Cool, danke für den Link!
Bisher ist das meiste genau wie erwartet, das Modulare klingt gut und vernünftig (das Beispiel mit dem Kämpfer ist ziemlich genau 1:1 so, wie ich es mir vorgestellt habe). Die Praxis wird dann natürlich wieder interessant.
Hier eine Playtest-Meinung für die Metagame-Skeptiker:
On that topic, your next move isn’t on your character sheet. You don’t go paging through all your stuff thinking, “Well, I could Bluff this guy.” Nope. We were doing what we thought our characters should do, even if that involved our very NOT charismatic half-orc fighter trying to be a charismatic leader of a band of skeptical savage orcs. Multiple times. In other games, it’s “Okay, who has the highest Charisma? You? Okay, you go talk to those orcs and get them to help us.”
Ka wie das vom System her (!) genau funktionieren soll. Vielleicht haben der DM (Monte Cook), die erfahrene Gruppe und die allgemeine Aufregung um das neue D&D bei dieser Meinung auch ihre Rolle gespielt.

Weiter unten im EN-World-Link stehen noch ein paar Sachen zu Metagame, at-will und daily Effekten (bei Magiern usw).
Noch eine Sache, die viele Leute freuen sollte:
A (Jeremy): Art in the new edition will have a more grounded approach and PCs that appear real, not like superheroes. We have some halflings that look like they ate a few too many muffins and adventurers that barely survived their last battle. Very diverse art.
Well, gentlemen... I approve. :3
Nächster sehr interessanter Punkt:
On to monsters! A lot about monsters ties in to player advancement. Monte said they’d like to keep the iconic monsters like orcs, goblins, kobolds and the like in the game for a long time. But they don’t want a level 1 orc, level 2 orc, level 3 orc. They want a group of orcs to be really scary at level 1 but still significant at level 8, albeit in larger numbers.
So instead of the fighter’s attack bonus going up, up, up every level, maybe it goes up every few levels and he gets other things at the other levels. So you can go back to that orc and know that this is the same exact orc that nearly slaughtered you at level 1. It gives you a bar to see your character advance.
Sie wollen die Power-Gap zwischen den Levels reduzieren? (Lese ich da gerade zwischen den Zeilen.) Wow, nice...! Damit hätte ich zugegebenermaßen zu allerletzt gerechnet, aber es wäre großartig, selbst wenn es keine "realistischen" Maßstäbe annimmt.
Im Großen und Ganzen: Wow. Meine Skepsis nimmt bei diesem Projekt ziemlich früh ab. Eine große Sache, die allerdings noch richtig schief gehen kann, ist die Frage, wie das Ganze in Produkte verpackt, mit Design ausgestattet und letztendlich vertrieben wird. Und, ob es den Aufstand um die Module wert ist. Bis jetzt klingt es aber gut.
Mal sehen.
EN-World Artikel wurde auch extensiv erweitert (geiles Ding, echt).
Bruce: If you're picking up one of those common classes and you're building a character, it shouldn't take more than 15 or 20 minutes to create a character if experienced; a new player might take 30 minutes.
Monte: Magic is taking a broader turn than just spells. In the past we got to the point where everything you encountered in the game had some kind of spell attached to it or that replecated the effect. I really want to go back to the idea that magic is mysterious and wierd and not always entirely definable. I think it's good for the story of the game when the DM can use it to help to define and area or maybe a unique magic item. Things like rituals help us accomplish that - makes things more open ended and more interesting and also takes away some of the focus from the wizard and puts it on other things in the world.
We want to decouple magic items from character progression so they're not needed, and return that exploration and excitement of finding magic items.
Fuck, yeah.
Monte: Addressing the idea that high level play you'll end up with lots of options and more abilities, we are definitely looking at the direction we're
taking high level play. The idea we're looking at is cashing in a lot of your low level abilities or spells and kind of trade them in for one interesting
higher level ability.
Keine 30+ daily Zauber oder Powers? Klingt gut.
We want to get away from jargon and catchphrases, and use natural language instead. "Arcane power source" breaks you out of the game. "I cast arcane spells" doesn't.