Biete Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.



Hallo Leute,

wie gehabt vor der RPC erst einmal nur Komplettkäufe der einzeln gelisteten Systeme. Die Liste der diversen Rollenspiele dient vorerst nur der Anschauung und Kaufanbahnung. Die Bücher verkaufe ich auf der RPC und danach über die Foren.

Diverse Systeme: Rund 250 Rollenspiele (Savage Worlds, d20, Reign kübelweise Indies etc. pp.)
100 Fantasy Adventure Seeds
1W6 Freunde
A Song of Ice & Fire RPG - GRW
A Song of Ice & Fire RPG - Peril at King´s Landing
Aberrant - One
Aberrant - Project Utopia
Aberrant - The Directive
Aces & Eights - GRW
Aces & Eights - Player´s Guidebook
Aces & Eights - Rustlers & Townfolk
Anima - Beyond Fantasy GRW
Arcane Codex GRW (1st Edition)
Ars Magica - Covenants
Ars Magica - Die Kunst der Magie GRW (4th Edition)
Artesia - Afield (Comic)
Artesia - Afire (Comic)
Artesia - Artesia (Comic)
Artesia - GRW
Barbarians of Lemuria
Baron Münchhausen RPG
Bloodshadows - Boxed Set GRW
Buffy GRW
Burning Empires - GRW
Burning Empires - Iron Empires 1 - Sheva´s War (Comic)
Burning Empires - Iron Empires 2 - Faith Conquers (Comic)
Burning Wheel - Character Burner
Burning Wheel - RPG GRW
Castle Falkenstein - Die verschollenen Tagebücher des Leonardo da Vinci
Castle Falkenstein - GRW Deutsch
Castle Falkenstein - GURPS The Ottoman Empire
Castle Falkenstein - GURPS Version
Castle Falkenstein - Wunderwerke
Castles & Crusades - A Primer
Castles & Crusades - Limited Edition Boxed Set
Castles & Crusades - Of Gods & Monsters
Chill GRW
Cold City
Continuum GRW
Cthulhutech - Core Book
Cthulhutech - Dark Passions
Cthulhutech - Vade Mecum
Cyberpunk - When Gravity Fails
D&D 3.5 DM Guide
D&D 3.5 Monster Handbook
D&D 3.5 Player Handbook
d20 - Afghanistan
d20 - Battlestar Galactica GRW
d20 - Battlestar Galactica Quickstart Guide
d20 - Boot Hill Wild West
d20 - Elder Evils
d20 - Modern Apocalypse
d20 - Modern Critical Locations
d20 - Modern Future
d20 - Modern GRW
d20 - Modern Menace Manual
d20 Dawnforge Age of Legend
d20 Dawnforge GRW
d20 Dawnforge Path of Legend
d20 Dawning Star Helios Rising
d20 Dawning Star Operation Quick Launch GRW
d20 Farscape GRW
d20 Scarred Lands - Hollowfaust
d20 Serenity GRW
d20 Serenity Out in the Black
d20 The Second World Sourcebook GRW
d20 Trinity GRW
Dark Heresy - Disciples of the Dark Gods
Dark Heresy - Haarlock Trilogy I - Tattered Fates
Dark Heresy - Character Folio
Dark Heresy - Creatues Anathema
Dark Heresy - Dead Stars
Dark Heresy - GRW
Dark Heresy - Inquisitor´s Handbook
Dark Heresy - Purge the Unclean
Dogs in The Vineyard
Don´t Rest Your Head
Dork Tower - World of Dorkness
Eclipse Phase - Gatecrashing
Eclipse Phase - GRW
Eclipse Phase - Sunward - The Inner System
Elric - Atlas of the Young Kingdoms
Elric - Fate of Fools
Elric - GRW
Elric - Melniboné
Elric - Perils of the Young Kingdoms
Elric - Sea Kings of the Purple Towns
Elric - Sorcerers of Pan Tang
Elric - The Bronze Grimoire
Elric - Unknown East
Esoterrorists - Albion´s Ransom - Little Girl Lost
Esoterrorists - GRW
Everway Hero Sheets (eingeschweißt)
Everway RPG (Box)
FATE - Spirit of the Century
FATE - Starblazer Adventures - GRW
FATE - Starblazer Adventures - Mindjammer
FATE - Strands of FATE
FATE: Diaspora
Feng Shui - Four Bastards
Feng Shui - GRW
Fiasco (doppelt)
Funki Colts
Gemini RPG - GRW
Godlike - Donar´s Hammer
Godlike - GM Screen
Godlike - GRW
Godlike - Saipan
Godlike - Talent Operations Command Bulletin Vol. II
Godlike - Talent Operations Command Bulletin Vol. III
Godlike - Will To Power
Grey Ranks
Gumshoe System - Mutant City Blues
Hamlet´s Hit Points
Hawkmoon - GRW
Hellas RPG - Worlds of Sun & Stone
HeroQuest - Nameless Streets
Hot War
Immortal - Invisible War GRW
John Sinclair - Der Erbe des Templers
John Sinclair - Erzählerschirm (eingeschweißt)
John Sinclair - Ewige Jugend
John Sinclair - GRW
Kleine Ängste Deutsch GRW
Kult - GM Screen
Kult - GRW (deutsch)
Kult - Kult/ES
Kult - Legions of Darkness
Kult - Metropolis Sourcebook
Kult - OK Kult
Kult - Purgatory
Kult - The Judas Grail
Lamentations of the Flame Princess Boxed Set
Maddrax RPG (verschweißt)
MERP GRW Englisch
Methodische Spielleitung (Florian Berger)
Midgard - Corrinis - Stadt der Abenteuer
Midgard - Nihavand - Die Perle Arans
Midgard - Sturm über Mottakam (ohne Box, nur die beiden Bücher)
Monsters & Other Childish Things - Curriculum of Conspiracy
Monsters & Other Childish Things - GRW
Monsters & Other Childish Things - The Dreadful Secret of Candlewick Manor
Mouseguard RPG GRW
My Life With Master
Polaris - Thou Art But A Warrior
Prince Valiant Storytelling Game
Qin - The Warring States GRW
Rapture - The Second Coming GRW
Reign - GRW HC
Reign - The First Year of Our Reign
Rifts - Ultimate Edition
Rogue Trader - Forsaken Bounty
Rogue Trader - GRW
Rogue Trader - Lures of the Expanse
Rolemaster - Alchemy Companion
Rolemaster - Arms Law (doppelt)
Rolemaster - Character Records
Rolemaster - Companion II
Rolemaster - Companion III
Rolemaster - Companion IV
Rolemaster - Elemental Companion
Rolemaster - Heroes & Rogues
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Creatures of Middle Earth
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Guidebook 1
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - House of Elrond
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Lords of Middle Earth I
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Lords of Middle Earth II
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Lords of Middle Earth III
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Mirkwood - Wilds of Rhovanion
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Moria
Rolemaster - Middle Earth - Treasures of Middle Earth
Rolemaster - Oriental Companion
Rolemaster - Shadow World - Cloudlords of Tanara
Rolemaster - Spell User´s Companion
Rolemaster - Weapon Law Firearms
Runequest - Slaine GRW
Savage Worlds - 50 Fathoms
Savage Worlds - Fantasy Companion
Savage Worlds - Hellfrost Spielerhandbuch
Savage Worlds - Last Rites of the Black Guard
Savage Worlds - Low Life
Savage Worlds - Necessary Evil
Savage Worlds - Realms of Cthulhu
Savage Worlds - Rippers
Savage Worlds - RunePunk
Savage Worlds - Shaintar
Savage Worlds - Solomon Kane GRW
Savage Worlds - Solomon Kane- The Savage Foes of Solomon Kane
SLA Industries - GRW
SLA Industries - Mort Sourcebook
Solar System GRW
Sorceror (Ron Edwards)
Spacemaster - Blaster Law
Spacemaster - Boxed Set
Spacemaster - Companion I
Spacemaster - Dark Space
Spacemaster - Raiders From The Frontier
Spacemaster - The Duranium Find
Spielleiten (Dominic Wäsch)
Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies
Talislanta - GM Screen
Talislanta - GRW (4th Edition, das dicke Teil mit allen Regeln und Regionalbeschreibungen)
Talislanta - Quantrigue
Talislanta - Sarista
Talislanta - The Archaen Codex
Talislanta - The Scent of the Beast
The Metabarons - GRW
The Seventh Seal GRW
The Shab-Al-Hiri Roach
The Shadow of Yesterday
Theatrix - Core Rules
Theatrix - Ironwood
Trail of Cthulhu - Shadows over Filmland
Traveller - Atlas des Imperiums
Traveller - Forschungsstation Gamma
Traveller - GRW
Traveller - Kauffahrer und Kanonenboote (doppelt)
Traveller - Nacht der Entscheidung/Ein Gott greift ein
Traveller - Nomaden des Weltenmeeres
Traveller - Schlachtkreuzer Kinunir
Traveller II - Söldner, Scouts und Handelsprinzen
Trinity - Ascent into Light
Trinity - Descent into Darkness
Trinity - GRW
Twilight 2000 - GRW
Unhallowed Metropolis GRW
Unisystem - Terra Primate - GRW
Unisystem - Witchcraft - GRW
Unisystem - Witchcraft - Power & Privilege
Unisystem - Witchcraft - The Book of Hod
Unisystem - Your Guide to the Unisystem Vol. I
Unisystem - Your Guide to the Unisystem Vol. II
Unknown Armies - Five Oneshots
Unknown Armies - GRW 2nd Edition (Englisch)
Unknown Armies - Postmoderne Magie
Unknown Armies - Spielleiterpaket (steht draußen "Elfer - Das Fußballmagazin drauf)
Western City
Wild Talents Essential Edition
With Great Power
World of Warcraft RPG - GRW

Conspiracy X
Conspiracy X - GRW 1st Edition
Conspiracy X - GRW 2nd Edition
AEGIS Handbook
Atlantis Rising
Forsaken Rites
GM Screen
Nemesis - The Grey Sourcebook
Psi Wars
Shadows of the Mind

D&D4 - WotC - Gift Set (Player´s Handbook, Monster Manual, DM Guide)
D&D4 - WotC - Player´s Handbook 2
D&D4 - WotC - Player´s Handbook 3
D&D4 - WotC - Arcane Power
D&D4 - WotC - Divine Power
D&D4 - WotC - Martial Power
D&D4 - WotC - Primal Power
D&D4 - WotC - DM Guide 2
D&D4 - WotC - Dark Sun Creature Catalogue
D&D4 - WotC - Dark Sun Campaign Setting
D&D4 - WotC - Monster Manual 2
D&D4 - WotC - Adventurer´s Vault
D&D4 - WotC - Adventurer´s Vault 2
D&D4 - WotC - Open Grave
D&D4 - WotC - Manual of the Planes
D&D4 - WotC - DM Screen
D&D4 - WotC - Draconomicon - Chromatic Dragons
D&D4 - WotC - Forgotten Reams Campaign Guide
D&D4 - WotC - Forgotten Reams Player´s Guide
D&D4 - WotC - Eberron Player´s Guide
D&D4 - WotC - Player Strategy Guide
D&D4 - WotC - Dragon Magazine Annual
D&D4 - WotC - Heroes of Shadow
D&D4 - WotC - Tomb of Horrors
D&D4 - WotC - Dungeon Tiles - Desert of Athas
D&D4 - WotC - Dungeon Tiles - Caverns of Icewind Dale
D&D4 - DCC Thrones of Punjar
D&D4 - DCC Codex of the Damned
D&D4 - DCC From Here to There
D&D4 - Wraith Recon - Mission Pack 1
D&D4 - Wraith Recon GRW
D&D4 - Dave Arneson´s Blackmoor
D&D4 - Amethyst Foundations GRW
D&D4 - Freeport Companion

Deadlands RPG GRW
Deadlands - Cry Havoc
Deadlands - Derailed
Deadlands - Reinforcements (eingeschweißt)
Deadlands - A Fistful o´Ghost Rock
Deadlands - Marshal Law
Deadlands - Ghost Dancers
Deadlands - The Great Maze (Box)
Deadlands - Twisted Tales (doppelt)

Exalted 2nd Edition
Exalted 2nd Edition - GRW
Exalted 2nd Edition - Sidereals HC
Exalted 2nd Edition - Lunars HC
Exalted 2nd Edition - Dragon-Blooded HC
Exalted 2nd Edition - Abyssals Hc
Exalted 2nd Edition - Books of Sorcery I
Exalted 2nd Edition - Books of Sorcery II
Exalted 2nd Edition - Books of Sorcery III
Exalted 2nd Edition - Books of Sorcery V
Exalted 2nd Edition - Scrolls of the Monk
Exalted 2nd Edition - Scroll of Fallen Races
Exalted 2nd Edition - Scroll of Kings
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Celestial Directions I
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Celestial Directions II
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Celestial Directions III
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Celestial Directions IV
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Terrestrial Directions I
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Terrestrial Directions II
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Terrestrial Directions III
Exalted 2nd Edition - Compass of Terrestrial Directions IV

Alles quasi wie neu.

Hero System
Hero System 5th Edition
Hero System 5th Edition GRW
Champions GRW
Fantasy Hero GRW
Dark Champions GRW
Star Hero GRW
Champions - Demons Servants of Darkness
Champions - Galactic Champions
Champions - Sharper Than A Serpent´s Tooth
Champions - Silver Age Sentinels - Reality Storm
Champions - The Ultimate Martial Artist
Champions - The Ultimate Vehicle
Champions - Vibora Bay
Champions - Villainy Amok
Champions - Viper - Coils of the Serpent
Dark Champions - The Animated Series
Fantasy Hero - Hidden Lands
Fantasy Hero - Nobles, Knights & Necromancers
Fantasy Hero - The Asian Bestiary Vol. II
Fantasy Hero - The Fantasy Hero Grimoire
Star Hero - Terran Empire
Universal - Everyman
Universal - You Gotta Have Character

Hero System 1.-4. Edition
Champions - Alien Enemies
Champions - Atlas Unleashed
Champions - Bay City Sourcebook
Champions - C.L.O.W.N.
Champions - Challenges for Champions
Champions - Champions Presents Adventures
Champions - Classic Enemies
Champions - Demons Rule
Champions - Enemies - The International File
Champions - GM Screen
Champions - Invasion: Target Earth
Champions - Mind Games
Champions - Mystic Masters
Champions - Neutral Ground
Champions - New Millenium
Champions - New Millenium Alliances
Champions - Pyramid in the Sky
Champions - Red Doom
Champions - Robot Gladiators
Champions - San Angelo - City of Heroes
Champions - Scourge From The Deep
Champions - Target: Hero
Champions - The Olympians
Champions - To Serve & Protect
Champions - Wrath of the Seven Horsemen
Dark Champions - Corporation
Dark Champions - Hudson City Blues
Dark Champions - Murderer´s Row
Dark Champions - Shadows of the City

Lord of the Rings RPG
Lord of the Rings - Moria Boxed Set
Lord of the Rings - GM Screen
Lord of the Rings - Welcome to MiddleEarth
Lord of the Rings - Quick Start Adventure
Lord of the Rings - GRW
Lord of the Rings - Fellowship of the Ring
Lord of the Rings - Fell Beasts and Wanderer´s Magic
Lord of the Rings - The Two Towers
Lord of the Rings - Helm´s Deep

Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade
Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade - GRW
Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade - Infernalism
Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade - Castles & Covenants
Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade -The Artisan´s Handbook
Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade - The Swashbuckler´s Handbook
Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade - Crusade Lore
Mage - The Sorcerers Crusade - Sorcerers Crusade Companion

nWoD inklusive Mage: The Awakening
Changeling - GRW
Geist - The Sin-Eaters
Hunter - Block by Bloody Block
Hunter - GM Screen
Hunter - GRW
Hunter - Horror Recognition Guide
Hunter - Witch Finder
Mage - Boston Unveiled
Mage - GRW
Mage - Legacies - The Sublime
Mage - Magical Traditions
Mage - Secrets of the Ruined Temple
Mage - The Free Council
Mage - Tome of the Watchtowers
Werewolf - The Forsaken

Orpheus - GRW
Orpheus - Crusades of Ashes
Orpheus - End Game
Orpheus - Shades of Grey
Orpheus - Shadow Games
Orpheus - The Orphan Grinders
Orpheus - Haunting The Dead

Pathfinder - Beta Playtest GRW
Pathfinder - Bonus Bestiary
Pathfinder - Classic Monsters Revisited
Pathfinder - Curse of the Crimson Throne - I
Pathfinder - Curse of the Crimson Throne - II
Pathfinder - Curse of the Crimson Throne - III
Pathfinder - Curse of the Crimson Throne - IV
Pathfinder - Curse of the Crimson Throne - V
Pathfinder - Curse of the Crimson Throne - VI
Pathfinder - Elves of Golarion
Pathfinder - Gazetteer
Pathfinder - Gods & Magic
Pathfinder - Guide to Absalom
Pathfinder - Guide to Darkmoon Vale
Pathfinder - Guide to Korvosa (doppelt)
Pathfinder - Into the Darklands
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords - Map Folio
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords - Player´s Guide
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords I
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords II
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords III
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords IV
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords V
Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords VI
Pathfinder - Second Darkness - Map Folio

Spycraft & Shadowforce Archer
d20 Spycraft 2nd Edition GRW
d20 Spycraft World on Fire
d20 Spycraft Agency
d20 Spycraft Gentlemen´s Agreement
d20 Spycraft Fixer/Pointman Class Guide
d20 Spycraft Modern Arms Guide
d20 Spycraft Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide
d20 Spycraft Faceman/Snoop Class Guide
d20 Spycraft Mastermind
d20 Spycraft Most Wanted
d20 Spycraft GM Screen
d20 Spycraft Shadowforce Archer GRW
d20 Spycraft Shadowforce Archer The Hand of Glory
d20 Spycraft Shadowforce Archer Panasian Collective
d20 Spycraft Shadowforce Archer European Commonwealth
d20 Spycraft Shadowforce Archer African Alliance
d20 Spycraft Shadowforce Archer The Shop

Star Trek RPG
The Next Generation (TNG) Last Unicorn Games

25000 - Star Trek: The Next Generation Role-playing Game (hardcover) [1]
25001 - TNG Narrator's Toolkit (book & screen)
25002 - TNG Player's Guide (hardcover)
25100 - The Price of Freedom: The United Federation of Planets Sourcebook (hardcover)
25101 - The First Line: Starfleet Intelligence Handbook
25102 - Planets of the UFP: A Guide to Federation Worlds
25103 - The Way of Kolinahr: The Vulcans
25300 - A Fragile Peace: The Neutral Zone Campaign Volume 1
25301 - Planetary Adventures Volume 1: Federation Space
25303 - Holodeck Adventures
25500 - The Way of D'era: The Romulan Star Empire (Boxed Set)
25501 - Starfleet Academy (Boxed Set)
45101 - The Andorians - Among the Clans

Deep Space Nine (DS9)

35000 - Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Role-playing Game (hardcover) [5]
35001 - DS9 Narrator's Toolkit (book & screen)
35100 - Raiders, Renegades & Rogues [6]

Narrator´s Guide

A Matter of Priorities

Starship Troopers
Starship Troopers - GRW
Starship Troopers - GM Screen
Starship Troopers - Ambush at Altair
Starship Troopers - Boot Camp
Starship Troopers - Floorplans
Starship Troopers - Mobile Infantry Field Manual
Starship Troopers - Pathfinder´s Army Book
Starship Troopers - The Arachnid Empire
Starship Troopers - The Selvache Incident
Starship Troopers - United Citizen´s Federation

Vampire: Masquerade & Dark Ages
Vampire - Die Stadt, das Blut und der Tod
Vampire - Wiener Blut
Vampire - Encyclopaedia Vampyrica
Vampire - Clanbuch Brujah
Vampire - Clanbuch Nosferatu
Vampire - Riten des Drachen Limited Edition
Vampire - The Erciyes Fragments
Vampire - Transylvanian Chronicles III
Vampire - Transylvanian Chronicles IV
Vampire - Nights of Prophecy
Vampire - Blood Sacrifices - Thaumaturgy Companion (doppelt)
Vampire - Lair of the Hidden
Vampire - The Red Sign
Vampire - Time of Thin Blood
Vampire - War of Ages
Vampire - Gehenna
Vampire The Dark Ages - Player´s Guide to Low Clans
Vampire The Dark Ages - GM Screen
Vampire The Dark Ages - Veil of Night
Vampire The Dark Ages - Dark Ages Companion
Vampire The Dark Ages - Right of Princes
Vampire The Dark Ages - House of Tremere
Vampire The Dark Ages - Liege, Lord & Lackey
Vampire The Dark Ages - The Ashen Knight
Vampire The Dark Ages - Road of Heaven
Vampire The Dark Ages - Bitter Crusade (doppelt)
Vampire The Dark Ages - Book of Storyteller Secrets
Vampire The Dark Ages - The Ashen Thief
Vampire The Dark Ages - Scrolls of War
Vampire The Dark Ages - Clash of Wills
Vampire The Dark Ages - Introductory Scenario
Vampire The Dark Ages - Road of Kings
Vampire The Dark Ages - Libellus Sanguinis IV - Thieves in the Night
Vampire The Dark Ages - Storyteller´s Companion (doppelt)
Vampire The Dark Ages - Clanbook Cappadocian
Vampire The Dark Ages - Clanbook Baali
Vampire The Dark Ages - Libellus Sanguinis I - Masters of the State
Vampire The Dark Ages - Reichsgold - Aachen bei Nacht
Vampire The Dark Ages - Giovanni Chroniken II - Blut & Feuer
Vampire The Dark Ages - Giovanni Chroniken I - Das letzte Mahl
Vampire The Dark Ages - Under The Black Cross
Vampire The Dark Ages - Ashen Cults
Vampire The Dark Ages - Infernalism - The Path of Screams
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Falsche Systemzuordnung: Serenity ist KEIN D20-System-Rollenspiel, sondern ein CORTEX-System-Rollenspiel.
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Ah okay, danke für den Hinweis. Ich hoffe, das ist verzeihlich.
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Ist es für dich ein Komplettkauf, wenn ich dir "A Song of Ice & Fire RPG - GRW" und "A Song of Ice & Fire RPG - Peril at King´s Landing" abkaufen würde. Oder muss ich die ganze Liste nehmen? ^^ Was willste dafür?
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

ASoIF verkaufe ich auf der RPC. Wenn Du ein Komplettpaket von einem der anderen Systeme abnimmst, können wir gerne was hinzufügen. Aber um den Aufwand in einigermaßen engen Grenzen zu halten, würde ich mit solchen Einzelverkäufen erst einmal die RPC abwarten. Hoffe da einfach mal auf Verständnis. Ist ja ein bisschen Zeugs, das da weggeht.
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Wieviel ist das eigentlich in Metern?
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Alles zusammen? Das werden so rund 20 Meter sein. Ich behalte jedenfalls weniger zurück als ich abgebe.
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

So Leute, hier kommt nun die letzte Gelegenheit für Einkäufe, bevor es in den Einzelverkauf auf der RPC geht. Schaut noch mal in die Liste, bald ist nicht mehr viel übrig :)
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

So! Heute ist die letzte Gelegenheit für Komplettpakete. Ab morgen gehts auf die RPC und dann wird rücksichtslos auseinandergepflückt. Also: schlagt zu, solange es noch nicht zu spät ist. Die Kompettpakete sind günstig, denn ich bin froh um jeden Karton, den ich nicht schleppen muss!
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Und was ist noch da?
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Ist "Riten des Drachen" nicht ein Requiem-Buch?
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

ist das dnd 3.5 spielerhandbuch noch da?
AW: Sammlungsverkauf, Teil 2: Savage Worlds, ONE, Rolemaster, Indies etc.

Oder anders gefragt - wir scheinen neugierig zu sein - WAS ist noch da? ;)
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