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- 27. August 2008
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Deadlands Explorer's Edition Character Sheet Now Available
The awfully purty full-color character sheet from Deadlands: Explorer's Edition is ready for you. But wait…did I just hear you ask for more? More it is, then!
The character sheet comes in both stunning full color and easy-printing black and white, all in one handy layered file! Both versions were lovingly crafted by also-very-purty three-time Hugo Award-winning artist Cheyenne Wright!
I hear some "still not enough" mumbles in the back over there. How about the Explorer's Edition sizing? The 6.5" x 9" size is ready to be trimmed to fit with your Explorer's Edition products, printed at letter-size, or even put two-to-a-page! The options are all yours in the print dialog window.
I can't believe some of you are still asking for more. How about a form-fillable PDF? That's right, use your reader to fill in the character sheet and even save it with the data in it. Go to town, amigos, go to town.
Even though I finally seem to have won you all over, there's one more coin in the wishin' well. Like everything on downloads page, it's completely free and just waiting for you to pluck it out of the ether. Enjoy!