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Pinnacle’s UK demos continue with Dragonmeet in London on December 1st. If you’re in the area, come down and say hi to the hard-working Pinnacle staffers. We’ll have a range of products on sale and Shane Mclean, our UK demo guru will be running Savage Worlds games throughout the day.
More information about the event, how much it costs, and how to get there can be found at on the Dragonmeet website.


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It’s a busy time at our Smith and Robards store right now, as we get ready for the festive season!
Savage Worlds Bennies are back in stock again, and you can grab a set right now in store.
We also have a new T Shirt on sale, the first in a series of Limited Edition designs by our very own Joe Unger. The Savage Worlds shirt features the latest Savage Worlds logo spreading 14 inches across the right shoulder in high quality screen ink. Each shirt is 100% cotton Fruit of the Loom in the standard heavy duty cut. These beauties are the universal black with the touch of Savage bronze ink to set them off, in sizes Small through XXXL, while stocks last.
There are also some great deals on our Savage Style bundles, with great savings on our latest settings when you buy a T Shirt.
And, as if that weren’t enough, we’re also kicking off our Smith and Robards Christmas Sale today, with 10% off all Pinnacle products (excluding shirts and bundles) from now through to Christmas. With so much to choose from, get yourselves over to Smith and Robards now and check out what’s in store!


Kommentare (englisch)
New in store from Talisman Studios is Sean Patrick Fannon’s Shaintar: Immortal,an epic fantasy setting for SavageWorlds.
Also revised and updated to accompany the amazing new look is theShaintar Players’ Guide.
Check out these two great products at our Smith and Robards store (please note, products by Savage Worlds licensees are not included in the Pinnacle Christmas sale).


Kommentare (englisch)
The awesome Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane is now available in pdf format for the first time. Check out this great game in our Smith and Robards store. The 352 page book contains everything you need to play: the Savage Worlds rules, a full Plot Point campaign, and a bestiary packed with savage beasts for your heroes to vanquish.
The pdf comes with a print friendly version, to save ink or toner, should you want to print portions of the book. Better still, the file is part of our Christmas Sale, so it’s at a discount if you snap it up before the 25th!


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We’ve added further products to Smith and Robards again!
The full Digital Adventures line of Savage Worlds products is now available in store. These products for the Fantasy Grounds software include the ruleset, adventures, and tokens for use in your online games.
The guys at 12 to Midnight have been busy too, with a new title: Ed’s midnight Tales. Check out the creepy goings on down at the Smith and Robards store!
Also, the classic Deadlands Epitaphs have been added to the Christmas Sale, so if you’re missing one from your collection, or you fancy a little Christmas Deadlands reading,* stop by and pick up a bargain today.


Kommentare (englisch)
The latest addition to our Smith and Robards store is the Savage Worlds of Solomon Kane Player’s Guide. This great pdf contains the first 114 pages of the full book, containing all the background information and important rules for this great game. It also comes with a site license that lets a GM share it with the players at his table, to help protect his precious hardback!
Better still, the product is part of the Pinnacle Christmas Sale, so for just one more week is available at a special price. Grab a last minute Christmas bargain now and head on over to Smith and Robards.


Kommentare (englisch)
The year ends soon and so will Pinnacle’s sale! We’ve been touting our great deals on our hit games from the past 12 months; Solomon Kane, Pirates of the Spanish, and the 2007 Origins Award winning Deadlands Reloaded.
And now’s the time to get them!
Check out the package deals in Pinnacle’s Smith & Robard’s store and outfit yourself Savage style while you’re at it.
And to get you in the Christmas Spirit, we’ve got a special Christmas Deadlands One Sheet for you, penned by Shane Hensley .
Act quickly Amigos! Once Christmas is gone, so is our sale!


Kommentare (englisch)
Yar me hearties, there’s a boat load of pirates waiting in the Pinnacle Store for you today courtesy of Legion Publishing. Everything and everyone you need to outfit your adventures for the Spanish Main and beyond is in their Age of Piracy pack, complete with stats for Savage Worlds by our own Dave Blewer!
So sail on over and check out the new treasures.


Kommentare (englisch)
With the Savage Worlds Explorer’s Edition selling like hot cakes, we thought it was high time we updated the Savage Worlds Test Drive file to match SWEX’s slinky new look.
If you’re new to Savage Worlds or want to show your friends what all the fuss is about, check out the FREE Savage Worlds Test Drive. With this file, a free One Sheet adventure and a handful of free pre-generated characters, we’ve got everything you need for a great weekend of roleplaying. All you need to do is supply the friends!


Kommentare (englisch)
To complement the updated FREE Savage Worlds Test Drive, we are pleased to offer a new fantasy primer by our own Clint Black.
The Wizards and Warriors fantasy primer offers a few sample races and setting rules to let you launch straight into a high fantasy game Savage Worlds style! Best of all, it’s completely FREE, too. So dust off your trusty blade, adventure awaits!


Kommentare (englisch)
Pinnacle Entertainment is pleased to announce that our latest Savage Worlds setting, Sundered Skies, is at the printers. This 176 page dark fantasy setting is set to make its debut at the Gama Trade Show in Las Vegas in April this year.
Check the Pinnacle website for more details on Sundered Skies, including a pdf preview, over the coming weeks.


Kommentare (englisch)
Green Ronin have made agreements with several publishers that will allow them to support even more of their games. Their first outside deal is with Pinnacle Entertainment Group, which means Freeport is getting SAVAGE! Green Ronin will be releasing the Savage Worlds Freeport Companion PDF in about a month.
Pinnacle’s own Paul “Wiggy” Wade-Williams, author of the Pirates of the Spanish Main and Solomon Kane RPGs, wrote the conversion and, to quote the Green Ronin website, “he did a cracking good job.” Details of the exact release date will be announced nearer the time.


Kommentare (englisch)
New in store at Smith and Robards this week is a new product from World Works Games. Cathedrae Noctis is the second in the Hellworks line and features a great Gothic cathedral that’s just perfect for a Gothic horror setting like our very own Rippers.
Even better though, those fine folks at World Works have included a special terrain piece inspired by and perfect for our Necropolis Plot Point campaign, so this awesome piece of paper engineering really is a versatile addition to your terrain collection and makes a fantastic centerpiece for those climactic battles!
Check it out at today.


Kommentare (englisch)

Savage Worlds Plot Point Setting


ie Hintergrundwelt Sundered Skies zum Rollenspiel Savage Worlds von Pinnacle erscheint in kürze bei Studio2 Publishing in Englisch. Nun werden Einblicke in Form einer Preview, in das Dark Fantasy Setting gewährt. Die Preview ist mit 43 Mb nicht gerade schlank, scheinbar hat jemand belichtungsfähige Daten ausgeschossen und diese ins Netz gestellt. Reichlich übertrieben für 7 Seiten. dafür wird aber ein Einblick in eine zersplitterte apokalyptischen Welt mit tausende fliegende Inseln umgeben von einem ein ständiges Glühen des Wahnsinns gezeigt. Sundered Skies beginnt,so heißt es wo alle anderen Welten enden!
Zur Sundered Skies Preview
Savage Worlds kann bequem beim Roland bestellt werden.
Hintergrundwelt, Preview, Savage Worlds, Setting, Sundered Skies
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