounds to establish the real time data feeds necessary for the protocol use. Spotter and Deterrent need must each use a standard action requiring concentration during these rounds. After that the Deterrent can kast the protocol on any subsequent round, providing that both spotter and Deterrent continue to use standard actions to keep the link open. If the link is broken it takes another three rounds to reesatblish it. On the round the protocol is kast these actions are also needed, meaning that only protocols that can be kast as a free action can be kast via uplink. The kast DC of the protocol is increased by +10. The spotter is treated as the kaster for determining range and line of effect only. An uplinked protocol cannot be kast on underground targets.

Bonus Feats
At 4th and 8th level the Deterrent gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the WTA Sorceress must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.

Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Aircraft Operation, Armor Proficiency (medium), Attentive, Builder, Brawl, Burst Fire, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Cyborg, Defensive Martial Arts, Educated, Focused, Frightful Presence, Gearhead, Gunnery, Heroic Surge, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Logistician, Protocol Gunnery, Renown, Sorcery Expert, Surgery, Surface Vehicle Operation, Strafe, Vehicle Expert, Weapon Focus and Windfall (applied towards Cybernetic Upgrade Bonus only).

At 6th level a Deterrent does not need to establish data feeds with her spotter when kasting uplinked protocols. She still needs a spotter for determining range and line of effect though, and the spotter needs to take a standard action directly before the protocol is kast.
If the Deterrent and her spotter adhere to the procedure outlined under Uplink above the kast DC of the protocol is only modified by +5.

Living Metal
At 9th level a Deterrent's cybernetic attachments become so infused with protocol energy that they become literally a living part of her body. The Deterrent and her attachments do no longer suffer from vulnerability to electricity, susceptibility to attack or massive damage effects.

At 10th level a Deterrent does not need a spotter to kast Uplink protocols. Range and line of effect can be established from any point the Deterrent chooses.
If the Deterrent uses a spotter and both adhere to the procedure outlined under Ominiscience above the kast DC of the protocol is only modified by +5.
If the Deterrent uses a spotter and both adhere to the procedure outlined under Uplink above the kast DC of the protocol is not modified.

AW: The Red Star

Find ich beide gut... obwohl ich nicht ganz überschaue, ob sei ausbalanciert sind...
AW: The Red Star

So, erste Änderungen:

Bei der WTA Sorceress wird das Skill Emphasis Class Feature ersatzlos gestrichen. Ausserdem ändert sich die Reihenfolge der Advanced Trainings für Field Sorceress und Staff Sorceress. Bei der Field Sorceress ist jetzt Improvisation Advanced Training I, und Relay Orders wird zu Advanced Training II. Bei der Staff Sorceress wird Seize the Initiative Advanced Training II, und Meticolous Planning Advanced Training III.

Beim WTA Officer wird Comfort limitiert. Jeder Charakter kann nur einmal pro Tag von einer gegebenen Comfort Fähigkeit (shaken, fatigued und so weiter) profitieren.

Für Deterrents ändern sich die Uplink Fähigkeiten (Uplink, Omniscience und Omnipresence). Bevor eine dieser Fähigkeiten eingesetzt werden kann ist erst ein Satellitenbild der jeweiligen Gegend notwendig. Dies erfodert einen Computer Use Check gegen eine DC 20 (modifiziert nach Gelände, Wetter, Wichtigkeit der Mission und Satellitenabdeckung (es fliegen weniger Satelliten über das Roof of the World als über die WTA beispielsweise)). Dieser Check erfodert 1 Minute. Retries sind möglich. Take 10 und Take 20 sind ebenfalls möglich.
Ausserdem ändert sich auch More Machine than Woman. Die Purchase DC der attachments wird nicht für PL oder Restriction modifiziert. Ausserdem entfällt auch die Regel bezüglich der maximalen Zahl von Attachments.
Disable Device wird zum Class Skill für Deterrents.

AW: The Red Star

Mehr Änderungen:

Eine Deterrent braucht für den Einsatz von Uplink Protokollen eine Uplink Protocol Station.

AW: The Red Star

Echt coole Sachen.

Mal sehen - falls es mir tatsächlich gelingen sollte, meine Leute irgendwann für eine kurze Runde RS zu motivieren, täte ich meinen Kampagnenentwurf dafür sogar noch anpassen wollen. ;)
AW: The Red Star

Nächstes Projekt: Werte für einen WTA air carrier.

Auf irgendeinem Schiff müssen die ganzen Transnationalisten ja auch sitzen, mit denen man sich als aufrechter Rotflottist dann herumschlägt.

AW: The Red Star

Eher als Fingerübung, wobei ich auch ein paar Ideen im Kopf habe, bei denen tatsächlich eine Konfrontation mit der WTA droht - auch wenn der Schwerpunkt dann wohl darauf liegen würde den (Welt-)Krieg zu vermeiden.

AW: The Red Star

Weil man für einen Air Carrier auch Waffen braucht, und er auch irgendetwas tragen muss, erweitere ich meine selbstgewählte Aufgabe einmal um Fahrzeugwaffen, einen WTA Krawl, einen APK sowie ein oder zwei Flugzeuge (Kampf und Transport?).
Wenn da etwas fehlen sollte, einfach Bescheid geben.

AW: The Red Star

Gab's so was wie Drop Ships oder VTOL-Truppentransporter? Oder Helikopter? (Ich weiß nicht was ein APK ist.)
AW: The Red Star

Im Comic gibt es ein Bild, das so etwas darstellen könnte (daran dachte ich auch, als ich das "Transport" in Klammern hinter Flugzeuge setzte ;)), die Rote Flotte scheint so etwas allerdings nicht zu nutzen sondern auf Gating zu setzen.

Armored Personnel Karrier.

Oben Unten