Der Variable Posten in der Nahrungskette
- Registriert
- 31. Januar 2006
- Beiträge
- 4.452
AW: Vampire und... Kaugummi?
Ich muss grade an GTA Vice City denken ...
...Da lief ab und an ne Werbung die auch für die Lutscher aus der WoD interesant sein könnte :
GTA Vice City : Salivex Commericals
Ich muss grade an GTA Vice City denken ...
...Da lief ab und an ne Werbung die auch für die Lutscher aus der WoD interesant sein könnte :
GTA Vice City : Salivex Commericals
Female: Do you have dry mouth?
Female #2: I sure do!
Female: It protects your teeth, fights infection, and lubricates
your food.. But what happens when you run out of saliva?
Female #2: Help me, I can't talk!
Female: For personal dryness upstairs, it's Salivex!
Female #3: Wow! I can spit again!
Female: Salivex is more than salive in a can. Salivex improves
consumption efficiency by 50%. No more half-way cures, like coasting your
throat in cooking oil, to have that extra piece of cake, or a bowl of
kitty litter!
Female #2: After a night out, my tongue tasted like carpet! It was
embarrassing. Now with Salivex, I can eat a whole box of crackers, or
lick my life partner's *Stamp Collection* all night!
Male: It's like having a salivation army in my mouth! Now I can suck
a *Lollipop* for as long as I want!
Female: Salivex tastes like your own saliva - that's because at
Salivex's state of the art production facilities, we use 'Salivation
Philanthropists', who make Salivex all day. Salivex, when it comes to
personal dryness upstairs, were deadly serious!