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[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Timeline & News
Author: David Jarvis
Pages: 4
Price: Freebie

A bullet point timeline for Interface Zero 2.0 was added to the downloads section of our site. The timeline runs from present day to 2090. Grab it now!

The books are on their way from China to our warehouse in the United States! I expect to receive them and start shipping to everyone some time late next month!

I'll be receiving an advanced copy of the Standard and limited editions on Thursday, and will post another update with some pics.
David Jarvis,
Owner, Gun Metal Games

[paNik Productions] R.E.A.C.T.: Bughunt
Author: M. Andrew Payne
Artist: M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 43
Price: €3,32 €2,18 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A new form of lethal illicit drug is slowly infiltrating the city streets, causing rampant death and overdose. From the shadows, the family of a deceased young woman cry out for vengeance. To help them the players must battle lunatic cyborgs, viscous thugs, and gangs galore. This quick adventure will have your players racing all over town, pursuing the elusive source.

Is this gonna be a standup fight, sir, or another bughunt?

Bughunt contains:

Character Portrait Stand-Ups to show your players all the major NPCs

Three 1" square maps (20 pages total)

24 Car-Chase Challenge Cards

8 pages of optional Chase expansion rules

24 Clue Cards to hand out random clues to the players as they investigate

Suitable as a stand-alone adventure or can be incorporated into a sci-fi campaign.

Compatible with 7 systems: Savage Worlds, Fate, Modern Path, Modern Adventures, d20 OGL, True20, and Fudge

[Pirate Press LLC] Battle for Oz
Authors: David Hardee, Dan Smith
Artists: Dan Smith, Jennifer S. Lange
Pages: 200
Price: €14,77 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

You're Not In Kansas Anymore...

A new Wizard is enthroned in the Emerald City but his intentions are purely wicked. Heartless Tin-Men soldiers police the lands while sinister Straw-Men assassins instill fear in those who oppose his will.

"Battle For Oz is what you get when an Oz movie is set in modern times with Dorothy’s butt-kicking daughter played by Scarlett Johansson, Ron Perlman is the No-Longer-Cowardly Lion, the Scarecrow is played by Benedict Cumberbatch, Toto is a gruff one-eyed CGI terrier voiced by Sam freaking Elliot, and the new Wizard makes the Wicked Witch look like a misunderstood girl with a complexion problem (where have I heard that before). Except it’s not a movie, it’s your story, and you have to save the Emerald City. So armor up, grab a weapon, and march down the Yellow Brick Road because Oz… just got Savage!"
-Clint Black, Brand Manager for Savage Worlds and creator of Necessary Evil

Battle for Oz uses the original cannon of its creator L. Frank Baum, but with a new modern spin and just a touch of fantasy horror. Players can take on the role of a Lion-Man, an outcast Winged Monkey, a Clockwork, a Patchwork, an ancient Oz native, or just an outsider from the "normal" world following in the footsteps of Dorothy Gale, all banding together to fight to free the lands of Oz.

"At 200 pages – chock full of deep-cut world book information, advanced rules for character creation and game play, and the state of the Land of Oz in the Days of Ozymandias the Second – Battle for Oz is no mere Plot Point Campaign book. Sure, that’s in there – and it’s solid – but this is the book every Savage fan needs if they want to explore and experience the Land of Oz in a kickass, fight-for-your-lives (and freedom) way. Battle for Oz may be the most unique and mind-flipping Savage Setting since Low Life…”
– Sean Patrick Fannon, Creator of Shaintar

Battle for Oz is a complete game setting built for the award-winning Savage Worlds rule-set published by Pinnacle Entertainment Group, therefore you will need the Savage Worlds core book to play the game. Battle for Oz details the entire land of Oz, which is just a small part in the center of a larger continent called Nonestica. The Battle for Oz book contains everything a GM and a player needs to adventure in and explore Oz including:
  • Seventeen unique races - including their background, culture, racial edges, and distinctive appearance.
  • New Arcane Backgrounds - Oz is rich in magic and all of the Arcane Backgrounds have been altered to reflect the setting, such as the Scar Mage, Fae Druid, and the totally unique Minstrel.
  • A complete history of Oz from ancient times through the time of Dorothy, and up to the present day.
  • Fantastic new edges, skills, and powers - like Alchemy, Crystal Lore, and Technomancy.
  • Twenty two distinct Archetypes - for the player who just wants to plug and play, this system allows you to pick or random roll an Archetype, choose a race and your done with character creation in minutes!
  • New and expanded setting rules - including Bonus Raise Damage, Weapon Proficiencies, Gem Setting and Potion Making.
  • A complete detailed list of all of the major areas of Oz including maps, important NPC's and encounter tables for those who just want to explore.
  • A complete plot point campaign designed to take players from Novice to Legendary and strike a major blow towards the defeat of the new evil Wizard.
  • A complete bestiary and NPC section with detailed stats and character descriptions making even the most unprepared GM look good.
  • Cover to cover art in both black and white and color that immerses the reader in this fantastic world taken from the pages of one of the most recognizable fantasy lands in American literary history.
Funded via Kickstarter!

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero: Real Estate
Author: Richard Morley
Pages: 2
Price: €1,11 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Crazy Devils gang is making inroads into new turf, they made the mistake of picking the turf where the heroes live. Dragged into gang warfare not of their making the heroes must survive and fight back. The gang are fighting for the real estate, the heroes are fighting for their homes, justice and a big pile of credits.

Real Estate is a One-Sheet adventure ideal for introducing players and novice characters to Interface Zero 2.0. It can easily be adapted for any tier of heroes. It can be run on its own or lead into a more complex adventure for the heroes.

[Melior Via] Accursed: Sand and Stone
Authors: Chris Avellone, George Ziets
Pages: 30
Price: €4,43 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Since the colonization of Morden, Hebron and Hyphrates shared an enmity. In part, this was because of their nearness and competition for many resources. Their cultural differences, however, served to intensify the division as well. Hebronites are generally far more devoted to family, while Hyphratians tend to embrace personal goals. These differences often triggered misunderstandings and hostilities between the two cultures, leading to an endless series of conflicts. Much of this was swept aside in the face of the Grand Coven, when all the nations of Morden cooperated under the banner of the Armies of Light.

Sand and Stone provides additional information about the nations of Hebron and Hyphrates within Accursed's setting of Morden. It includes a broad range of different adventure hooks for GMs and players looking to explore these specific regions. It also introduces three new banes as well as Hindrances and Edges specific to these cultures.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

This PDF uses layers for ease of printing.

Onuris Summons the Djinn:

The Chapel Exterior:

[TAG] TAG turns Six!

Hard to believe it’s been six years since me, Robin, and Dave sat down and decided to throw our lot in together and form Triple Ace Games. Dave may have moved on, but TAG is still here and still going strong. I should clarify that TAG is technically already 6 years 1 month old—tomorrow marks the anniversary of the official launch of the company to the world, but we’d been working behind the scenes before that getting things ready.

This isn’t a state of the company speech, though I’ll touch on something of that in due course. It’s more of an annual reflection of what has transpired since TAG came kicking and shouting into the RPG industry.

But first some words of thanks. During those six years we’ve been blessed with a lot of friends and helpers. Some we knew already, both personally and as fans of our previous works, others we’ve met along the way. Whether you’re an industry insider, a reviewer, a customer (old or new), a helper, a freelance author or artist, or just someone who clicked Like on our Facebook page to get freebies, we’d like to thank you for helping us to be the successful games company we are today.

So, what have we actually achieved over the last 12 months?

Well, Robin has joined the company as a full-time employee. That’s a huge milestone. Not only does it mean TAG now pays two full-time wages, but it gives us more hours in the day to work on new material.

That extra time has already enabled us to fund two Kickstarter projects (Tales from the Sands and Hellfrost Expansion II). Between them the funding resulted in four new books being printed, plus the forthcoming Hellfrost action deck. I’ve seen some of the art for the latter and I hope you’ll believe me when I say it rocks! Coupled with these has been a steady release of PDF products.

One project that came into being this year that we’re particularly proud of is Rocket Race. Okay, very few of you have ever seen a copy and you’re probably getting a little tired of us talking about it, but it marks another important milestone for TAG—our debut into the family games market.

Just under a month ago, me, Mrs. Wiggy, Robin, and Vince Kingston, were sitting at UK Games Expo enjoying some beers. It was the night before the show officially started and we were all staring at a copy of Rocket Race. We all shared a collective thought. Had TAG just invested a lot of time and money in a massive flop or were the 100 copies of the game we’d produced going to fly off the shelves? Don’t get me wrong—everyone who’d seen the quality of the game, yet alone played it, loved it, and we were quietly confident in our hearts. Our minds, though, knew that nothing is guaranteed.

Long story short, we sold out very quickly and the reviews and feedback have been very positive—so much so that we’ll be looking to Kickstart a distribution edition later this year. TAG producing a non-collectible card game? Like I said earlier, it’s an important milestone in our growth and confidence.

So what else is on the horizon over the coming year? In addition to the PDF releases there’ll (hopefully) be at least three more Kickstarters—something for Hellfrost (more on that very soon, hopefully), something for Leagues of Adventure, and, of course, Rocket Race.

Why so many Kickstarters planned? It’s simple—they allow us produce printed material quicker and, in some cases, give birth to books you wouldn’t otherwise see. Tales from the Sands is a prime example. Without Kickstarter, the four adventures would have been produced as PDFs, the same as with the original Hellfrost adventures. A print version might have happened, but it would have taken at least a year—quality books are not cheap to produce, especially in distribution quantities. Thanks to your support, we were able to bypass the PDF phase and go straight to print.

While we’re gamers, TAG is a business, and businesses need money to produce the goods. PDFs sell, but print not only sells better, it allows us to reach a wider audience. Feedback tells us we’re doing the right thing both by TAG and by you.

And that is just about that. Six busy years have passed us by, and another is just about to dawn!
Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Mal ein Aufruf in eigener Sache: Die Feencon feiert in diesem Jahr ihren 25. Geburtstag und wir sind natürlich mit dabei. Wir wollen nun 25 Jahre Feencon und 5 Jahre deutsches Savage Worlds gerne mit einem großen, abgefahrenen Crossover-Event feiern und suchen dafür noch regelsichere Demogeber. Wer Zeit und Lust hat, mag sich bitte bei mir melden, am besten über das Kontaktformular der Demoteam-Seite. Neben Ruhm und Ehre gibt es auch ein paar exklusive Demoteam-Goodies zu erringen…

Hier geht es zur Website des Demoteams. Und hier gibt es noch einen Ausblick auf eines der exklusiven Supporter-Shirts.


Bleibt savage!


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Genauer gesagt, wird das deutsche Savage Worlds fünf Jahre alt. Im Sommer 2009 erschien mit der Gentleman’s Edition das erste deutsche Savage Worlds-Grundregelwerk und wir hätten uns nie träumen lassen, was wir damit schlussendlich in Gang setzen würden. Eingekauft hatten wir die Lizenz übrigens ein gutes Jahr vorher und, ehrlich gesagt, eher um unser Portfolio zu vergrößern und nicht weil wir glühende Anhänger der Regeln waren. 2009 war Savage Worlds daher auch nur eines der Spiele in unserem Verlagsportfolio. Heute ist es das Spiel in unserem Sortiment und, ohne Marketingsprech-Übertreibungen, auch eines der deutschen Rollenspielsysteme. Tausende verkaufte Regelwerke und eine beständig wachsende Fangemeinde sprechen für sich.

In den vergangenen fünf Jahren haben wir fünf Spielwelten übersetzt und veröffentlicht, darunter ein Großprojekt wie Hellfrost (das gleich anderthalbfach^^), dazu verschiedene Abenteuer, Regelbücher und Kompendien. Weitere Übersetzungen sind in Arbeit und seit über einem Jahr arbeiten wir an den ersten Eigenentwicklungen. Fünf Jahre klingen verdammt lang aber es war eine so spannende Zeit für Prometheus Games als Firma, und auch für uns persönlich, dass die Jahre nur so an uns vorbeigerast sind. Mit Blick von Innen, da müsst ihr mir schlicht vertrauen, hat die Arbeit an Savage Worlds aber gerade erst begonnen.

Dabei ist Prometheus Games, also Marcel und ich, nur ein kleiner Teil des Savage-Räderwerks. Über die Jahre haben Dutzende Kreative an Savage Worlds gearbeitet. Geniale Ideen wurden erdacht, oft verworfen und manchmal auch umgesetzt. Mit viel Spaß und Energie aber auch oft genug mit Schweiß und Tränen und in langen Nachtschichten sind über die Jahre wundervolle Produkte entstanden.

Ohne unsere Mitarbeiter und Fans, egal ob Autoren, Künstler, Supporter, Lektoren, Testspieler, Setzer und sogar Drucker (die machen viel mehr als der Name vermuten lässt), wäre nichts von alledem möglich. Dasselbe gilt natürlich für unsere Kunden, die uns immer wieder mit Ideen, Kritik und oft auch mit tatkräftiger Hilfe unter die Arme greifen und das Fundament sind auf dem unsere Arbeit steht.

Wenn man fünf Jahre lang so intensiv an einer Sache arbeitet, dann verändert einen das natürlich auch persönlich. Savage Worlds ist unsere Arbeit und unsere wirtschaftliche Basis aber mittlerweile ist es mehr als das. Ich habe Marcel heute gefragt, was ihm Savage Worlds bedeutet und seine spontane Antwort war, dass es ihn für andere Spiele verdorben hätte (es kam natürlich noch mehr aber ich beschränke mich mal auf den Kern). Ich fand das erst etwas hart formuliert aber im Grunde trifft es die Sache. Savage Worlds ist auf der einen Seite nur ein Regelsystem (Überraschung) aber auf der anderen Seite ist es auch wieder viel mehr als das (eine Tatsache, von der wir 2009 nichts ahnten). Es ist ein Spielgefühl, ein Stil und wenn man diesen Stil einmal erlebt, einmal gespielt hat, sind die meisten anderen Spiele nur noch gammeliger Quark. Zumindest ging es uns so. Savage Worlds ist Freiheit, es ist Nervenkitzel, echte Dramatik, pure Freude und kinoreife Action, auf den Punkt. Immer! Ist es das nicht, hat man was falsch gemacht. So ist das Spiel, so ist die Community und so sind unsere Spielabende. Wir hoffen, dass ihr in den vergangenen fünf Jahren mit Savage Worlds ebenso viel Spaß hattet wie wir und freuen uns auf die nächsten fünf Jahre!

In den nächsten Wochen werden wir online, in Ladengeschäften und auf Conventions unser Jubiläum gebührend feiern. Erwarten dürft ihr kostenloses Spielmaterial, PDF-Geburtstagspakete (für den jubilierenden Einstieg ins Spiel), Gewinnspiele, einen Wettbewerb und eine waschechte Party auf der Feencon, in Echt und Farbe usw.

Bleibt savage!


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[Atomic Overmind Press] The Day After Ragnarok: Race for the Jade Scroll
Authors: Kennon Bauman, Keaton Bauman
Artist: Michael Vilardi
Pages: 2
Price: €0,92 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Hong Kong is home to criminals, eccentrics, rebels, and refugees…and an occupying Japanese army. Nevertheless, one of the heroes receives a letter informing her that an old friend living in the city—former Oxford University Professor Cyrus Lockheart—has died, and that he left certain papers and personal effects to her. There is one condition: the items, broadly hinted to be of great value, must be retrieved in person.

Authors Kennon and Keaton Bauman's scenario sends the heroes hurtling through the streets of Hong Kong in pursuit of a strange inheritance. Can they win the Race for the Jade Scroll??!

This Savage Worlds One-Sheet for The Day After Ragnarok contains everything you need for a quick and easy adventure for your party in the World after Serpentfall.

[Sneak Attack Press] Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Artist: Carlos Lima
Pages: 8
Price: €1,46 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Your skin burns as you lunge towards the armored figure. It turns, and a single blow of its lead fist sends you staggering backwards. Its face plate reveals only two glowing eyes. "Sorry pal," it says in a distorted voice. "Nothing personal. I'm just trying to feed my kids."

Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation is short book that presents a supervillain and several related NPCs for you to use in your super-powered Savage Worlds campaign. It contains not only game statistics, but also character backgrounds, adventure hooks, and a sample story arc that demonstrates how to use Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation as recurring elements in your game.

Meltdown and the AlphEx Corporation includes the following NPCs:
  • Meltdown: A living radioactive battery who must wear a containment suit to prevent poisoning those around him.
  • Sebastian Gallows: The power-hungry CEO of the AlphEx Corporation, who forces Meltdown to commit crimes.
  • Keegan Scott: A former supervillain who now builds high-tech weapons for the AlphEx Corporation.
  • Dr. Amrita Chaudhary: A mutant with a life-draining touch, who is also a geneticist researching Meltdown's condition.
  • Enhanced Security: AlphEx security officers enhanced with super suits.
  • Heli-Drones: Robot helicopters used to assist AlphEx security.
This book requires both the Savage Worlds core rules and Super Powers Companion to play.

[Four-in-Hand Games] Steamscapes: Gunslinger's Guide
Authors: Richard Gilbert, Eric Simon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Kelsey Morse-Brown, LeeAnn Pecina
Pages: 55
Price: €5,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

You can keep your gadgets and goggles and machines. The only gear I need is a holster and what goes in it. Now hand me those pliers - I need to tweak the action on this just a touch.

The Gunslinger's Guide is a supplement specifically designed to offer more play options and story hooks to gunslinger characters in the Steamscapes world. It includes extensive setting information relevant to gunslingers and their companions, optional rules for situations a gunslinger may commonly face, and an extensive weapon customization system for detailed exploration of the Gunsmithing skill.

Steamscapes: Gunslinger's Guide requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: The Queen of the Lost Valley
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 90
Price: €5,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to The Queen of the Lost Valley, the sixth adventure of the Beasts & Barbarians Savage Words setting!

The pass through the Iron Mountains has been impassable for months due to the bandits of Justaios the Rebel. But this cannot stop an enterprising merchant like Jannah the Red, who has discovered another long-forgotten pass on an ancient map.

Savage barbarians, breath-taking escapes and a strange lost paradise await you, in the deep secluded valleys of the Iron Mountains where no civilized man has set foot in centuries. Are you ready to face the Queen of the Lost Valley and put your hands on her mythic treasure?

This booklet includes a Book of Lore expansion on the Iron Mountains, their savage people and a host of strange forgotten places...
Ein wenig spät am Tag aber aktuell schwimmen wir mal wieder in Arbeit. Ist ja grundsätzlich nicht schlecht.

Hier also das Verlagsupdate für diesen Monat. Das letzte Update findet ihr übrigens hier. Wer sich einen Überblick über alle bisherigen Updates verschaffen möchte, kann unten auf der Seite einfach mal die Kategorie “Und, was gibt’s Neues?!” auswählen. Dort wird ihm dann eine Übersicht aller bisherigen Updates angezeigt.

Savage Worlds wird 5 Jahre!

Das Wichtigste vorweg, wir feiern in diesem Jahr den fünften Geburtstag des deutschen Savage Worlds und haben uns dazu einiges ausgedacht. Neben tollen Rabattangeboten erwarten euch auch Wettbewerbe, Gewinnspiele und waschechte Partys. Mehr dazu hier.

Spielkinder Initiative

Das Projekt schreitet sehr gut voran, obwohl wir einen Rückschlag im Lektorat hinzunehmen hatten und nun dringend ein oder zwei neue Lektoren suchen. Falls jemand sich berufen fühlt, schreibt mich doch bitte über christian@prometheusgames.de an. Es gibt zwar kein Honorar für das Projekt aber es ist auch überschaubar. Die ersten Bildbeschreibungen sind raus und ich bin schon sehr gespannt. Nächste Woche geht noch ein Schwung Beschreibungen raus und dann sollte jeder Künstler versorgt sein. Wenn sich alles so weiter entwickelt, können wir das Buch wirklich noch in diesem Jahr fertig stellen und haben sogar noch eine Menge Zusatzmaterial, da Autor Oliver noch mal gut nachlegt.

Gentleman’s Edition Revised – Hardcover

Das Warten hat endlich ein Ende. Die Karten sind da und das Buch kann kommende Woche in den Druck. Sobald ich den genauen Erscheinungstermin habe, gebe ich den bekannt.


Der Spielleiterschirm war ein echtes Problemkind aber auch hier haben wir mittlerweile eine gute Lösung gefunden. Wir mussten uns zwar von der aktuellen Firma trennen (kommt mir nie wieder mit chinesischen Produktionen^^) aber dafür haben wir einen Ersatz in Deutschland gefunden und heute den Produktionsauftrag gegeben. In vier bis sechs Wochen wird das gute Stück endlich wieder erhältlich sein und zwar in exakt der Qualität der ersten Auflage!

Hellfrost Kreaturenband

Das Druck-PDF ist seit einigen Wichen online und kann hier gekauft werden. Die neuen Bilder sind auch endlich alle da (wie immer mit Verzögerung) aber in der kommenden Woche geht das Buch in Druck und sollte dann in ca. 3 Wochen vorliegen.

Hellfrost: Piraten des Kristallstroms

Die finale Druckdatei hat noch ein wenig gebraucht aber das Buch ist seit heute im Druck und liegt in ca. 14 Tagen vor.

Hellfrost – Allgemein

Die ersten Bilder des kommenden Regionalbandes sind eingetroffen und der Text des ersten exklusiven deutschen Abenteuers steht kurz vor der Abgabe. Aktuell laufen die Planungen für eine deutsche Plot-Point-Kampagne und wir feilen noch an einer Überraschung für die SPIEL. Ihr dürft gespannt sein.

Sundered Skies und Rippers

Die Sundered Skies-Anthologie ist in der redaktionellen Abnahme und die Rippers-Anthologie geht nächste Woche ins Lektorat. Wir liegen also gut im Zeitplan.


Das das Update nun in greifbare Nähe gerückt ist, suchen wir dringend Übersetzer und Autoren, die das Setting kennen oder bereit sind sich einzuarbeiten. Neben dem Update planen wir weiteres Material und wer sich berufen fühlt, schreibt mich bitte über christian@prometheusgames.de an.


Die Arbeiten hieran gehen gut voran. Zu meiner Schande muss ich gestehen, dass ich ein wenig nachlässig mit den News dazu war aber ich gelobe ab kommender Woche Besserung. In der übernächsten Woche gehen übrigens die Grundregelwerke der Erstauflage an alle Vorbesteller raus. Wir haben die Versendung noch ein wenig verzögert, weil wir euch neben dem Buch noch eine kleine Überraschung mit ins Paket legen wollen, die aber erst noch vom Drucker kommen muss.

Los Muertos

Los Muertos ist eingeschlagen wie ein explosiver Totenschädel, so dass wir tatsächlich schon den Nachdruck anleiern mussten. Damit euch nicht langweilig wird, haben wir die Reihe Neues aus Mictlan ins Leben gerufen (Wortwitz) in der wir euch regelmäßig mit kostenlosem Spielmaterial versorgen.


Die Arbeiten am nächsten Nova-Band gehen gut voran und zwischenzeitlich haben wir dem Spiel eine brandneue und schicke Website spendiert. Die alte Website gab es ja schon vor der Gründung von Prometheus Games. Daniel und sein Team haben tolle Arbeit geleistet und wer sich für Sci-Fi mit Action interessiert, sollte einen Blick riskieren. Zudem haben die Arbeiten an dem Nova-Kartenspiel Nova: Battlegrounds begonnen und die ersten Spieletests auf der Nordcon verliefen extrem positiv.


Wir haben unser Supportmodell ein wenig umgestellt und suchen Verstärkung für unser Demoteam, um die Vielzahl der Spiele besser auf Cons und Messen repräsentieren zu können. Wer Interesse daran hat, findet hier mehr dazu. Neben Ruhm und Ehre winken Produkte aus unserem Sortiment und exklusive Artikel, die es nur für Mitglieder des Demoteams gibt.


Obwohl der Text des Regelwerks quasi fertig ist, mussten wir uns kurz vor Druck von dem bisherigen Übersetzer trennen. Glücklicherweise haben wir rasch Ersatz gefunden, so dass es zwar zu Verzögerungen kommen wird, aber es wird sich im Rahmen halten. Wer sich vorab ein wenig über das Spiel informieren möchte, kann das auf der neuen Website tun.

Soweit für diesen Monat.

Bleibt savage!


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[Melior Via] Accursed: Moon Valley
Author: Adam Jury
Pages: 2
Price: €0,93 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

After years of The Chimera’s experiments, some have begun to migrate to wreak more havoc than usual. People in affected areas have abandoned their homes and livelihoods. In many cases, the creations stripped the land around them of edible plants and game, then moved in to attack the residents. The PCs must defend Moon Valley from their encroachment, discovering the reasons for these new attacks if they can.

Moon Valley is a One-Sheet style scenario that focuses on the adventures of a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure features brief scene descriptions, with necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

Map of Parede's Home:

The Cenelaph:

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #17: The Snakelands of Old
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 10
Prices: €2,23 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

For two millennia the snakemen of old have been spoken of only as ghosts, for it has long been known they were destroyed by the armies of mighty Hekata. If only such tales were true. Entering a state of self-imposed exile, the ophidae have waited patiently for the signal for them to emerge once and rebuild their once glorious empire. At long last the stars have aligned. Nomads in the surrounding regions sense a dark presence in the Snakelands, and fear once again sweeps across the desert. The serpent is on the ascent.

Inside you'll find:
  • A new Professional Edge – Snake Charmer.
  • Information on ophidae society and their views on racial purity.
  • An overview of the many hazards that await explorers.
  • 9 new locations to explore, including the City of the Firmament and the Whispering Oasis.
  • 3 new major NPCs.
  • A new festival honoring Shamash, god of the sun.
  • Ideas for why heroes may visit the Snakelands and adventure seeds.
  • Details on Ss'esslis, the god of the ophidae, and Ningirama, deity of protection from snakes.
  • 4 new monsters.
Still celebrating our Sixth Anniversary, a free web update is available HERE.

[Melior Via] Accursed: The Guns of Dagerov
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Alberto Bontempi, Jacob Atienza, Kamil Jadzcak, Jeff Preston, Kevin Childress
Pages: 24
Price: €4,38 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Marching through Steppengrad in the winter is the kind of thing only fools and Accursed would even dare. Nonetheless, the battle for the soul of the world continues, and to fight the endless monsters of the Grand Coven, man-made monsters capable of belching destruction and death are just what the Order of the Penitent requires if the tide is ever to turn. The town of Dagerov is in possession of a batch of cannons that could be just the resource the order needs. Unfortunately, the town also needs those cannons—the Accursed must try to recover them, without dooming Dagerov.

The Guns of Dagerov is a full length adventure for a band of Witchmarked heroes in the Accursed game setting. The adventure may be played as a standalone, or it may be used with the Plot Point Campaign included in Accursed. The adventure follows a three act structure, while also providing details on Dagerov and its peoples in Steppengrad. It includes necessary game mechanics and opportunity for tasks that can be resolved in a variety of ways.

Accursed provides additional details about the setting used in this scenario, and is required to fully make use of the game mechanics presented. Savage Worlds and the Savage Worlds Horror Companion are also required.

Map of Dagerov:

The Rusalka:

[Reality Blurs] Karthador - Swashbuckling Science Fiction *PREORDER*
Authors: Darrell Hardy & Sean Preston
Pages: 351
Price: €29,37 SC & PDF (Reality Blurs)

Karthador is a world of beauty, danger, drama, and horror.

A world where swashbuckling heroes battle merciless villains across ancient vistas and above shining cities, in a world where science is magic and adventure is never more than a whisper away.

Noble warriors ride dinosaurs into battle, swords in their hands and blaster pistols on their hips.

Crafty sky traders dodge air pirates and thread the needle of storm clouds in the name of profit.

Scholars sift through ancient ruins, looking for bits of eldritch technology to complete their new inventions.

Kings and revolutionaries pore over maps, looking for high ground and choke points, ever wondering if their energy crystals will hold out just a little longer….

What adventures await you?

Order now and get the PDF immediately, and be among the first to get the book when it drops! This 6" x 9" softcover book is over 340 pages and retails for $35.00 alone.


[StoryWeaver] High-Space: Aeternaeanimam
Author: Patrick Taylor
Pages: 45
Prices: €3,68 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Fast, Furious Fun… in the Far Future!

"Politics. Money. Religion. Always an explosive mix. Throw in a floating palace in the clouds, robots and Templars, and you've got the perfect adventure for intrigue and outright conflict!"

Having successfully delved Into The Remnant and uncovered what is only the second Nazmec Tablet in existence, the intrepid heroes now want their payoff!

Their best option is to reach the Tor system and negotiate the labyrinthine and deadly practices of the trade in Nazmec artefacts, under the sanctuary of the Council of Churches.

If the heroes thought that millennia-old amphibious monsters were bad, they will be in for a shock when they face off against the galaxy’s most ruthless wheelers and dealers!

Anyone bidding for a second Nazmec Tablet will want to win, and agents who negotiate can utilise 'unusual' methods and tactics. Yes, the bidding will be steep... and it'll not always involve money.

Shady deals will be done...

Ancient secrets will be revealed...

Friends will be betrayed...

Fortunes and lives will be put on the line...

Welcome to the Aeternaeanimam.

Features everything needed to play:
  • Detailed adventure
  • Cast of characters
  • Digital Maps
  • Printable battlemaps
  • Card Stock Figures

[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 352 est.
Prices: Pledge Calculator (Kickstarter)

In 2010, Hellfrost fans asked us for more information on the world. In response, we created the Region Guides, a series of small supplements that explored each realm in greater detail. No sooner was the line completed than requests came in for a print compendium. Once again Triple Ace Games has listened and responded.

We are proud to present a Kickstarter for the Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North, a mighty volume that takes you on an epic journey of discovery and exploration into the rich geography and history of the lands of the frozen north in new and amazing detail.

A project of this mammoth scope produces a book of equal size! The text amounts to over 315,000 words. Combining this with maps and art, we originally conceived a book of at least 450 pages in length. A book of this size is fairly difficult to produce, not impossible. With design alterations and a little page layout magic, we can deliver all the regional information from the Region Guides plus the brand new maps, art, and locations in a 352 page book.

To gain a quick overview of the final publication here is what you will get in the book:
  • 352 (est.) pages in glorious full color
  • Hardcover book, and PDF
  • 49 regions, including the mystical lands of Alfheim, the turbulent Ten Seas, and the subterranean deeps of Ertha's Realm. Contains text from the original Region Guides series, plus new additions and edits.
  • Rules for creating sacred places, with detailed examples.
  • 58 detailed maps including city maps and overland maps with a scale of 1 inch equals 50 miles.
  • 94 pages in total of full color maps (close approx.)
  • 25 illustrations interspersed throughout the book complimenting the maps and text.
For full details, and to pledge for this beautiful tome, please visit our Kickstarter project.

Please note that even if this project holds no interest for you, you can still grab the entirety of Orcmark as a freebie from the Kickstarter page.

[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 352 est.
Prices: Pledge Calculator (Kickstarter)

Nach nur 3 Tagen ist dieses Projekt mit etwas über £6,000 finanziert!

Im Namen von Wiggy, Rob und allen Fans, die sich schon seit Jahren dieses Buch gewünscht haben, vielen Dank an alle Beteiligten.

[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar - Crossbows, Crafting, and Ka-ZOT!
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artist: Susan Knowles
Pages: 11
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Some new Edges, a Crafting system, and Arcmancy AB for Shaintar by Sean Patrick Fannon.

Though designed initially for the Shaintar product line, GMs of any Savage Worlds setting (or, really, any game) will find this system extremely useful for their campaigns.

Das deutsche Savage Worlds wird fünf Jahre alt und die Feencon feiert ihr 25jähriges Bestehen, mehr als genügend Gründe für eine Party. Wir laden euch daher am Samstag den 19.07. auf der Feencon zu einer kleinen Jubiläumsparty ein, in echt und analog.

Die Feier wird auf dem Con-Gelände stattfinden (wo genau ist noch nicht ganz klar, wir geben es aber zeitig bekannt und es wird auch vor Ort ausgeschildert sein) und beginnt gegen 20 Uhr. Die genaue Ausgestaltung machen wir von der Teilnehmerzahl abhängig. Von gemütlichen Gesprächs- bis hin zu Spielrunden ist alles drin, solange ihr mich nicht zwingt zu tanzen. Cola, Wasser, Bier (auch alkoholfrei) und Knabberkram stellen wir kostenlos. Wie es sich für eine Geburtstagsparty gehört, gibt es natürlich auch Geschenke. Wir verlosen unter allen Teilnehmern einen ganzen Schwung cooler Bücher, darunter auch vergriffene Ausgaben der ersten Auflage von Savage Worlds, limitierte Bände und als Special das limitierte Jubiläumsshirt.

Bis zur Feencon!

Bleibt savage!


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