The Red Star The Red Star

AW: The Red Star

Mit jedem Stufenanstieg würfelt man Profession somit erhält man Wealth...
Eine Ability, die ich mir vorstellen könnte ist, Deterrents können take 20 auf ihren Wealth check nehmen, wenn sie damit Cybernetic Attechments einkaufen...
Da ich mich mit cybernetic attechments nicht so auskenne, weiß ich auch nicht wie krass das ist...
aber man kann es über wealth und stufenanstieg regeln...
AW: The Red Star

Man kann immer Take 20 bei Wealth checks nehmen. ;)

Dann sind also Cybernetic Attachments in deiner Vision von Red Star frei erhältlich? Was ist dann das Besondere, das besonders Gefürchtete an den Deterrents?

AW: The Red Star

Ich hab nicht ganz so viel Ahnung... (hab die comics nicht gelesen und auch kein d20 modern bei mir stehen...)
Aber wenn sie wie du sagt nicht frei erhältlich sind, dann sag doch einfach das Deterrents freien Zugriff auf cybernetic attachments kriegen, sie halt nur geld dafür ausgeben müssen und die sache hat sich...
Oder hab ich schon wieder was übersehen?
AW: The Red Star

Ja. Das die Deterrents ihre Attachments vermutlich nicht selber bezahlen. Und da bin ich mir ungefähr ebenso sicher, wie damit, dass ein Deckkaster "seine" Skyfurnace nicht selber bezahlt. ;)

AW: The Red Star

Die frage ist ob das von relevants ist...
Sagen wir einfach eine deterrent kriegt freien Zugriff auf CA, muss sich aber jeden Stufenanstieg nach dem Professionwurf eine kaufen oder so...
Das was übrigbleibt ist, dass deterrents einfach etwas schlechter bezahlt werden mehr nicht... stört das?
AW: The Red Star

Vielleicht werden sie ja sogar besser bezahlt, aber die Lebenerhaltungskosten sind höher... Wealth ist ja absolut abstrakt... ^^
AW: The Red Star

Deterrents könnte man natürlich auch per Template realisieren...

...wobei mir die Idee einer Klasse mittlerweile (also seit ein paar Monaten :p) eigentlich sehr gut gefällt.

AW: The Red Star

Eine Advanced Class meinst du? Das wäre mir, ohne da etwas zu sagen zu haben, am liebsten und am einleuchtendsten. :)
AW: The Red Star

Kein Wunder, schließlich hast du mich dazu überredet. :p

Aber vor der Advanced Class für Deterrents kommt erst einmal eine normale Grundklasse WTA Sorceress.

AW: The Red Star

Ich gebe zu, ich hab mein Buch zu Indoktrinationszwecken schon ewig verliehen und kann mich nicht genau erinnern. Bei Modern gab's die Base Classes (Smart, Strong etc.) und die Advanced Classes. Gab's da auch noch andere Base Classes? Oder meinst du eine Advanced Class als Voraussetzung für eine weitere (Sorceress -> Deterrent)? (Ist schon spät und hier ist sehr warm...)

Ich melde mich schon mal in der Terminierungskammer...
AW: The Red Star

Red Star verwendet eigene Grundklassen mit 20 Leveln (im Gegensatz zu den Modern Klassen mit 10), darunter finden sich aber keine WTA Klassen, da Deterrent aber eine Advanced Class für WTA Charaktere wäre (und eben auch für die Schläferagentin, die das alles inspiriert hat) möchte ich mittlerweile nicht mehr nur den Deterrent als 10 Level Advanced Class, sondern auch noch eine 20 Level WTA Sorceress Klasse zusammenstellen.

AW: The Red Star

Ah, jetztweiß ich wieder. Und in dem Licht scheint mir dein Ansatz auch der logischste.

Werden eigentlich irgendwo noch andere mögliche "Spezialisierungen" für WTA-Zauberinnen angedeutet?
AW: The Red Star

Nicht wirklich. Wobei die Ausrüstung der WTA ja massiv Protokoll gestützt zu sein scheint, insofern wird es wohl sehr viele Zauberinnen in der Industrie geben.

AW: The Red Star

Da ist sie:

Western Transnational Alliance Sorceress

Hit Die: 1d6
Action Points: 6 + one-half character level, rounded down, every time the character attains a new level in this class.

Class Skills
The Western Transnational Alliance Sorceress’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are as follows.
Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Concentration (Con), Craft (any) (Int), Demolitions (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Drive (Dex), Gather Information (Cha), Kast (Int), Knowledge (any) (Int), Investigate (Wis), Navigate (Int), Pilot (Dex), Profession (Wis), Read/Write Language (none), Repair (Int), Research (Int), Search (Int), Sense Motive (Wis), Spot (Wis) and Treat Injury (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: (7 + Int Modifier) x 4.
Skill Points at Each Level: 7 + Int Modifier.
Required Allegiance: The Western Transnational Alliance Armed Forces

Starting Feats
In addition to the two feats all characters get at 1st level, a Western Transnational Alliance Sorceress begins play with the Armor Proficiency (light), Personal Firearms Proficiency, and Simple Weapons Proficiency feats.

Starting Equipment
OPS pistol and three magazines of bullets, Knife, Crew Vest, Dress Uniform, Protocol Component Case. Starting Wealth Bonus +4.

Class Base Attack  Fort  Ref   Will  Defense  Reputation   Class  
Level    Bonus     Save  Save  Save   Bonus      Bonus    Features
 1st      +0        +0    +0    +2     +0          +1    Starting protocols
 2nd      +1        +0    +0    +3     +0          +1    Bonus feat
 3rd      +1        +1    +1    +3     +1          +2    Reactive KPS Safety Wards
 4th      +2        +1    +1    +4     +1          +2    Extra effort 1/day, protocol
 5th      +2        +1    +1    +4     +1          +3    Bonus feat, skill emphasis
 6th      +3        +2    +2    +5     +1          +3    Advanced training I,
 7th      +3        +2    +2    +5     +2          +4    Protocol
 8th      +4        +2    +2    +6     +2          +4    Bonus feat, extra effort 2/day
 9th      +4        +3    +3    +6     +2          +5    Improved KPS Safety Wards
10th      +5        +3    +3    +7     +2          +5    Protocol, skill emphasis
11th      +5        +3    +3    +7     +3          +6    Bonus feat
12th      +6/+1     +4    +4    +8     +3          +6    Advanced training II, extra effort 3/day
13th      +6/+1     +4    +4    +8     +3          +7    Protocol
14th      +7/+2     +4    +4    +9     +3          +7    Bonus feat
15th      +7/+2     +5    +5    +9     +4          +8    Emergency KPS Safety Wards, skill emphasis
16th      +8/+3     +5    +5    +10    +4          +8    Protocol, supreme effort 1/day
17th      +8/+3     +5    +5    +10    +4          +9    Bonus feat
18th      +9/+4     +6    +6    +11    +4          +9    Advanced training III
19th      +9/+4     +6    +6    +11    +5          +10   Protocol
20th      +10/+5    +6    +6    +12    +5          +10   Bonus feat, skill emphasis, supreme effort 2/day

  Advanced Training  Level Field Sorceress  Staff Sorceress       Support Sorceress
Advanced Training I    6    Relay Orders     Inner Reserves        Miniaturization
Advanced Training II  12    Improvisation    Meticulous Planning   Strife for Excellency
Advanced Training III 18    Swift Kasting    Seize the Initiative  Experimental Protocol Use

Class Features
All of the following are class features of the Western Transnational Alliance sorceress class.

Starting Protocols
A 1st level WTA sorceress may select a number of protocols equal to her intelligence modifier +1 (minimum 1) from the list of WTA protocols as her starting protocols.

Bonus Feats
At 2nd level and every three levels thereafter, the WTA Sorceress gets a bonus feat. The bonus feat must be selected from the following list, and the WTA Sorceress must meet all the prerequisites of the feat to select it.

Advanced Firearms Proficiency, Aircraft Operation, Attentive, Builder, Brawl, Burst Fire, Combat Martial Arts, Combat Expertise, Combat Reflexes, Cyborg, Defensive Martial Arts, Educated, Focused, Gearhead, Gunnery, Heroic Surge, Improved Combat Martial Arts, Improved Initiative, Iron Will, Logistician, Protocol Gunnery, Renown, Sorcery Expert, Surgery, Surface Vehicle Operation, Strafe, Vehicle Expert and Weapon Focus.

Reactive KPS Saftey Wards
At 3rd level a WTA sorceress gains Reactive KPS Safety Wards. If the damage from kasting a protocol would be enough to render a sorceress with engaged Reactive KPS Safety Wards unconcious the Reactive KPS Safety Wards kick in and negate the damage, this causes the protocol to fail. Reactive KPS Safety Wards can be disengaged as a free action without also dropping the normal KPS Safety Wards, or they can be disengaged as part of the free action taken to drop normal KPS Safety Wards.

Extra Effort
At 4th level, a WTA Sorceress may once per day put extra effort into kasting a protocol, rerolling the result of a Kast check. The result of the second roll must be accepted even if it is worse than the first roll. A single Kast check can only be rerolled once. At 8th and 12th level a WTA sorceress gains an additional use of Extra Effort per day.

At 4th level and every three levels thereafter, a WTA sorceress learns a new protocol. This must be chosen from the list of WTA protocols.

Skill Emphasis
At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a WTA Sorceress selects a single class skill and receives a +3 bonus on all checks with that skill.

Advanced Training
At 6th level, a WTA Sorceress selects wether she will undergo advanced training as a Field Sorceress, Staff Sorceress or Support Sorceress. At 6th level and every six levels thereafter she gains certain special abilities depending on the career she chose.

Experimental Protocol Use: Once per day at 18th level a Support Sorceress can try to Kast a protocol she does not know. She has to have access to the neccessary protocol components, though she is treated as if she had not (i.e. suffers a -10 penalty to the Kast check and cannot take 10 or 20).

Improvisation: At 12th level a Field Sorceress can spend an Action point to cancel the -10 penalty to a Kast check made without the necessary protocol components.

Inner Reserves: At 6th level a Staff Sorceress can draw upon her inner reserves by taking a free action to spend an action point to immediately heal an amount of non-lethal damage equal to her character level.

Meticulous Planning: At 12th level a Staff Sorceress gains the ability to successfully plan large scale protocol use in advance. To do so, the Staff Sorceress declares what protocol she wishes to kast, as well as any number of effects normally gained from dropping KPS Safety Wards (excluding a reduction in kasting time) she wants to apply to the protocol. For each declared effect the Sorceress has to take a fullround action to make a Kast check against the normal Kasting DC of the protocol + the number of effects applied to it, after these rounds the protocol has to be kast immediately on the Sorceress' next action. The kasting time of the protocol increases to one fullround action, and both the Kast DC and the nonlethal damage is increased by the number of additional effects. If the Sorceress is interrupted at any point during the process the protocol fails. Meticulous planning cannot be combined with dropping KPS Safety Wards or Overkasting.

Miniaturization: At 6th level a Support Sorceress gains access to miniaturized versions of her protocol components, weighting only 1/10 of the normal amount.

Relay Orders: A Field Sorceress of 6th level which receives benefits from another characters abilities such as Tactical Aid or Inspiration is treated as having the same ability herself, as long as she continues to benefit from the other characters use of the ability.

Seize the Initiative: A Staff Sorceress of 18th level may spend an action point to act as the first character in a round of combat, instead of acting during her normal initiative count.

Strife for Excellency: A Support Sorceress of 12th level may spend action points on skill checks, even when taking 10 or 20.

Swift Kasting: At 18th level a Field Sorceress can Kast a protocol that normally would require a standard action as a free action, or a protocol that would require a fullround action as a standard action. Swift Kasting can be combined with dropping the KPS Safety Wards to reduce the time needed for kasting a protocol from a fullround action to a free action.

Improved KPS Safety Wards
At 9th level a WTA sorceress gains Improved KPS Safety Wards. The non-lethal damage caused by kasting a protocol is reduced by one die type. This benefit is lost, when the sorceress drops her KPS Safety Wards.

Emergency KPS Safety Wards
At 15th level a WTA sorceress gains Emergency KPS Safety Wards. If the damage from kasting a protocol without KPS Safety Wards would be sufficient to reduce a sorceress to -1 to -9 hitpoints her Emergency KPS Safety Wards will immediately stabilize her. Emergency KPS Safety Wards also function when a sorceress overkasts.

Supreme Effort
At 16th level, a WTA Sorceress may once per day put supreme effort into kasting a protocol, rolling two dice for the Kast check and selecting the better result. Supreme Effort cannot be combined with Extra Effort. At 20th level a WTA sorceress gains an additional use of Extra Effort per day.

-Die Liste der WTA Protokolle ist der Einfachheit halber erst einmal identisch mit den URRS Protokollen.-

AW: The Red Star

Wie darf ich das verstehen? :D

Bei der Reihenfolge der Advanced Training Fähigkeiten bin ich mir noch nicht ganz sicher, und bei Swift Kasting denke ich über zusätzliche Kosten (beispielsweise Action Points) nach.

Auch bin ich am Überlegen die Liste an Class Skills zu kürzen, und eventuell das Skill Emphasis Feature zu streichen.

Oben Unten