SR4 Shadowrun 4.0

AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Wenn man von Regel auf das Äußere schließen kann, dürfte das Bild problemlos hinkommen. In diversen Fantasy-Systemen mögen Elfen ja zerbrechlicher als Menschen gebaut sein, in SR trifft das aber nicht zu. Eigentlich sind es nur "bessere" Menschen. Nur Attributsboni, keine Mali. Nicht spezialisiert wie die "starken und zähen aber dummen und hässlichen" Orks und Trolle oder die langsamen Zwerge. Einfach nur besser. Mensch V1.1. Nach Punktesystem haben wir da 5 Punkte Kosten für die Rasse... auf der anderen Seite schonmal 6 Punkte allein für die Attribute, dazu kommt noch natürliche LV-Sicht und erhöhte Rassenmaxima. Und wofür? Für etwas das faktisch ein hochgewachsener Mensch mit spitzen Ohren ist. Wunderbar. Etwas kosmetische Chirurgie und es sieht wieder aus wie ein Mensch. Bin schon genug solcher Konstrukte begegnet. Am besten noch "Menschenposer" als Nachteil, damit's nochmal extra Punkte gibt.
Ich hoffe mal, das wird eines von den Dingen, die sie in der 4. Edi ändern.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Eigentlich sind Elfen laut der Beschreibungen schlanker und damit vielleicht auch "zerbrechlicher" als Menschen, auch wenn das auf die Regeln keinen Einfluss hat.
Ich finde den Elf auf dem Bild einfach zu... unelfisch, vielleicht etwas zu grobschlächtig. Ich kann nicht sagen was es genau ist, aber irgendwie wirken die spitzen Ohren auf mich wie ein Fremdkörper der ein eigentlich cooles Bild stört.

Was würde gegen Menschenposer sprechen? Es ist ein Zeitalter in dem man sich unter das Messer legen kann um jedes Aussehen zu bekommen das man will.
Dafür Nachteilspunkte zu verlangen find ich aber ziemlich dreist.

Ich persönlich finde "Menschenposer" jeder Rasse als langweilig da sie die Metarassen in reine Bonibringer verwandeln und die Identität der Rassen untergraben.
Was nicht heißen soll dass ich generell umgewandelten Charakteren abgeneigt bin... In meiner Charaktermappe liegen einige Elfenposer und sogar ein Cybercatgirl.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Skyrock schrieb:
Was würde gegen Menschenposer sprechen? Es ist ein Zeitalter in dem man sich unter das Messer legen kann um jedes Aussehen zu bekommen das man will.
Dafür Nachteilspunkte zu verlangen find ich aber ziemlich dreist.
Es ging mir nicht um Charakterdarstellung, sondern um Spielmechanismen. Und laut denen ist ein Elf einfach nur ein "besserer" Mensch.
Ein Ork ist ein spezialisierter Mensch. Geistig nicht so fit, aber körperlich tougher. Er ist also in manchen Bereichen besser, und in manchen schlechter. Er "ersetzt" den Menschen also nicht generell.
Für einen Elfen gilt das allerdings nicht. Er bewegt sich schneller, ist geschickter und charismatischer, und hat dazu noch natürlich LV-Sicht. Und nach dem Punktesystem kommt man da billiger raus, als wenn man einen normalen Menschen mit diesen Eigenschaften ausstattet. Elfen sind nicht anders, sie sind einfach nur besser. Die Poser-Sache diente nur, um das zu verdeutlichen. Faktisch ist ein Elf ein besserer Mensch mit spitzen Ohren.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Kommt er echt günstiger weg? Die quantifizierbaren Boni beschränken sich auf 3 Attributspunkte, was gerade mal 6 Aufbaupunkte sind bei Kosten von 10 Punkten. Bleibt also noch natürliche RLV, aber ob die 4 Punkte ausmacht...

Ich mag es dass Elfen IG betrachtet die besseren Menschen sind. Sie sind eine Rasse die sich wunderbar arrogant spielen lässt und Transhumanismus verkörpert, den nächsten Schritt der Evolution.
Das hat nichts mit Punkteschielerei zu tun - ich habe wie schon gesagt einige Poser die sich bemühen den Glanz der überlegenen Nobilis einzufangen und dabei noch arroganter und rassistischer sind als die richtigen von mir gespielten Elfen und dabei eigentlich nur Norms sind die gewisse Komplexe ausleben.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

10? Ich hatte jetzt 5 in Erinnerung, aber du hast recht. Im Endeffekt kommt dann aber noch ein erhöhtes Attributsmaximum sowie eine ziemlich lange natürliche Lebensdauer hinzu.
Ich seh da dennoch zu wenige Unterschiede. Gerade die Geschichte mit dem Körperbau. Mir persönlich läuft jedes Mal ein Schauer über den Rücken, wenn ich Elfen mit Stärke und Konsti 6 sehe, und mir dann auszumalen versuche, wie die wohl aussehen.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Wahrscheinlich so wie Frauen mit St und Ko 6... Ich empfehle da als Vorstellungshilfe bulgarische Kugelstoßerinnen ;)
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Zumindest Regeltechnisch lohnt es nicht. Es sind zum einen nur 8 Punkte die man für die 10 wieder bekommt (3 Aufbaupunkte und Nachtsicht (2 Punkte Vorteil)) und zum anderen hat man nur den halben Karmapool. Man zahlt also 2 Punkte und die Nachteile beim Karmapool für evtl. erhöhte Startwerte und ein erhöhtes Rassenmaximum das man nur in seltenen Fällen wirklich ausschöpft.


AW: Shadowrun 4.0

8t88 schrieb:
Seijse, nich tgesehen, dass dieser Thread shcon so lang ist...
wo kann ich denn meine Postings selber löschen?

Löschen kannst du über "ändern". Wenn es notwendig ist, und du es nicht mehr kannst, wende dich an den Moderator, er wird dir gerne weiterhelfen.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

LC ansicht über Elfen ist berechtig und ich würde seinen Ansatz unterstützen. Viele Spieler spielen Elfen einfach wegen ihre Boni auf Schnelligkeit.Dann erscheinen diese St 6-7 und Schnelligkeit 10-12 Elfen, die eigentliche reine Sniper sind.
Wenn man sich die anderen Rassen ansieht auch die exotischen wie ein Minotaurus, dann erkennt man das die meisten Vorteile aber auch Nachteile haben.Sie sind ausgewogen.
Ich hoffe auch das in der 4. Edition sie irgendwelche Mali bekommen.
Bis zur Spielemesse ist ja nicht mehr lange.

AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Wer ganz ungeduldig ist kann ja schon am Mittwoch bei Battlecorps vorbeischauen - da kommt dann das englische PDF raus.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Puh der neue Charakterbogen ist ja richtig scheußlich.....noch weniger Platz für all den ganzen Kram, aber hauptsache alles unterbringen was geht *schauder*
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Mich stört nicht die Häßlichkeit... Nein, mich stört die Verwendung von Farbe(was entweder teuer oder - bei Schwarzweißdruck/Kopierer - unleserlich wird) und das viel zu wenig Platz ist.
Aber dafür sieht es wie ein Pseudodisplay aus, wir können den Charakterbogen nicht mit dem Vorlesungsskript oder der Tageszeitung verwechseln, und wir vergessen auch nicht dass das Spiel Shadowrun und nicht PP&P heißt - steht ja jetzt dick genug drauf :rolleyes:
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Hübsch ist der neue Bogen wirklich nicht. Werde wohl, wenn wir umsteigen, weiter auf Eigenkreationen setzen.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Aber ich wette damit das die Runde überrannt werden von Leuten.

Abends kommt ja dieses Jahr auch die Shadowrun Filmnacht.Da werden die Besten Videos aus den Wettbewerben gezeigt.

AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Die heutigen Infoschnipsel zum Aufbaupunktesystem von SR4 werden ihnen von Dumpshock präsentiert.

Race BP cost: Human 0 (+1 edge), dwarf 25, ork 20, elf 30, troll 40.

Attributes: Physical, mental, Magic, Resonance - 10 per point except the max point which is 25 BP. (Anm.: Der erste ist kostenlos.)

Knowledge skills: 1/2 active price.

Positive Qualities are 5-20 points. Negative are 5 - 30.

Resources are 5000 per BP max 50 BP, but looks like a lot of stuff is reduced in price.

Spells 3 BP per spell, 5 karma during play.

Contacts: 1 BP per rating point.

Maximum points allocated to attributes is capped at 50% of total points.

Edge is bought like other attributes.

Cyberlimb cost went down but still 1 point of essence.

Commlinks: 9 different models that have different Response and Signal ratings and costs. Evidently, any electronic device can have IC. They all leave trails (Please note this info is from quickly skimming 3 different sections.)

Btw, the first piece of fiction uses fuck, fuck, fuck and asshole instead of frag or other expletives like hoophead. So much for garnering that younger audience if parents skim that part, or the topless chick on page 44 wearing a couple band-aids across her nipples.

No jump at 6, but max at 6 without an exceptional quality, then 7. Start with only one skill6 with the rest 4 or lower, or two at 5 with the rest 4 or lower. No starting with a 5 and a 6. Maximum group rating at chargen is 4.

250,000 nuyen max


(Über Schamanen: )
It costs more to play them with a totem. A mage can do almost exactly the same thing, fire spirits look a bit more useful than beast spirits. The variety and numerical difference of spirits is gone. Have not looked to see about the shamanic mask, if it only applies if the shaman has a totem.

Magic in general got screwed compared to any other skill type set. They combined other peoples needed skills while making the magicians need more skills to do the same. Making magicians a bigger karma sink.

Compared to adepts, who seem to benefit from all the rule changes.

All full magicians can conjure earth, air, water, and spirits of man. That's 4. Hermetic can conjure fire spirits while shamen can conjure spirits of beasts.

It costs to be magically active, then it costs some more to have a totem.


How does armor work? Does it really just convert lethal damage into stun?

Armor value combines with Body to resist damage. If the modified power, DV, of an attack causing physical damage does not exceed the AP modified armor rating (sounds streamlined huh? HA ha ha) then the attack will cause stun instead. Armor rating is reduced by the attacks AP, armor penetration, value.

Weapon pictures! Ares Predator IV AP -1, Damage is 5P, avail 4R, cost 350.
Slivergun still exists.
Lined Coat is 6/4 Ballistic/Impact, avail 2, 700.


What are the metahuman stat modifers now?

Metatype abilities look unchanged (vision, etc.)
Human: +1Edge
Ork: +3B, +2S, -1C, _1L
Dwarf: +1B, -1R, +2S, +1W, -1Initiative
Elf: +1A, +2C
Troll: +4B, -1A, +4S, -2C, -1I, -1L, -1Initiative


Can you give a few examples of what the new ranged combat modifiers look like? (like for cover, or dim light, and so on)

They look similar to current modifiers except they modify the dice pool not the TN, espec9ally the visibilty mods based on light, smoke.

Partial cover -2, good cover -4, blind fire -6, smartlink +2, normal vision in partial light is -2.


How does the new Dodge work?

Buy as skill. Linked to Reaction. Can use Full Dodge. Says Reaction + Dodge for ranged. Reaction + Dodge + Dodge for melee or Reaction + melee combat skill + Dodge in melee. Also a Full Parry, and a Gynastics Dodge.


Do technomancers need an electronic device of some sort to access the matrix, or do they just use their minds?

Technomancers can access and manipulate the Matrix through their own sheer force of will.
For a whole 5 BP and foregoing any type of magical ability.


Initiation costs 10 + (grade*3) karma.


what does initiation give you?

Increased Magic (add grade to Attribute), metaplanar access one metamagic.

QUOTE (Patrick Goodman)
Where do you get that it costs more to play a magician with a totem? That doesn't jibe with the final drafts I have (comp copies haven't arrived as yet).

The Mentor Spirit costs 5 BP. Totems appear to be called Mentor spirits now. Like Bear, Dog, Mountain, etc..

QUOTE (blakkie)
Nothing about reduction in cost with groups?

Nada, it does mention what used to be ordeals as standard fare for intiating - as in no discount for ordeal.


kay, next question. What is the general guideline for Karma awards at the end of the run?

They looked the same as third edition.

QUOTE (blakkie)
You still get effectively an attribute increase plus the metamagic?
No, you get to add grade to magic attribute, not that plus +1 to magic attribute.

QUOTE (hobgoblin)
can one play a magical adept directly out of the BBB?

Yes, they have a list of powers, including some from SotA64.


mproving an attribute is done one point at a time at a cost of 3*new rating.

Improving skill group is 5*new rating.

Improving an active skill is 2* new rating.

New active skill is 4 karma.

New active group is 10 karma.

New Quality is 2*BP.
AW: Shadowrun 4.0

Wieder ein paar vielversprechende Infoschnipsel von Dumpshock, geschrieben von Bull, einem der englischen Playtester.

Done this a dozen times in two days, I have my "speech" down pretty good, so here's a text version of it. It's very stream of consciousness, and very much how I was speaking during the demo's. And you may note I was mostly just following the "list of changes" checklist and expanding and explaining the items in it.

Hi, I'm Bull, and I'll be your GM this evening. First things first... Are you all familiar with the basic Shadowrun setting? Good, this makes my life a lot easier, as it saves me an hour long "This is the world of Shadowrun" spiel. Ok, i'll start things off by going over the major changes to the system.

First off, dice pools as you knew them are gone. Combat, Astral, Hacking, Rigging, Karma Pools, all gone. The core mechanic now is skill plus attribute, plus or minus any modifiers in dice, and that is now referred to as your dice pool for the test.

Your target number is always 5, and this is called a Hit. Modifers add or subtract dice from your dice pool rather than modifying your target number.

The Rule of One is triggered more frequently now. I don't know about you guys, but I've been playing Shadowrun for umpteen years now, and the Rule of One has come up a grand total of three times in all the games I've run or played in, and one of those three was because the player was only rolling two dice to start with. Since we're evil and like to screw with the players, we decided that the rule of one should come up more often.

So the Rule of One is now called a Glitch. If at least half your are ones, that's a glitch. there are two types of glitches. If you glitch but still roll any hits, it's a minor glitch, and some minor negative thing happens. It's a setback, but not a major negative thing, and you can still succeed at whatever test you were rolling. For example, if I was shooting at someone and rolling 8 dice, and I got four 1's and 3 hits, I could still hit my target and wound or kill him, but something happens to me, like I stumble and have a point or two penalty to my next action.

If you gitch and get no successes, that's called a Critical Glitch, and something major catestrophic bad happens. The exact nature of both types of glitch are up to the GM, so bribe you GM well and keep him happy. Candy, Caffeine, Pizza, or Beer work well for this.

The rule of Six no longer applies to your dice rolls, except in a couple situations which I'll get to in a bit. Since you have a set target number of 5, you don't need the open ended dice to get higher target numbers.

Open tests no longer exist. These were tests like with stealth, where you'd roll and your highest die roll would become the opponents target number. This type of test was always more than a little wonky and could be extremely random, and we hated it, so we chuked it.

There are now three types of tests: Opposed Tests, Threshold tests, and Extended tests.

Opposed tests are your standard My Dice vs Their Dice tests, with you wanting to get more hits than your oppoenent or whatever is resisting you.

Threshold tests are generally unopposed type of tests where you're simply trying to succeed at an action. Things like climbing would be a Threshold test. The GM will give you a threshold of hits that you need to meet or beat to succeed at your test. A threshold of 1-2 is relatively easy, while a threshold of 4-5 is pretty difficult. It's GM fiat as to how difficult a lot of thresholds are, so again, bribes work wonders.

The maximum for skills and attributes before possible metahuman modifiers is 6. There is no longer the Racial Modified Limit of 1.5 your starting max, so 6 is generally as high as they get. It is possible to get a 7 using the Exceptional Attribute or Aptitude Positive Qualities (What used to be Edges). And of course it's possible to exceed these maximums through cyberware, bioware, magic, and the like.

Intelligence has been divided into 2 attributes, Intuition and Logic. This was done primarily because in the past, Perception has always been based on your Intelligence, which just didn't make sense. You can be incredibly smart, but oblivious to your surrounding, and conversely you can be very aware and perceptive, but just not that bright.

Quickness was broken up into two new attributes as well, Agility and Reaction. Agility is your hand-eye coordination, while reaction is your speed.

Initiative is now a derived attribute, Reaction + Intuition, similar to what eaction was in older editions.

Characters no longer have a random number of initiative passes, or actions, per turn. Instead they have a fixed number based on any cyber, gear, or active magic. Normal unmodified metahumans have a single initiative pass, while things like wire reflexes will give an extra initaitive pass or three. So someone with wired reflexes 2 will get 2 additional passes, and will have three actions every turn.

Two new attributes have been added: Edge and Resonance.

Side Step a moment... ***I take a tangent to talk about the Crash 2.0 and the upgraded matrix and a bit about Augmented Reality, hackers, and the new wireless world and how every connects to it*** So something happens with the crash that effectivly "unlocks" Otaku. They are now a little more common, and are no longer the one in a million, urban legand that they once were, they can now grow up and become "real boys", so they no longer lose their powers as they age. They're now called Technomancers, and they have an attribute called Resonance, which is similar to the Magic Rating for a mage or an adept.

Technomancers are neat in that they can hack without the use of hardware, if they need to. their brain is configured to detect Augmented Reality and to connect to other systems wirelessly. They would still use a commlink to store data and the link, but they don't need it for programs or anything.

Technomancers have the ability to create Sprites, whicha re basically temporary matrix constructs that can perform services for them. they're similar to the spirits Shaman's could summon in that they would last forX services or X amount of time before decomiling back into loose code. They are use their Forms like a mage would spells, and suffer temporary Fading when using forms, the way a mage suffers drain from spells.

The other new attribute is Edge, and Edge effectively replaces Karma Pool, though it's a good deal more flexible than Karma Pool was. There was some confusion in earlier demo's, so I should explain that you have both an Edge Attribute and an Edge Pool. WHile your Edge Pool decreases as you spend Edge, your attribute doesn't change, so even if you've spent three Edge points this game session, your Edge Attribute is still 4. There are a bunch of things you can do with Edge.

You can spend a point of edge before you roll to add your edge attribute to the dice pool for the test, If you do, all your dice for the test are Open Ended.

You can spend an edge after you've rolled to roll just your edge dice and add any hits you get to this test. Only these edge dice are open ended, so any original sixes you rolled do not get rerolled. This is useful if you were one hit short of success, or if you find out after the fact you didn't quite have enough dice to succeed at a test.

You can spend a point to reroll all your failures, like you could spend karma pool for under 3rd ed.

If your dice pool is reduced to zero or more due to modifiers, you may make a long shot test, which allows you to roll just your edge dice. These dice are open ended.

You may spend a point of edge to automatically go first in an intiative round. If more than one character spends edge to go first, you then compare initative scores.

You may spend a point of edge to buy an additional initiative pass for the current combat turn.

You may negate the effects of a glitch with a point of edge.

Edge can be extremely powerful, and it now makes it possible for a non cyybered, non magical character to compete with his cyber and magic buddies, if he maxes out his edge attribute.

Edge refreshes like karma pool did, between game sessions or at the end of each adventure. There are also some suggestions for ways to earn edge pool points during play, through things like dazzling the GM with a brilliant move or terrific roleplay, or achieving a major storyline goal. It's GM fiat on these, so again, bribe your GM with fabulous prizes. (I usually got smiles with the GM bribe jokes, which was fun.0

Magic no longer starts at 6. Instead, it's bought up just like any other attribute. You buy a Positive Quality to become a mage or an adept or whatever, and then purchase it up like you would the rest of your attributes. Resonance works the same way.

because the game is more lower powered, bringing mages magic ratings down was one way to keep them in line with the rest of the characters. However, they still have options at their disposal to be pretty nasty in play.\, which I'll cover in a bit. Plus, there have been a couple fiction stories and novels that used the idea of a character "awakening" or discovering that he's magically active after his running career has already started. Because before you automatically got a full load of magic rating adn spell points when you made a mage, you coudlnlt really emulate this

Now you can simply buy the magician quality without buying up the magic attribute or purchasing any spells. Your character has that "spark of magic", but doesn't know he has it. , and can later through game plkay and roleplay "discover" his magical talent and start nurturiing it through karma expenditure and the like.

Bioware and Cyberware both cost essence now, but the lesser of the two counts for half. So if you have 4 points of Bioware, and 2 points of Cyber, it costs you 5 essence total.

Exclusive actions no longer exist.

There are now Skill Groups. There have been a bunch of new skills added to the overall skill list, and many of the more widley used skills were lumped up into Skill groups. Not every skill, hoever, falls into a skill group. Starting active skills are limited to a single 6 *or* two skills at 5, and everything else 4 or less. Skill groups cannot be rasied above 4 at chargen. You cannot buy an individual skill within a skill group up past the Group attribute at chargen, and you can't specialize any skill within the Skill group.

Later on with karma you can break up a skill group and raise an individual skill up. Hoever, once you do you can no longer increase them through karma as a single Skill Group. You have to raise all the lower skills in the group up to the level of the highest individual skill before you can Group them up again.

The condition monitor is no longer fixed at 10 boxes of damage. It is now 8 + 1/2 your Body or WIllpower, for Physical and Stun damage tracks, rounded up. Wound levels, such as Light, Moderate, and Serious, are gone. instead every three boxes of damage gives you a -1 modifier. that's every three full boxes, so the first 2 boxes of damage don't effect you.

All types of combat are now opposed tests.

For melee, the attacker rolls his weapon or unarmed combat skill, plus the appropriate attribute. For defense, you have three options. If you have a weapon and the weapon skill, you can try to parry. If you have unarmed combat, you can try to block, though there may be instances wher ethe GM doesn't allow this. When a troll swings a mono sword at you, blocking with your forearm seems like a bad idea. And finally you can try to dodge the attack. And yes, this means Dodge is now an active skill.

For bullets, it's a little nastier becuase it's hard to didge bullets, espeically if you aren't paying full attention to them. So you don't normally get your didge against ranged combat, though you always get your Reaction dice to resist with, On your turn you can choose to dodge, which allows you to roll Dodge + Reaction for the rest of the turn. A character can also declare a dodge when it's not his turn, though this uses up his next action.

With wound levels gone, weaqpons no longer have a damage level associated with them. An example weapon is the Ares Predator 4, which has a stat line of 5P(-1). What this means is that the weapon has a base Damage Value of 5, the letter is either a P or s, for physical or stun, and the nmber in parenthasis is an armor penetration modifier. The Damage Value of a weapon is the base number of boxes of damage it will do before modifiers.

So an example combat would run like this. I have an Ares predator 4, you have an armor jacket with an armor rating of 8/6I go to shoot you, and I have 4 pistols, and 4 agiility, so I get 8 dice. You defend with just your reaction because you weren't dodge, and roll 3 dice. I get 2 hits you get one, so my shot hits you with one net hit. I add my net hits to my Danage Value to give mea modified Damage Value of 6. My armor penetration of -1 applies to your armor, giving you 7 armor. And this is probably my favorite rules change of 4th ed...

Because my modified DV doesn't beat your modified Armor, the bullet doesn't penetgrate and do physical damage. instead the bullets impacts off the armor and causes bruising damage, possibly a fracted ribs. You still have to resist the full amount of damage, and wound modifiers are just as useful regardless of whether they're phsyical or stun. And an unconscious mook is just as out of the fight as a dead one, so this doesn't make combat less effective.

So anyways, I shoot you for 6 DV. You then get to resist damage using your body plus your modified armor. So say 4 Body + 7 Armor. you get 4 hits, so you reduce the damage down to 2 boxes.

Damage spells work much the same way. Plus you can Overcast magic. Basically, spells don't have a set force anymore when you learn them, instead you simply learn the spell, and when you cast it, youc an choose the force up to double your magic rating. Anything over your magic though will be physical drain rather than stun.

There was one big change to magic, and it's that the lines between the traditions has blurred a bit. At some point in the last 5 years, either due to new techniques or a rising mana level, the two core traditions have learned a few of each others tricks. the net effect of this is that both Hermetics and Shamans can now summon Bound Spirits (What the mage used to summon) and Unbound Spirits (what Shaman;s summoned). You can still only have one unbound spirit at a time, and bound spirikts are limited to i think your Charisma.

However, magicians with Bound Spirits do have a limitation on them. It takes a bit of mental control on the part of the magician for each bound spirit he's controlling to keep them in line. So for each Bound Spirit that he has active (called up and actually being used, not just on reserve),. he suffers a -2 penalty to all tests.

That was about the gist of it, but I'm not exceedingly tired and still slightly buzzed, so while I may have missed a few points, I'm going to bed. If this is informative or helpful, cool, if not, whatever. :)

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