Newsmeldungen zu Earthdawn




ch mein schön sind sie ja. Keine Frage. Ich wollte mir auf der letzten Spiel sogar Würfel des Anbieters holen. Aber die Preise… Fudge Würfel. Vier Euro. Einer! Grad jagd die Nachricht durch den Äther das Red Brick ( Earthdawn, Fading Suns, Equinox) in Zusammenarbeit mit Q-Workshop dem Polnischen Würfelhersteller Earthdawn Würfel entwickelte. Schön sind diese auch wieder, und wieder liebäugle ich mit einem Kauf. Aber bitteschön knapp 15 Peitschen für ein Würfelset?: In Worten Fünfzehn. Nicht ganz richtig eigentlich nur Vierzehneuroneunzig. Die 3.90€ für den Versand machen das Kraut dann auch nimmer Fett. Mehr sag ich nicht…

Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
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Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Earthdawn, Equinox, Fading Suns, Fudge, Q-Workshop, Red Brick, Workshop
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RedBrick Limited is pleased to announce that it has signed contracts with Mongoose Publishing to publish new editions of their Earthdawn, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, Age of Legend 4e, and Equinox game lines under Mongoose Publishing’s Flaming Cobra imprint, already famous for such popular games as Dragon Warriors and Spycraft 2.0.Under this arrangement, RedBrick Limitedretains full creative control of writing, design, editing, and layout.Mongoose Publishing will handle printing, marketing, sales, anddistribution.The first RedBrick Limited products to be released under the Flaming Cobra imprint will be available in game stores worldwide from July 2009, starting with Earthdawn Third Edition, before moving into the product release schedules for our other game lines.After five years honing its skills as a game publisher on the Earthdawn Classic and Fading Suns Second Edition game lines, and being among the forefront of RPG publishers embracing the digital and print-on-demand publishing models, RedBrick Limited are excited to be working with Mongoose Publishing and taking the next step toward bringing our games to a wider audience. Mongoose Publishing are the “perfect partner” for RedBrick Limited and everyone on board the ‘Brick looks forward to a lengthy collaboration with the Mongoose team under the hood of the Flaming Cobra.More information on RedBrick’s product releases will be published on Mongoose’s web site at and RedBrick\'s company web site at Limited is headquartered in Auckland, New Zealand. Age of Legend4e™ is a trademark of RedBrick Limited. Equinox™ is a trademark of RedBrick Germany. Earthdawn® is a registered trademark of FASA Corporation. Fading Suns™ is a trademark of Holistic Design Inc. Blue Planet™ is a trademark of Biohazard Games. Flaming Cobra™ is a trademark of Mongoose Publishing. All used under license.

von RedBrick Limited




ongoose Publishing und Red Brick Limited haben eine Kooperation eingegangen und werden zukünftig gemeinsam die Rollenspiel Earthdawn, Fading Suns, Blue Planet, Age of Legend 4e und Equinox unter dem Mongooschen Label Flaming Cobra veröffentlichen. Mit Dragon Warriors und Spycraft 2.0. hat dies auch schon gefruchtet. Red brick tritt dabei aber voll und ganz als Entwickler der Spielsysteme auf während Mongoose den Bereich Druck, Marketing, Vertrieb und Verkauf übernehmen. Zum Flaming Cobra Imprint heißt es:

Flaming Cobra is a new imprint by Mongoose Publishing, designed to bring the very best of PDF and ‘Indy’ RPG publishers to a wider market in your local games stores and book shops.

We have combed the world to find these indy publishers and design studios and are confident that our partners are second to none. Already you will find Crafty Games has joined Flaming Cobra, bringing Spycraft with them, to stand alongside other titles such as Dragon Warriors, and the Gentleman’s edition of Baron Munchausen.

If you are looking for gaming with a difference, the Flaming Cobra partners have just what you are looking for.

Die Meldung zur Kooperation in voller Länge:

Mongoose Publishing is pleased to announce that we have signed contracts
with RedBrick Limited to publish new editions of the Earthdawn, Fading Suns,
Blue Planet, Age of Legend 4e, and Equinox game lines under our Flaming
Cobra imprint, already famous for such popular games as Dragon Warriors and
Spycraft 2.0.

Under this arrangement, RedBrick Limited retains full creative control of
writing, design, editing, and layout. Mongoose Publishing will handle
printing, marketing, sales, and distribution.

The first RedBrick Limited products to be released under the Flaming Cobra
imprint will be available in game stores worldwide from July 2009, starting
with Earthdawn Third Edition, before moving into the product release
schedules for our other game lines.


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
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(Digital Fingerprint:
e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Age of Legend 4e, Baron Munchausen, Blue Planet, Cobra, Crafty Games, Dragon Warriors, Earthdawn, Equinox, Fading Suns, Flaming Cobra, Mongoose, Mongoose Publishing, Redbrick Limited, Spycraft, Spycraft 2.0
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Player’s Guide und Gamemaster’s Guide

Neues aus dem Hause RedBrick ( ja Dammi ich weiß
) gibt es zu vermelden. Genauer zu deren Lizenz-Version des Rollenspiels Earthdawn. Die dritte Edition mittlerweile im Druck und so präsentieren die Neuseeländer bis zur Veröffentlichung kleine Previews. Den Beginn machen die Cover von Player’s Guide und Gamemaster’s Guide. Im Original heißt es dazu:

It’s been a while since the last announcement, but you can probably guess that the past three months were pretty intensive for us. A couple of days ago, we sent the Earthdawn Third Edition core rulebooks, the Player’s Guide and the Gamemaster’s Guide off to the printers. We worked very hard on the new edition, and we’re very excited and proud on our team: everyone involved went above and beyond of what we had expected. The result is … stunning to say the least.


To sweeten the wait for the release of the new edition, we will feature a handful of previews over the next weeks. While we start off small, presenting you the new cover artwork (see below), each follow-up installment will look at a major aspect of the Earthdawn game system and detail how things have changed with the new edition. Stay tuned!

Sacklzement was würd ich mir die Teile in Deutsch wünschen…


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Earthdawn, RedBrick
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Vorschau au Earthdawn

Red Brick bescheren uns eine weitere Vorschau zur kommenden dritten Edition des Rollenspiels Earthdawn. Diesmal sind es die Disziplinen. Quasi Dreh und Angelpunkt des ganzen Systems und der Welt Barsaive. Das Layout macht jedenfalls schon einen mehr als guten Eindruck auf mich, was bei dem Verlag auch zu erwarten war. Im Original heißt es:

To sweeten the wait for the release of the first two Earthdawn Third Edition core rulebooks, the Player’s Guide and the Gamemaster’s Guide, we are featuring a handful of previews over the next weeks. In each installment, we look at a major aspect of the Earthdawn game system and detail how things have changed with the new edition.
In this first preview, we start out big by looking at the central feature of the game for most players: Disciplines.


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Barsaive, Earthdawn, Red Brick, Rollenspiel
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Wiedermal Scribd, aber diesmal doch was besonderes. Scheinbar hat Degenesis-Schöpfer Christian Günther sich einen Account zugelegt und stellt dort seine alten Abenteuer zum download bereit. Dazu schreibt er:

I present my roleplaying adventures for games like Shadowrun, Cyberpunk 2020, Warhammer RPG and Call of Cthulhu. Have fun playing them. All the stuff is only available in german language.

Wer also Lust hat sich ein paar Abenteuer zu saugen der sollte beherzt zugreifen.
Mit Die Nacht war stürmisch steht ein Call Of Cthulhu Abenteuer in Hamburg des Jahres 1923 zur Verfügung, während mit
Mars 96 ein Cyberpunk2020 Plott wartet. Weiterhin gibt es Die Trägerin der Schmerzen, ein Earthdawn Abenteuer,
Die Asche des Phönix und Das Fenster zum Hof sind Shadowruns während Lyrans Fluch ein Warhammer Abenteuer aus der WunderWelten ist.


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
(Digital Fingerprint:
e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Call of Cthulhu, Christian Günther, Cyberpunk, Cyberpunk 2020, Cyberpunk2020, Degenesis, Earthdawn, Shadowrun, Warhammer
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Earthdawn Fanzine

Ein neues Fanzine hat das Licht der Welt erblickt. Wenn du ein Earthdawn begeisterter Rollenspieler bist dürfte dich diese Meldung sicherlich freuen. Das Fanzine welches voll von Spielern geschriebenem* ist stellt auf 17 Seiten allerhand Material zur Verfügung. Neben neuen Gegnern die von Kreis 1-15 reichen widmet sich die Redaktion auch der Frage Role-play – vs- Roll-play. Aber seht euch das gute Stück mal ruhig selber an


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Rollenspiel gibts beim Sphärenmeister
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Earthdawn, Fanzine, Rollenspiel, Tableau Infractus
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Unglaublich aber Wahr!

Genauer in Witten! und ganz genau auf meinem Heimweg eine Begegnung der dritten Art. Allerdings ein gar gruseliges Bild für Freunde des Volkes der Obsidianer aus dem Rollenspiel Earthdawn. Der abgeschlagene Kopf wird einfach so in aller Öffentlichkeit zur Schau gestellt und niemand stört sich drann. Nein sogar feierlich plaketiert ist die Greultat. Ein heimstätte namens Annatol der Obsidianer ist mir nicht bekannt aber ich habe längst nicht jeden Winkel Barsaives bereist. Tinnitus so der Name des gefallenen ist wohlweislich besiegt worden von einem Schüler Josef Beuys. Der Name lässt auf einen Menschen schließen alleridngs nicht auf seine Disziplin. Merwürdig das ganze…

Wer sich das ganze aus der Nähe betrachten möchte:

Johannisstraße 17
58452 Witten


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Rollenspiel gibts beim Sphärenmeister
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Barsaive, Earthdawn, GamesIn, RedBrick, Rollenspiel
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Preisbindung aufgehoben

Tellurian der Dortmunder Rollenspiel-Laden meldet das bei einer ganzen Reihe von deutschen Earthdawn Artikeln die Preisbindung aufgehoben wurde. Prompt reagiert der Händler mit angebundenem Onlinehsop und reduzierte diese Artikel stark. Wer also Earthdawn spielt sollte mal nachsehen ob ihm die ein oder andere Sache fehlt um so günstig an das gute Stück zu kommen.


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Rollenspiel gibts beim Sphärenmeister
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Dortmund, Earthdawn, Tellurian
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Earthdawn Produkte billiger

Erst kürzlich berichtete ich davon das der Rollenspiel Laden Tellurian die Preise für Earthdawn-Produkte aufgrund der aufhebung der Preisbindung senken konnte. Nun zieht auch der Sphärenmiester nach. Ein Vergleich der beiden Händler lohnt sich denn das ein oder andere Quellenbuch ist hier und da günstiger


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Rollenspiel gibts beim Sphärenmeister
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Earthdawn, Quellenbuch, Rollenspiel, Sphärenmeister, Tellurian
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Earthdawn Fanzine Wir werden demnächst wohl Earthdawn mit Savage Worlds Regeln spielen klar das nun mein Radar auch wieder ein wenig mehr in diese Richtung geht. Ich hab ein nettes aktuelles kleines Fanzine zum Thema Earthdawn gefunden. Das Fanzine Tableau Infractus ist in seiner sechsten Ausgabe erscheinen. Die Anderen Ausgaben im übrigen sind auch erreichbar [...]

Alright, so Burning Desires is almost ready to roll. We've been fixing up entries for the Earthdawn Adventure Resource in the past weeks, slowly filling up the cache of adventures. There's still a couple more to come at this stage. My question is: what do you think about it--is it valuable to you? Would you contribute? What could be better about it, where can we improve? Please discuss this in the thread associated to this entry!

A new novel has been finished as well. Defiler's Curse< is the first Earthdawn novel by Donovan Winch, who you might recognize as a long-term member of our development team. The book will be available shortly on Lulu and DriveThrough.

I'm currently working through a stack of files containing Earthdawn legends (and related snippets), trying to wrestle them all into a viable book concept. This includes the submissions of last year's contest of course, which will make the rounds in our development team next month (and probably beyond) while we determine the winners.

Earthdawn Third Edition Development

The Legends of Earthdawn are now in editing! Besides going through the original two books and updating the creatures and items to Third Edition standards, we are also going through the submissions from the Legends of Earthdawn open call. There is a lot of work to be done yet here, but we are starting on it.

Cathay Quest

Back to Heng Na

The group left Mu Li and proceeded to go to the River Jang. Ushuku river pirates then attacked them. The Ushuku were defeated handily with one brutally crushed by a stomp by a chariot horse at Dar

GenCon Hoo!!!

Too long again... ACK! At least I have a better excuse this time, by the name of Daniel (see below)

I'm psyched to be heading to GenCon again this year! I'll be sporting my RedBrick T-shirt again for most of it (thanks to undershirts and laundry services), so if ya see me, PLEASE by all means say "hi" and introduce yourself!! This year, I'm also signed up for more events and really excited about the opening gaming library area, so I'm looking forward to enjoying it!!!! Unfortunately the RedBrick contingent will be much smaller this year at GenCon, but I am really look forward to seeing James, Dawn, and Jacques again.

As for said events, I'm in a Puerto Rico tournament, a Conquest of Nerath tournament (we'll see how badly my first play goes ;)... although I've read the rules many-a-time), three Dragon Dice tournaments/playtests, and a night of True Dungeon! I'm also hoping to crash one of Bogie's games with generics, but we'll see how that goes ;)....

So, in other news.... my fifth son was born on June 5th! He weighed in at a massive 11 lbs. 12 oz. and set a record for head circumference with our midwife (who's delivered >1000 babies in her life). His name is Daniel and he's been a real joy so far, although I'm quite thankful I've had the summer off to help my wife with the major adjustments still involved. He's nearly 2 months old now and a great sleeper at night.... still working on a regular day schedule though...

Over the summer I competed in that online international Hive tournament I mentioned (endorsed by the designer and everything). I highly recommend the site: for any interested in playing Hive or a WIDE variety of abstracts online against quite competent AIs (for most games, some are not so good) or against the nice people there. I'm DrRaven over there (go fig, huh? ;)), and I'll leave it to the actually curious to see how far I got, but let's just say while I didn't win the whole thing, I'm really happy for how it went!!! It was a blast!

My new hobby this summer has also be making boardgames... as in knock-offs of already produced boardgames. I think I ended up making about 20 such games (mostly abstracts, but some strategy games too), that while a touch crude are completely playable. I hope to break a few out at GenCon, but have already tried a few with my wife. Santorini is one of the favorites and one of the best looking. Although Dynasties went over well with her too.

So.... after all that...


First, Vampire City saw some more love as Dammi made up the cover and we hashed out some snappy text for the back cover. I'm really excited to see a game book with my name right on the cover (along with our very own Angus McNicholl), and am also excited about the game and hope people can really sink their teeth into it and have a lot of fun with it!

Second, I FINALLY finished my chapter on Mystic Energy (aka "magic") in the Equinox universe!!! It covers a wide range of topics from spirits to the astral plane, from mystical materials to the Seven Laws of Mystic Energy. I am particularly proud of some of the new names and theming for some old concepts (carry-overs from Earthdawn, same universe after all, just MUCH later), but until those are finalized I don't want to leak too much ;). It ended up at 27 pages, so I hope Dammi doesn't cut too much ;-P, although it might just get plundered and divied up to other applicable parts of the book and that would be fine too, just not preserve the narrative structure. Dammi has been a machine at designing Mystic Powers (read: "talents" taken up a notch!) and the team waits with bated breath to see all 135 of them he's got on paper (I kid you not, yes that many). Other mechanical discussions continue and writing of the GM sections has been underway as well. There's still a lot to do, but things are defintely moving! I can't wait to share the Eighth World with y'all!!!

Third, I've been rather quiet on the Earthdawn front... I've been itching to jump back into one project or another though... Hank's adventure in Landis, Grinder's secret project, and Legends of Earthdawn are all being worked on by others now, so I just have to pick one... not sure I'll have time to do more than one right now... I'm also leaning towards editing, as that Mystic Energy chapter took a lot out of me as far as writing goes. I also had REALLY wanted to prep an ED adventure to playtest... erm... GM as a pick-up game at GenCon. This was to be based on a shard idea I had pitched to the team over two years ago. Sadly, I haven't had time yet to flesh out the mechanical bits I'd need, BUT.... I still have 1.5 days... maybe I can squeeze it in.... we'll see! Keep your fingers crossed Bogie, I might just pull it off... (but don't hold your breath, quite yet, sorry....) If I do pull it off, I do hope to write it up as a Shard, so maybe everyone here might see it one day (there I said, hopefully I'll do it ;))

Fourth, I've heard Fading Suns 3E is chugging along nicely, and nearly got roped into some editing there... maybe that would scratch my editing itch... BUT... for the moment I'm holding off as my semester starts up in 3 weeks and I have a bunch of writing to do for work as well. We'll see if James and Angus can finish persuading me in the near future ;), or if Dammi can keep his claws fully in me.

Lastly, there's been some VERY preliminary discussion of an Earthdawn boardgame or two... with my passion for boardgames I had thrown out a few crazy ideas, and found an old one almost ready to playtest had been kicking around in the minds of an old timer and a current dev member. I got passed the info and brainstormed a bunch to flesh some bits out, but so far it remains on backburner... for both me and RedBrick. Maybe one day this'll see the light of day in some form, but it's a long way off right now.... but... watch this space! There may be more news on it from the netherworlds if it starts moving some more.

That's all for now... back to the astral realms I go... but first....

SEE YA AT GenCon Indy 2011!!!


Cathay Quest


Character Bios
Shawn: Zidane;
A po na archer from the Jungle of Endless Wandering. An experienced tracker, hunter, and guardian for his tribe, he recently had a fit of wanderlust that led him to the Imperial Capital out of curiosity where he met the group in combat in defense of the city from the swarms of undead coming from the mansion of Jurou. Joshua: Van Ulong;
A human Puppeteer cursed into becoming a stone statue by a Fifteenth Circle Puppeteer gone insane and was attempting to eliminate everyone else in his Discipline to become the last Puppeteer. The group found his petrified body buried to his head in a mountain ledge and one his dolls that had fallen from his backpack. Vek recharged the doll and figured out a way to break the curse. He joined the group to pay back his life debt to them for saving him.
The Cure For Evil

I planned to get in a random encounter with Snow Leopards, but a new player arrived and made a character instead. So I skipped that random encounter and instead when the players arrived at the Imperial Capital of Huan Wang, I had the battle between the animated dead and the champions of the Imperial City happen with them involved. Shawn

Raven did a good job recapping the trip, but I thought I'd add my own 2 cents on the event.

Our own trip began with a side-excursion to see Muse at the Verizon Wireless Music Center. (It was our anniversary present.) The stage show was absolutely amazing. If you like their music and ever get the chance to go, it is worth every penny.

At the Con, we enjoyed the company of two other RedBrick team members and friends, not to mention a great Earthdawn GM, Bogie. Bogie has long been a fan and supporter of Earthdawn and has been running games at Gen Con long enough to have his own fan club that look for him each year.

Part of the job of being in the game publishing business is that though you get to go to conventions and meet the writers, artists, and publishers that create our favorite games, you also don't have much time left for gaming. The day is filled with meetings and proposals and making new business contacts to make your business better. However, we did manage to cut out some time to play Raven's 7th circle Earthdawn game and one of Bogie's 2nd circle Cathayan (ED)adventures.

James took some time and sat in on some industry seminars and I, again, checked out the belly dancing classes. Both were excellent fun.

We grabbed a copy of Cubicle 7's new release, 'The One Ring' and the limited edition map to go with it. We're Lord of the Rings fans, what can we say?

James also had a chance to catch up with another Kiwi, Christopher Yates after his stage show as Rusty Balls. I always enjoy listening to the New Zealand accent and listening to Christoper and James trade stories was frosting on the cake for me.

We met a few fans of all of our game lines and we do encourage you to use those addresses listed on the business cards and write us. We'd love to hear from you.

Cathay Quest



After the defeat of Jurou Urameshii, the samurai veteran guard

Earthdawn Development
Work on Legends of Earthdawn continues apace. I added some more creatures, spirits, and Horrors to the files this week, so more Game Information on the way for Game Masters to work with.

Cathay Quest


I began the session with a solo section featuring Jason

digitale Earthdawn Inhalte Nachdem ich über den aktuellen Earthdawn 3. Edition Ausverkauf bei Mongoose Publishing berichtet wurden nun auch die Preise für die Earthdawn E-Books angepasst. Bevor wilde Spekulationen ausbrechen ob RedBrick eine neue Version vorbereiten hier die offizielle Meldung aus dem RedBrick Forum: Just posted a News item to say that Mongoose are having a big sale on Earthdawn Third Edition books. We have lowered the prices on our PDF eBooks to match. Before any panic sets in, Earthdawn Third Edition isn’t going away and neither are RedBrick. We have a number of Earthdawn Third Edition books in the pipeline (Lost Dynasty, Legends of Earthdawn, Nations of Barsaive V: Blood Wood, and Elven Nations, among others) and plan to expand and move ED3 forwards. And no, there is no ED4 under development … With all the recent changes going on, however, it’s fair to say that some Earthdawn fans are running a little scared. Please, there isn’t anything to worry about. There is more change coming up, that is a fact, and we are still ironing out kinks and going through some growing pains. But I wanted to take a moment to let you all know that ED3 is...

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