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- 27. August 2008
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AW: [Hellfrost] Eiskalt erwischt!

Hellfrost Region Guide #12: Witchwood
Model: TAG31212
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.60 (TAG), €3.27 (DriveThruRPG)

Beyond the Icewall, the Hellfrost stretches to the top of the world. A land of temperatures cold enough to freeze blood in the veins and endless blizzards that tear flesh from bone, it is home to many fearsome creatures. Yet within the Low Winterlands lies Witchwood, a realm just as inhospitable. This is the domain of the Ice Queen, a creature both beautiful and terrible, whose powers extend far beyond mortal ken.
This product delves into some of the myths concerning the Ice Queen, details her army, explores six new locales, provides information on clerics of Thrym and the cult's servants, details two new minor gods, and gives stats for 10 new creatures at home in the freezing wastes.

Hellfrost Region Guide #12: Witchwood
Model: TAG31212
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 12
Price: €2.60 (TAG), €3.27 (DriveThruRPG)

Beyond the Icewall, the Hellfrost stretches to the top of the world. A land of temperatures cold enough to freeze blood in the veins and endless blizzards that tear flesh from bone, it is home to many fearsome creatures. Yet within the Low Winterlands lies Witchwood, a realm just as inhospitable. This is the domain of the Ice Queen, a creature both beautiful and terrible, whose powers extend far beyond mortal ken.
This product delves into some of the myths concerning the Ice Queen, details her army, explores six new locales, provides information on clerics of Thrym and the cult's servants, details two new minor gods, and gives stats for 10 new creatures at home in the freezing wastes.