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[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #8: The Empty Zone
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,56 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

West of the Southern Trade Road lies the Empty Zone, so named because there are no oases and no permanent settlements. A desolate, arid wasteland of sand and ruins, it was once a vibrant center of civilization. For many who dare walk the shifting sands, all that awaits is death, and yet adventurers and opportunists are drawn here, for the countless ruins are supposed to hold wondrous treasures.

Inside you’ll find:
  • Expanded information on the cult of Iblis (god of chaos), including major festivals designed to appease or fool him.
  • An overview of the history of the barren realm and the perils that await explorers.
  • A new Edge for those who traffic with darkness.
  • 10 new locations to explore and 3 major NPCs to encounter.
  • 3 minor deities.
  • 4 new monsters.

[Sneak Attack Press] Broken Earth (Savage Worlds)
Author: Matthew J. Hanson
Pages: 160
Prices: €11,73 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Bombs fell. Billions died. Now you must pick up the pieces and rebuild this Broken Earth.

Broken Earth is an adventure setting that takes place in a post-apocalyptic version of Earth. It deals with a small fraction of the world, what was once the northern Midwest of the United States, and a tiny bit of southern Central Canada. As an adventure setting, Broken Earth includes many compelling locations and adventures, but also gives the heroes freedom to explore the world.

The book gives the GM everything you need to run a prolonged campaign in the Broken Earth setting, including locations, NPCs, plot points, mutant monsters, and a detailed first adventure that brings the party together.

This book also contains everything in the Broken Earth Player's Guide. If you are a player in a Broken Earth campaign you might want to check out the Broken Earth Player's Guide. If you are a GM you should just get this book. You do NOT need both.

This is the Savage Worlds Compatible version of the book. The Pathfinder RPG compatible version is coming soon.

[RetroPunk Publicacoes] Savage Worlds: Edição Brasileira
Authors: Shane Lacy Hensley, with Clint & Jodi Black, Matthew Cutter, John Goff, Joel Kinstle, Piotr Koryś, Jordan Peacock, Teller, and Simon Lucas
Pages: 216
Prices: €7,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Savage Worlds é um sistema de regras Rápido! Furioso! e Divertido! para qualquer gênero de RPG. Crie seu próprio cenário, adapte um já existente, ou escolha um dos maravilhosos mundo como Deadlands, Space 1889 ou Guerras Estranhas. As regras fornecem elementos sucificentes para os jogadores criarem seus personagens enquanto facilita o controle do mestre.

A Edição Brasileira contém as regras da edição Deluxe no formato da Explorers Edition, inclusive com uma identidade visual híbrida, utilizando a arte das das edições.

Se você procura um jogo rápido e fácil de preparar, narrar e jogar, então Savage Worlds é o seu sistema!
Die druckfrische Taschenausgabe der beliebten Savage Worlds-Grundregeln hat uns erreicht und wird ab morgen an alle Vorbesteller verschickt. Damit ist wieder ein gedrucktes deutsches Regelwerk für Savage Worlds verfügbar. Wer Savage Worlds noch nicht kennt, kann sich auf unserer Webseite darüber informieren oder das Buch direkt für unschlagbare 9,95 Euro versandkostenfrei hier bestellen. Natürlich gibt es das Buch auch im gut sortierten Fachhandel oder in jeder Buchhandlung.

Ein Wort an alle Unterstützer unserer Fanfinanzierung: Die Hardcover-Edition der GER wird leider noch ein bisschen auf sich warten lassen, was uns selbst natürlich am meisten wurmt. Wir hätten das Buch sehr gerne schon im Verkauf aber irgendwie kommt halt immer irgendwo Sand ins Getriebe. Das Buch ist jedoch fast final. Die neuen Abenteuer sind fertig. Aktuell werden die Karten gezeichnet. Anschließend gehen die neuen Seiten ins Layout. Alles in allem, wird es also nicht mehr lange dauern. Alle Kunden, die beide Editionen bestellt hatten, erhalten die Taschenausgabe vorab als kostenlose Teillieferung.

Der Klappentext des Buches:

Savage Worlds ist ein schnelles und spannendes Regelsystem, geeignet für jedes beliebige Rollenspielgenre. Entwickle dein eigenes Setting, konvertiere dein Lieblingsrollenspiel oder spiele in einem unserer faszinierenden Settings, wie Necropolis 2350, Sundered Skies oder Rippers!

Die Regeln von Savage Worlds wurden entwickelt, um Spielern eine Fülle von Möglichkeiten während der Charakterentwicklung an die Hand zu geben und gleichzeitig den Verwaltungsaufwand des Spielleiters so gering wie möglich zu halten.
Wenn du nach einem Spiel suchst, das wenig Vorbereitung erfordert, sich flüssig spielen lässt und Spielspaß vor Regelungswut stellt, dann ist Savage Worlds dein Spiel!

Und das Cover:


Bleibt savage!


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Naja, pirschen tut man wie? Genau, langsam! Ganz ehrlich, wir sind mindestens so genervt von den Hellfrost-Verzögerungen wie ihr. Wir wollten das Projekt bereits vor Monaten abgeschlossen haben, um uns auf die nächsten Hellfrostprodukte und unsere Eigenentwicklungen konzentrieren zu können. Leider haben uns diverse Umstände (über die wir aus Höflichkeit lieber den Mantel des Schweigens breiten) immer wieder einen Strich durch die Rechnung gemacht und eine Erscheinen des Kreaturenbandes verhindert.

Es ist jedoch nicht alles verloren, denn es geht voran und eigentlich habe ich heute nur gute Nachrichten für euch. Zum einen haben wir das Arbeitsverhältnis mit dem aktuellen Layouter beendet und stattdessen eine Agentur mit dem Satz der Datei beauftragt. Damit können wir nun sicherstellen, dass das Buch endlich in Kürze in Druck gehen kann.

Wir möchten uns außerdem für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis erkenntlich zeigen. Trotz der Verzögerungen habt ihr uns unterstützt und eher mal nur hier und da nachgefragt, anstatt uns die Bude abzureißen. Marcel und ich haben uns daher überlegt, dass jeder Teilnehmer der Hellfrost-Finanzierungsaktion das neue Abenteuer Piraten des Kristallstroms kostenlos zusammen mit dem Kreaturenband erhält. Es kann übrigens sein, dass das Abenteuer schon früher vom Drucker kommt, dann erhaltet ihr es als kostenlose Teillieferung vorab. Wir hoffen, dass wir euch damit eine Freude machen und euch ein wenig für die lange Wartezeit entschädigen.

Die versprochene deutsche Rassilonkarte geht ebenfalls diese Woche in Druck und wird in der kommenden Woche an alle Vorbesteller verschickt.


In den nächsten Tagen starten wir übrigens die Umfrage zu den Hellfrost-Bennies. Ihr seht also, es geht voran.

Bleibt savage


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[Pinnacle] Super Powers Companion Transition Guide

The recently-released Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) is a significant update to the original Super Powers Companion. Because of the unique and comprehensive nature of the changes between the two, we’re doing something special for our friends who’ve supported the book since the beginning.

Normally, we provide an update document for new editions so you’ll know what, in particular has changed. This time, though, we’re giving you a basic text PDF with all of the rules from Character Creation through Headquarters, including the material that didn’t change. That gives you all of the most current rules in one place without flipping back and forth between the original and the update document.

If you compare the transition guide to the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition), you might notice that some of the “fluff” is gone. Don’t worry—all of the rules are in there!

This isn’t something we’ve ever done before, and it’s not something we’re likely to do again. This time, though, we wanted to thank you for all your support in the past, present, and in the future!

[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Crypt Creeps (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Crypt Creeps (Fantasy)

Is your gaming group heading to a dark, dank crypt for some adventuring? Need to stop that diabolical undead magus? Crypt Creeps is just what you need!

Crypt Creeps characters include:
  • Undead Magus
  • Crypt Crone
  • Skeleton Swordsman
  • Fattened Worm
  • Magus Disciple
  • Gibbering Corpse
  • Dread Spider
  • Cursed Corpse Vines
  • Banshee
  • Ghost
  • Ghöl
  • Grounds Keeper
  • Grave Robber
  • Ghast
  • Wailing Ghost
  • Walking Gargoyle
  • Dread Rat
For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Desert Oasis (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Desert Oasis (Fantasy)

The desert is a harsh place to seek adventure, so it's a good thing your gaming group has come across a bustling oasis. But, there are dangers here as well, from carnivorous trees to a magic-wielding desert witch. If your heroes are heading into the sandy wastes, Desert Oasis is for you!

Desert Oasis characters include:
  • Priest of the Sands
  • Witch of the Desert
  • Oasis Guard 1
  • Oasis Guard 2
  • Tribal Warrior 1
  • Tribal Warrior 2
  • Sand Devil
  • Oasis Emir
  • Oasis Guardmaster
  • Desert Pilgrim
  • Desert Explorer 1
  • Desert Explorer 2
  • Oasis Lurker
  • Carnivorous Tree
  • Tribal Shaykhah
  • Desert Raider
  • Tribal Sheikh
For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Dockside Denizens (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Dockside Denizens (Fantasy)

Is your gaming group going near the water? Into a port city in any fantastic setting? On a journey across the dangerous sea? Then check out Dockside Denizens, and give your group a diverse mix of littoral characters, ready for the playing.

Dockside Denizens characters include:
  • Piranhaman
  • Harpooner
  • Smuggler
  • Harbor Watchman
  • Feral Dog
  • Fishmonger
  • Fisherman
  • Pickpocket
  • Sailor 1
  • Sailor 2
  • Dock Worker 1
  • Dock Worker 2
  • Ferryman
  • Merchant
  • Strange Foreigner
  • Ship Captain
  • Shark of the Shallows
For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

[Misfit Studios] Super-Powered: 10 HQ Add-Ons
Author: Steven Trustrum
Pages: 4
Price: €1,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This installment of our Super-Powered series for the Savage Worlds rules provides 10 new add-ons for headquarters following the format presented in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition.)

Within this brief PDF you will find:
  • 3 new HQ rooms: the Arcane Sanctuary, Hazard Room, Power Amplifier, and a bonus Generator addendum.
  • 3 new HQ extras: Automated Systems, the Benny Pool, and Grounds.
  • We also introduce Headquarters Hindrances, providing 3 examples: Accessible Bowels, Haunted, and Occupied.
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition).

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #9: The Great Dune Sea
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A land of howling wind, monstrous sand dunes, no standing water, and an ever-changing landscape, the Great Dune Sea is widely regarded as a wasteland. Yet nomads make their home on the outskirts, tending their flocks on the sparse vegetation of the desert and eking a living as traders and guides. Within the dunes, so legends say, lie several ruined cities, mostly covered in sand, but occasionally revealing their ancient buildings to the curious.

Inside you’ll find:
  • Expanded information on the cult of Tamarni (goddess of pleasure and the home), including major festivals.
  • Theories of the origins of the windswept realm and a guide to the hardships that await explorers.
  • A new Edge for those who wish to travel the sands.
  • 8 new locations to explore and 4 major NPCs to encounter.
  • 3 minor deities.
  • 1 new monster and 2 new hazards.

[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: King's Castle (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,75 €3,60 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: King's Castle (Fantasy)

Royalty is always in need of a few champions, and when your gaming group arrives at the king's residence you'll be ready with this deck of NPCs. King's Castle features NPCs from the king himself down to the resident chef.

King's Castle characters include:
  • High King
  • High Queen
  • Royal Daughter
  • Crown Prince
  • Jester
  • Royal Guard 1
  • Royal Guard 2
  • Court Wizard
  • High Priest
  • Castle Chef
  • Royal Castellan
  • Lord General
  • Courtesan
  • Royal Advisor
  • Spy
  • Servant
  • Spectre of the Tower
For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Vampire Castle (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,75 €3,60 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Vampire Castle (Fantasy)

The dark castle deep in the mountains holds secrets and terrors that your gaming group must overcome! Vampire Castle gives you monsters, NPCs and villains that your heroes must fight, befriend, or avoid (if they’re smart!) to get out alive!

Vampire Castle characters include:
  • Vampire Lord
  • Thrall Warrior
  • Thrall 1
  • Thrall 2
  • Castle Guardian
  • Stone Warrior
  • Vampire Witch
  • Vampiress 1
  • Vampiress 2
  • Vampiress 3
  • Bloodsucker
  • Vampire Hunter
  • The Ancient One
  • Vampiric Priest
  • Slave 1
  • Slave 2
  • Cursed Specter
For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Typical Tavern (Fantasy)
Pages: 18
Prices: €2,88 PDF, €2,88 Cards, €5,76 €3,61 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

About Cast of Cards: Typical Tavern (Fantasy)

Taverns are a staple of any fantasy-based adventure. Whether your gaming group is just getting started or is taking a quick break from a long quest, Typical Tavern gives you NPCs to befriend or battle!

Typical Tavern characters include:
  • Barkeep
  • Serving Wench 1
  • Serving Wench 2
  • Drunken Bard
  • Disguised Noble
  • Lady of the Night
  • Celebrating Dwarf
  • Celebrating Warrior
  • Celebrating Wizard
  • Celebrating Elf
  • Watchman on Rounds
  • Bouncer (Half-Orc)
  • Young Vampire on the Prowl
  • Gambler 1
  • Gambler 2
  • Troubled Farmer
  • Observing Man
For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

[Warning Label] Cast of Cards: Freebie Pack 1 (Fantasy)
Pages: 6
Prices: Freebie PDF, €0,37 Cards, €0,37 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

If you play Savage Worlds, then you know their slogan: "Fast, Furious, and Fun!" And if you play any role-playing game, you know it's all to easy to get stuck generating characters, filling out record sheets and otherwise doing paperwork. Sometimes you just want to sit down and play. Sometimes you need the characters already waiting.

Sometimes you need a Cast of Cards.

Cast of Cards decks offer gamers ready-to-use Savage Worlds NPCs, monsters, and villains, complete with stats and background--you can just shuffle the deck, choose and play. Available for order on dry-erase marker-ready cards, or printable from the PDF you can download today, Cast of Cards decks save you time and effort.

Each deck offers 17 Extras (NPCs), including game stats and character backgrounds, as well as space to track Wounds in case you upgrade the Extra to a Wild Card.

Want to know more? No problem!

Cast of Cards: Freebie Pack 1 gives you five free NPCs. These unique characters fit in with other Cast of Cards decks, but are not repeats! If you like what you see, you'll have an extra card ready to go for your next adventure.

Freebie Pack 1 characters include:
  • Obsessive Captain (Dockside Denizens)
  • Curious Scholar (Crypt Creeps)
  • Tower Prisoner (King's Castle)
  • Desert Lynx (Desert Oasis)
  • Timid Halfling (Typical Tavern)
For use with Savage Worlds Deluxe.

[DramaScape] Savage Worlds SciFi NPC's
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, Steven J Black, Simon Powell, Mark Stout, Vidar Edland
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 68
Prices: €4,36 PDF, €7,27 Cards, €11,64 €7,27 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

48 new SciFi NPC's for your Game.

If you buy the printed cards make sure you tick the Watermarked pdf and cards as you will then get the PDF free.
The cards are US Poker-Size 2.5" x 3.5" with rounded corners, double sided, UV coated, you can mark off the rounds you have expended with a dry wipe marker.

“People associate the word 'alien' with extraterrestrials, but sometimes humans appear the most alien of all… especially when, underneath the synthskin disguise, the inhuman lurks.”

The Savage Worlds SciFi NPC Cards contain 48 NPC cards for use with any near or far future Savage World setting. The front of each card has the character’s image, while the back of the card show the character’s Savage World statistics, including attributes, skills, racial abilities, hindrances, edges, and gear. The cards are available in PDF and on print on demand through DriveThruCards.

The PDF also includes in depth character information, including potential aliases, history and background, current work and situation, and resources available to the character. The character information also details a pending mission for the Player Characters to get involved in, and an optional plot twist that alters the NPC in some unforeseen way.

The NPC cards can be used in many ways. The most likely usage is as a random NPC encounter deck for the Game Master to draw upon, with the NPCs characteristics conveniently at hand. Alternatively, the Game Master could offer NPC cards to the Players as allies or henchmen of their Player Characters.

Aufgrund zahlreicher Nachfragen, haben wir den im Sundered Skies-Kompendium enthaltenen Abschnitt über die Anpassungen zur neuen Regeledition als kostenlosen Download online gestellt. Ihr findet das PDF in unserem Downloadbereich.

Falls jemand das düstere Fantasy-Setting für Savage Worlds noch nicht kennt, kann er hier mehr darüber erfahren. Hier ist der Klappentext des Settingbandes (inklusive Kampagne) als kleiner Teaser:

Die Völker der Himmel haben überlebt – von einer unvorstellbaren Apokalypse auf eine harte Probe gestellt, täglich gegen gefräßige Bestien und Himmelspiraten kämpfend und den Folgen des unausweichlichen Glühens der Leere ausgesetzt!Aber das Schicksal der Himmel ist in Gefahr! Das magische Glühen ist nicht das einzige Verderbnis in dieser gnadenlosen Welt. Dunkle Mächte machen sich daran, die Himmel an den Rand einer noch wesentlich größeren Katastrophe zu treiben. Kannst du lange genug überleben, um das Geheimnis der Geborstenen Himmel zu lüften?

Kaufen könnt ihr den Settingband und das Kompendium übrigens im gut sortierten Fachhandel, jeder Buchhandlung oder natürlich direkt bei uns. Ein kostenloses Abenteuer haben wir natürlich auch im Angebot!


Bleibt savage!


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[TAG] Hellfrost LoF: Tales from the Sands
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 138
Prices: €11,61 (DriveThru/RPGNow)

The heroes of old are long dead, but they are far from forgotten.

For untold generations their names have flowed through time, their lives immortalized through the storytellers who speak of their courage, wit, and good fortune. Now the time has come for new names to be added to the list of honor and new stories to be told.

The path ahead for those chosen to carry the burden of hero status will be arduous. Many will fall by the wayside, their part in the story consigned to oblivion. Others will rise above the challenges set before them and earn the only true form of immortality.

Tales from the Sands is an adventure pack for Hellfrost: Land of Fire and contains:
  • The Golden Queen, in which a misguided soul seeks to make slaves of the entire continent by calling upon an ancient power.
  • Darkness at Darshab, in which a small village is beset by a terrible evil that gnaws at its heart and soul.
  • The Last Voyage of Sinbad, in which the heroes become bold mariners in the hope of conversing with Sinbad the Sailor.
  • Reign of Fire, in which the heroes must prevent the land being consumed by fire.
Each scenario includes encounter location maps and full monster stats and is published for the Hellfrost: Land of Fire setting by Triple Ace Games for the award-winning Savage Worlds RPG.

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #10: The Plains of Ash
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,52 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Once the home of the cakali, once a center of enlightenment and invention, once a green and pleasant land, the Plains of Ash is now a blasted wasteland, a testament to the unearthly might and fury of the jinn. To most it is a featureless waste, a stain on the landscape to be avoided out of fear of what might lurk there. To the cakali, it is their spiritual home, and a reminder that freedom requires sacrifices.

Inside you’ll find:
  • The origins of the cakali and more details on their practise of taking bondsmen.
  • An overview of cakali religious leanings, including details of their funerary customs.
  • Notes on the perils of walking the Plains of Ash, reasons why heroes might explore the wastes, and two adventure seeds.
  • Expanded information on the cult of Qedeshet (god of knowledge), including major festivals.
  • A new Arcane Background – Astrology magic.
  • 7 new locations, including the Ever-Burning Oasis and the Jinni’s Grave.
  • 3 notable NPCs.
  • 3 minor deities.
  • 2 new monsters and 3 hazards.

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF: Sample Characters
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams

We’ve put up 8 sample characters to help get you started. All are Novice Rank with no advancements. Although the characters were included as part of N1: The Curse of the Sand Lord, they are generic heroes, and were not designed with any specific adventure in mind.
Wie in den letzten Tagen angekündigt, ging heute die neue Website unseres ersten deutschen Savage-Worlds-Settings Elyrion online.

Ihr findet dort nicht nur zahlreiche Informationen zum Hintergrund von Elyrion wie zum Beispiel die Beschreibung der verschiedenen Regionen und Völker, sondern auch kostenloses Spielmaterial und exkluive Ausblicke auf kommende Elyrionprodukte.

Wir hoffen, dass euch die Welt von Elyrion ebenso wie uns gefällt und freuen uns auf lebhafte Diskussionen mit euch, entweder in unserem Forum oder auf Facebook oder Google+.

Bleibt savage!


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[Battlefield Press] Eldritch Skies (Savage Worlds Edition)
Authors: John Snead, A. J. Luxton, Ian Liddle
Pages: 195
Price: €10,81 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the GM's Day sale! From now through March 15th, this title has been marked down by 30%!

Battlefield Press presents its ENnie Award 2013 winning setting now for the Savage Worlds game engine.

It is 2030. The Gilman-Hawking drive has given us access to the stars. But we are not alone.

They're out there: aliens, gods and monsters. They're also down here. The Miskatonic Antarctic Expedition found the elder ones' city in 1931. The mi-go crashed in Roswell in 1947.

In 1958, as quietly as possible, not knowing what we were doing, we bent occult powers to our hands and took the step to Mars. The third time, the men who made that step could not step back. We fled back into our cave for a while.

But rocketry, and the Soviets, brought us back out soon enough. Competition took us to the moon. Uneasy teamwork saved the astronauts who would have died there among cyclopean, immemorial ruins.

In 1994, human scientists cracked alien technology and overcame the lightspeed barrier. They brought us the stars. They also brought us the madness that lies between them, the mind-twisting undarkness of hyperspace.

The future is here. Machine-made telepathy, augmentations, and unprecedented levels of automation have changed the face of Earth. But the science of sorcery, and our primitive understandings of what lies outside, have changed more than our minuscule planet. They've begun to let humanity out.

We walk amongst giants. Tread carefully.

[Battlefield Press] Distant Vistas (Savage Worlds Edition)
Authors: John Snead, Ian Liddle
Pages: 38
Price: €10,77 €7,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome to the GM's Day sale! From now through March 15th, this title has been marked down by 30%!

Picking up where the Eldritch Skies Rulebook left off, Distant Vistas expands the universe with new options and new additions.

Covering such topics as mining, to exploring strange new systems, between these covers are mysteries that reach to the very core of humankind’s voyages to the stars.

Based on the work of H.P. Lovecraft

[Pinnacle] Weird Wars: Rome - Fangs of the Viper One-Sheet
Author: Jason E. Roberts

Fangs of the Viper is a new One Sheet adventure for Weird Wars: Rome. Can you and your valiant men save a stolen princess from some local bandit called “The Viper”? Or will you find that this remote desert contains tricks, treachery, and the truly unreal that casts a long shadow over the Empire in Weird Wars: Rome?

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