Epic Fantasy in the Modern World
Mob United Media bieten* ihr Rollenspiel Æternal Legends sowohl als kostenlosen Download über DriveThruRPG als auch in einer verbilligte Druckausgabe bei Lulu.com für 11$ anstelle der regulären $26.95 an. Das Angebot geht noch bis mitte August. Wer eine alternative zu Fireborn oder Scion sucht um Epische Fantasy in der Gegenwart zu spielen wird hier vielleicht fündig. Dazu steht geschrieben:
Magic seethes beneath everyday affairs.Turn a ways, and wander into a Pocket Kingdom where witches and alchemists sell their wares right under the noses of a mundane population. But one person in 20 is Aware, part of the secret lands of magic. Of those, a special few are Legends: epic heroes who fight evil with strength, cunning and raw idealism.
Elf, dwarf, gnome and human Legends use the mystic Spheres to defend their beliefs. Their quests turn them into avatars of magic or send their swords against Da’ath, Lord of the Abyss. Idealism is more than just a buzzword - it’s the source of magic.
Æternal Legends is a 158 page, complete modern-era RPG. Two or more players need nothing more than a handful of six-sided dice, pencils and paper to play. The game’s Ready 2 Run system emphasizes fast character creation, detailed action and enough “wiggle room” to suit a wide range of campaigns. Every Legend has a path to enlightenment — and glory. His beliefs (in the form of actual game traits) give him power, whether he honors or betrays them.
Created, written, designed (and importantly, owned) by Stewart Wilson
Copyright © 2008
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