The Fades

AW: The Fades

Sieht auf den ersten Blick etwas wie Pulse oder Orpheus aus.

Werd ich mir mal ansehen. Danke für den Tipp.
AW: The Fades

Sieht auch auf den 2. Blick so aus.
Aber über die Pilotfolge bin ich nicht hinausgekommen. Ich weiß nicht was ich davon halten soll. Bisher fehlt die Motivation weiterzugucken irgendwie.
AW: The Fades

Ist halt SEEEHR "britisch". Ich persönlich fand es aber sehr gut und die Serie zieht wie gesagt sehr stark an.
AW: The Fades

The programme centres on an English teenager named Paul who is haunted by apocalyptic dreams that nobody can explain and is able to see spirits of the dead, known as the Fades, all round him. The Fades cannot be seen, smelt, heard or touched by other humans – they are what is left of humans who have died but not been accepted into Heaven. As such, the Fades left on Earth have become embittered and vengeful towards the human race. We are shown in the first episode that the Fades have found a way to become partly human again and regain control of touch within the real world. However, they remain unseen in the world except to those special few like Paul – 'Angelics' – who have the ability to perceive the Fades. Paul finds himself pulled into a conflict between the Angelics and the Fades, trying to prevent the Fades from breaking back into the world and destroying the human race.

Quelle: The Fades (TV series) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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