Fantasy Flight und Games Workshop beenden Kooperation


Dr. Spiele
16. Januar 2003

12.09.2016 - Der US-amerikanische Spieleverlag Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) stellt zum 28.2. des kommenden Jahres den Verkauf aller Spiele zu Games Workshops Tabletop-Universen ein, wozu Talisman, Warhammer Fantasy und Warhammer 40.000 gehören. Die dafür nötige Lizenz wird nicht verlängert. Damit endet eine Kooperation, die die beiden Partner 2008 eingegangen waren und in deren Rahmen Brettspiele wie Chaos in the Old World oder Forbidden Stars und Kartenspiele wie Warhammer 40.000: Conquest oder Warhammer: Invasion entstanden waren. Bereits angekündigte Titel werden noch veröffentlicht. FFGs Unterstützung für entsprechende Turniere läuft schon dieses Jahr mit der Warhammer 40.000: Conquest-Weltmeisterschaft aus.

Uiuiui, gilt dann ja vermutlich auch für Rollenspiele.
Wer könnte da in die Fußstapfen treten? Sieht eher düster aus?
Die machen wohl noch bis Ende Januar oder Februar und dann ist Sense. Das gilt dann natürlich auch für die deutschen Versionen die bei Heidelberger vertrieben wurden. Da wird wohl erst mal wieder eine Weile Sendepause sein bei den Rollenspielen. Wobei WFRP 3 eh nicht mein Ding war.
Vielleicht will Games Workshop die Sachen wieder selbst produzieren/verlegen.

Die deutschsprachigen Bücher erscheinen ja inzwischen auch bei Black Library anstatt bei Heyne oder Piper.
hier mal ein paar "insiderinformationen" von chaos0xomega von dakkadakka:
Inside scoop, Source is on first name basis with Christian Petersen:

FFG was aware that they would lose the license "more than a year ago", the way it was said made it seem like it was more like 2+, though it wasnt an "official" thing so much as it was "were probably not going to be renewing it".

FFG developed a game for a GW IP and reskinned it to another setting and released it, source wouldnt reveal what game but I *think* he subtley implied that Armada started out as a Battlefleet Gothic game.

It was more of a mutual decision than anything else, as FFG and GW couldnt find agreeable terms. GW was unhappy with the success of FFGs XWing and Imperial Assault, and began to view FFG as a direct competitor in the marketplace. Word is that GW demanded that FFG cease production of those product lines with the threat that they wouldnt renew the license if FFG did not comply. FFG, naturally, said "hell no". This was quite some time ago and is the reason why FFG "knew" they would be losing the license, further work on all unannounced GW products was halted at this time, with the exception of those that were well into the development and/or production process, such as Conquest, they didnt want to leave the last cycle incomplete. They also didnt want to take the chance that GW would relent when the terms came up for renegotiation (sometime in the past 3 months), so they felt it better to continue work on something that was viewed as low cost and low risk in the event that the license was pulled.

FFG is going to be taking a bit of a hit as a result of the loss of the license, or would have if they werent now part of Asmodee. Prior to acquisition, GW IP accounted for something like 10-20% of FFGs revenue (possible hyperbole?).

Believed Rune Wars was developed in part to spite GW, not so much because there is resentment, but more because of incredulity over GWs demands that FFG drop some of its biggest sellers and GWs belief that FFG was now a competitor. Something like "We'll shoe them what competition really looks like."
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