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Another exclusive playtest opportunity is here for D&D Insider subscribers! This time, explore two concepts that will appear in Primal Power. Start playtesting these exciting options with levels 1-3 of the druid!

They're back! The folks at Penny Arcade and PvP sit down once again with Wizards of the Coast for a session of 4th Edition D&D. This time, they've hired a new member for their party—Wil Wheaton!

Many people have wondered recently, "what can I do with my old D&D books?" The answer is, "keep 'em handy." In the realm of game design, the slogan is, "no good idea goes unlooted."


kostenloses Rollenspiel Regelwerk


ch möcht Dir heute mal Dungeons Daring vorstellen. Das ist ein kostenloses und offenes Fantasy-Rollenspiel. Die Autoren, allesamt* Mitglieder des Vintyri-Projects sind vielleicht am besten bekannt als Autoren des “Northern Journey” Abenteuers. Das war ein episches Abenteuer für die Vergessenen Reiche (Forgotten Realms) des Rollenspiels D&D . Als die Rechte abgegeben wurden, hat dieses Abenteuer mehr als 30.000 Downloads auf dem Buckel wie sich erfahren ließ. Angeboten wird das Abenteuer für Interessierte nun von Candlekeep. Das Vintyri-Project hat nun Dungeons Daring herausgebracht und im Herbst 2007 freigegeben. Das Spiel ist in 3 Bänden verfügbar: Spielerhandbuch, Spielleiterhandbuch und Kreaturhandbuch. Die Idee von Dungeons Daring ist, dass jeder Spielleiter die Bücher modifizieren kann, wie er oder sie will.* Jeder kann die Texte frei und kostenlos beliebig benutzen unter der Open Game License 1.0a. mit der Kompatibilität zu OpenOffice und Word soltle dem ganzen auch nichts im Wege stehen. Aber auch die Landkarten, Stadt- und Dorfpläne und Verliespläne können editiert and modifiziert werden. Die Pläne sind mit dem Fractal Mapper 8 von NBOS Software hergestellt und können damit ebenfalls angepaßt werden.

Dungeons Daring besitzt keine Attribute wie Intelligenz, Weisheit, Charisma, Ansehen, usw. Diese Elemente gehören zum Rollenspiel und nicht in die Regelmechanik heißt es. Dungeons Daring bezieht sich weiterhin stark auf Elemente der unterschiedlichsten Mythologien. Unter den Charakterklassen gibt es z. B. die Weiß-, Blau- und Gründruiden der keltischen Lore, oder die untoten Draugs (draugur) aus den isländischen Mythologien. Das Team betrachtet das RPG laut eigener Aussage als die RPG-Variante von LINUX. Das aktuelle Projekt ist die Jörðgarð-Welt (Joerdhgardh), eine Rollenspielwelt, die ihre Wurzeln in den Mytholgien hat.

Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
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Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
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e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Abenteuer, Dungeon, Dungeons Daring, Forgotten Realms, Karten, kostenlos, Kreaturhandbuch, Landkarte, open game, open game license, RPG, Spielerhandbuch, Spielleiterhandbuch, Spielwelt, Vintyri-Project
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In the lands above, an especially harsh winter was loosening its grip. The last of the snows were melting away, the first bits of green emerging into forest and field. Within the Hill, however, the prisoners were as hot and as miserable as ever.


D&D 3.7


ndlich ist es soweit. Die neueste und letzte Regelversion des Dark Sun-Projektes von ist online. Die 7 Inkarnation der Regeln hebt das Regelwerk vom D&D 3.5 Kern auf die Version 3.7. Zahlreiche Änderungen sind in das 314 Seiten starke Regelwerk eingeflossen die nicht nur die Regelmechanik betreffen sondern auch die Welt weiter ausbauen. Tipps und Tricks dürfen ebenso wenig fehlen wie das obligatorische Spielleiterkapitel mit Abenteuerideen. Das Team bittet nun um Feedback und will schließlich mit dem Illustrieren des Regelwerkes beginnen. Im Detail heißt es:

We are proud to announce the release of the 7th and final version of the Dark Sun Core Rules. The final rules set is massively 314 pages, almost three times as large as the previous iteration. It has been many hours of blood, sweat and toil for the project team led by Bruno, and they deserve the applause of an arena filled with spectators. You will find that not only have the existing chapters been expanded and improved upon; we have also included several new chapters to enhance your Athasian experience.

The Races and Classes chapters have undergone some changes. You will find that thri-kreen and half-giants no longer have racial hit dice, and there have been significant revisions to the DS specific classes, i.e. bard, gladiator and templar. One of the key features of the new gladiator is Gladiatorial Performance, which is an arsenal of different abilities unlocked by the gladiator’s level and Perform progression. Templars now have access to all spells on their spell list, vastly improving their versatility, and they gain domains from the Player’s Handbook depending on their Sorcerer-Monarch. Bards also have a few new tricks up their sleeves centered around speed, poisons and secrets. We have also included a selection of prestige classes, which provide additional information and supersede the versions found in the Prestige Class Appendices.

The Magic and Psionic chapters have been greatly expanded. We have converted a lot of second edition spells and powers, in addition to writing brand new ones, and all spells and powers include illustrative descriptions. Cleric domains have been revamped, with the biggest change being that armor proficiencies are no longer tied to domains, but part of the core cleric class, and overall the domains should be more balanced now. The Magic and Psionics chapter now also features information on the Athasian cosmology. Feats and Skills are in new chapter called Heroic Characteristics, and include a great number of new feats along with updates such as language revisions, expanded use of the Warcraft skill, and Survival skill modifiers when foraging for food and water on Athas. Equipment has been expanded to include chapters on magical and psionic items – and the artifacts of Athas, such as the Dark Lens.

For those fans who have requested more setting specific information, your prayers have been heard. The Core Rules now include a chapter on the city-states and other important locations – including Kurn, Eldaarich and Saragar. We have also included a chapter with suggestions for how to play games set in other eras of play, such as the Blue Age and the Green Age. You will also find stats on key DS personas such as Agis, Rikus and Sadira of Tyr, and a host of generic and sample NPCs for added DM convenience. DMs will also note that the Monsters chapter has a completely new and extended format, and the selection of monsters will be familiar to those who own the original Dark Sun campaign boxed set. There is also a new chapter with information on important organizations such as the Order and the Veiled Alliance. Finally, we have included a chapter on how to run Athasian campaigns in the atmosphere we believe defines Dark Sun.

While we start the process of illustrating the final version of Dark Sun 3 Core Rules, we encourage you to provide feedback through the playtest form on the website. We are primarily interested in reports on typos and such; the rules set will not be altered at this point – you had the previous six revisions to suggest changes to that.


Copyright © 2008 Dominik für den Rollenspiel Almanach.
Danke für das Abonnieren meines Feeds!
Der Almanach –
Dein Blog mit täglich frischen News aus der deutsch- und englischsprachigen Rollenspiel-Szene. Garniert mit Rezensionen, Conberichten, Projektvorstellungen, Spielmaterialien, Downloads, Artikel zu besonderen Themen, Verschollenem und vielem mehr!
Merkwürdig geschriebene Berichte über interessante Dinge!
(Digital Fingerprint:
e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) 3.5, Abenteuer, D&D, D20, Dark Sun, Download, Karten, OGL, Regeln, SRD
Verwandte Artikel

R&D talks a good game about D&D being fun for everyone, but really, their sympathies are all with the DM; any player who's ever missed three attacks in a row knows that. Shelly thinks it's time for a change.

This month in Dungeon Magazine -- a wizard finalizes his plans to unleash the horrors of the Far Realms on the world; here now are a full set of the maps (tagged and untagged) from Dungeon 163!

Wizards of the Coast passed along several D&DI screenshots to—so here’s your chance to take a sneak peek at the developing Character Visualizer, D&D Game Table, and Dungeon Mapper... (More)

In addition to usual tidbits and secrets of R&D this month, Bill shows off a pair of upcoming monsters and their miniatures, plus a peek at a Player’s Handbook Heroes mini and Adventurer’s Vault 2.

Do you remember your first-ever games of D&D? We sure remember ours, and some of them were a long time ago. The game has seen many changes since then, and sometimes, it's instructive to revisit them.

In addition to the usual tidbits and secrets of R&D this month, Bill shows off a pair of upcoming monsters and their miniatures, plus a peek at a Player’s Handbook Heroes mini and Adventurer’s Vault 2.

Have you ever dreamed of visiting the Feywild, land of the faeries? You’ve heard of it in bedtime stories—and some people try to convince you that’s all faeries are. After all, you won’t find the Feywild on any map...

When a powerful aristocrat is kidnapped from his caravan, the adventurers must find him and bring him back. But investigation uncovers surprising information about the kidnappers -- and the victim.

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