[News] Extrablatt ! Extrablatt! ...

[DramaScape] DSA0001 - Skull Cove
Authors: Aaron T. Huss, Steven J Black, Simon Powell
Artist: Simon Powell
Pages: 38
Price: €4,41 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

DramaScape makes maps and miniatures for use with any game system with a focus on fantasy, horror, modern, and science fiction settings. Skull Cove is our second Savage Worlds product following our SciFi Weapon Cards available in PDF and print on demand on DriveThruCards. The map featured herein is a no overlay map.

"This island be friend to pirates and be enemy to privateers. Which be you strangers?"—Lirek Liriano [He reaches for his flintlock’s handle and pauses for a response…]

Skull Cove is a generic pirate town for use in any Savage Worlds pirate setting. There are descriptions of important locations and Skull Cove NPCs descriptions with Savage Worlds stat blocks. Several Savage Tales are included to get the players involved with the many personalities in the town. Skull Cove includes a 12 page full exterior map of the pirate town Skull Cove and its surrounding island environs and a 360-degree panoramic view of the town. Even if not using Savage Worlds, the map, places, personalities, and adventure hooks can be used in any pirate and blackpowder fantasy setting.


[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mythos: Quick Start Guide
Author: Gilbert Gallo
Pages: 52
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Olympians have spoken and you are to join the ranks of heroes and heroines involved in the Heavenly Contest! The Olympian deities are in a race to find the successor to Zeus’s throne, with the successor acquiring the greatest number of followers. But the gods and goddesses are quite busy, and to shine their light upon the mortals of Hellas requires intervention of a divine scale. Heroic deeds are a must if one is to prove themselves worthy for the gratification of Olympus and the pursuit of seeing their patron deity rise to rulership! Are you strong, brave, and smart enough for the challenge? We will see how you fair against the great beasts of Hellas and the heroes and heroines who support your rival deity. This is the Heavenly Contest. This is Mythos!

The Quick Start Guide presents a Novice-level adventure, The Argonauts’ Legend, for use with the epic action and adventure setting, Mythos, for Savage Worlds. It also contains five pre-generated characters and all the mechanics necessary to use those characters with Savage Worlds without the need of the Core Setting Guide or Player’s Guide. This is a great way to introduce players and GMs to the Mythos setting, along with providing current fans with a full adventure module.

The mighty hero Jason is preparing to set sails on the ship Argo, but Poseidon is preventing him from doing so. The only solution is to seek the aid of Orpheus to appease Poseidon and the dangerous waves to allow the ship to leave port. However, Orpheus is in Hades’ Realm, and it’s up to the heroic PCs to delve into the underground and bring him back. Getting there may be the easy part; getting out may not be so easy.

Inside the Quick Start Guide you will find:
  • An introduction to the mechanics of the Mythos setting.
  • A sample of three patron deities from Greek Mythology.
  • The complete The Argonauts’ Legend adventure module.
  • Five pre-generated characters for quick play.
  • New NPCs not found in the Core Setting Guide.
Bevor wir die GER bzw GERTA einfach nachdrucken lassen, wollen wir euch die Chance geben uns alle von euch gefunden Fehler mitzuteilen. Damit unser Savage Worlds Grundregelwerk ein noch besseres Buch wird. Bis Sonntag, den 8.12., habt ihr Zeit uns die Fehler (bitte Seitenzahl der GER oder GERTA angeben!) per Mail an einfach Errata@Prometheusgames.de schicken.

In diesem PDF findet ihr die bereits gesammelten Fehler. Diese müsst ihr also nicht abermals melden. Wir danken euch und hoffen auf ein fehlerfreies Buch!

Die vollständige Errata erscheint dann Ende in der nächsten Woche ebenfalls kostenlos online.

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[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Keeper's Guide
Authors: Chris Birch, Dave Blewer, Bill Bodden, Alex Bund, Russ Charles, Adam Crossingham, Lynne Hardy, Kenneth Hite, Sarah Newton, Matthew Pook
Pages: 295
Price: €33,15 €16,94 PDF, €27,99 €22,10 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games. This is the Keeper's Guide with everything GM's and Keeper's need for late 30's and 40's wartime adventure!

Discover the secret history of World War Two: stories of amazing heroism, in which stalwart men and women struggle to overthrow a nightmare alliance of steel and the occult; of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time; of the unbelievable war machines which are the product of Nazi engineering genius – and how close we all are to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun!

The Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War is a full-blown tome of dark knowledge, including:
  • Allied and Nazi forces & intelligence agencies
  • New rules and strategies for World War Two combat & survival
  • Key characters & vile creatures
  • New tomes, secret weapons, artefacts & equipment
  • Occult organisations and Mythos-based missions
  • Full rules for use with BOTH Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition AND Savage Worlds in one book!
In fact – There’s a whole Shoggoth’s worth of Cthulhu villainy, enough for any Keeper to have his investigators dead, insane or running for their lives in no time! The Keeper’s Guide to the Secret War is the essential Achtung! Cthulhu wartime reference for any Keeper or fan of the Cthulhu Mythos.

Requires the Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition or Savage Worlds Rulebooks to play.

[Modiphius] Achtung! Cthulhu: Investigator's Guide
Authors: Chris Birch, Dave Blewer, Alex Bund, Adam Crossingham, Lynne Hardy, Sarah Newton, Matthew Pook
Pages: 154
Price: €22,10 €11,05 PDF, €27,99 €22,10 Bundle (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Achtung! Cthulhu is a terrifying World War Two setting, fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games. This is the Investigator's Guide, with everything players need to create and run character's in the late 30's and 40's.

Discover the secret history of World War Two: stories of amazing heroism, in which stalwart men and women struggle to overthrow a nightmare alliance of steel and the occult; of frightening inhuman conspiracies from the depths of time; of the unbelievable war machines which are the product of Nazi engineering genius – and how close we all are to a slithering end! The Secret War has begun!

Inside you’ll find a whole kit-bag stuffed with:
  • New occupations, skills, equipment, and backgrounds from across Europe, the British Commonwealth, and the United States
  • How you can keep the home fires burning, become part of the Allied war effort, or risk everything by joining the partisans to bring down the Reich from within!
  • What life was like serving with the various military forces and on the Home Front
  • An array of historical and fictional material to help you create exciting player characters and NPCs
  • A background generator, designed to help you find out what dark secrets your past contains…
  • Full rules for use with BOTH Call of Cthulhu 6th Edition AND Savage Worlds in one book!
The Investigator’s Guide to the Secret War is the definitive guide to the late 1930s and ‘40s for use by players and Keepers alike.

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #4: The Great Southern Desert
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,54 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The area encompassing the Great Southern Desert may be but a fraction of the continent, but it remains a vast, largely unexplored realm. While the ruins common in the Great Northern Desert are scarce, there are still many places where men have not trodden in centuries, and many dangers awaiting the unwary traveler.

This supplement explores the origins of the sand goblins, expands the cult of Marqod with guidelines for player characters and details of major festivals, highlights 6 notable orc tribes that haunt the wastes, describes 10 new locations and 1 major NPC, adds 3 new minor deities, and gives stats for 9 new monsters.


  • Origins of the Sand Goblins
Trade & Tribute
Major Locales
  • Al Rakim
  • The Black Caravan
  • City with No Name
  • The Jinni’s Fingers
  • Kebir Khayma Medina
  • The Medicine Tent
  • Oases of One Thousand Bites
  • The Pharaoh’s Lost Mine
  • Valley of Ruins
  • Valley of Stings
Persons of Note
  • Knobbly-Foot
  • Beyah Atiya dar-Muneer
  • Mahdi the Digger
  • Scribe Husniyah bint-Wahhab
  • The Walker
Of Gods & Men
  • Samnuha, minor god of protection
  • Tashmetum, minor god of mediation
  • Zerbanitu, minor goddess of medicine
  • Al Basti
  • Ant, Giant
  • Barber
  • Fire Ant Swarm
  • Orc (alternate priests)
  • Takam
  • Troll, Sand
Rules of the Realm
Clerics of Marqod
New Edge: Barber
Southern Desert Orcs
Festival: Alms Day
Festival: Death Day
Festival: Harsh Words Day
Festival: Medicine Day

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #5: The Southern Oceans
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 15
Prices: €2,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Due to the geographic layout of Al-Shirkuh, trade between the disparate major regions is carried across the burning interior. Yet the turbulent seas remain a vital link between cities sharing the same coastline, well-travelled routes along which men and cargoes are ferried. Despite their skill as navigators, the mariners of Al-Shirkuh avoid the deep ocean, for here dwell fearsome giants, voracious sea serpents, bloodthirsty pirates, and renegade marid jinn. For all the storytellers' tales of islands littered with gems and ancient ruins stacked with gold, only the brave or foolish set sail out of sight of land.

So weigh the anchor, hoist the sails, and follow in the footsteps of Sinbad, the greatest mariner of them all!

Inside you'll find:
  • Expanded information on the cult of Upuaut (god of travel), including major festivals.
  • 15 new locations on or beneath the waves.
  • Rules for nautical travel and underwater combat.
  • 4 new types of ship.
  • 3 minor deities connected to the sea.
  • 11 new monsters.
  • Information on the Brotherhood of Sinbad, a new organization suitable for player characters.
Bevor ich zur eigentlichen News komme, möchte ich kurz noch einmal auf die Fanfinanzierung eingehen. Mir ist nämlich aufgefallen, dass wir noch gar keinen wirklichen “Abschlussbeitrag” dazu online haben. Die SPIEL, der Wechsel in der Verlagsleitung, das beginnende Weihnachtsgeschäft und zig andere Dinge haben das irgendwie unter die Räder kommen lassen. Glücklicherweise kann man das ja nachholen.

Der Fanfinanzierung lagen zwei Grundideen zugrunde: Zum einen wollten wir die beiden Regelwerke nachdrucken können, ohne andere Projekte verschieben zu müssen und zum anderen wollten wir euch, die Savage-Worlds-Community, stärker in die Entscheidungs- und Produktionsprozesse rund um Savage Worlds einbinden. Wir haben beide Ziele deutlicher erreicht, als wir uns das am Anfang vorgestellt haben. Nicht nur, dass wir das Finanzierungsziel sicher erreichen, sogar überschreiten konnten, wir haben auch eine unglaubliche Menge an Feedback von euch bekommen. Lob, Kritik, Ratschläge und sogar konkrete Hilfsangebote haben uns in einer Menge erreicht, die wir nicht erwartet hatten.

Schlussendlich können wir uns nur bei euch bedanken! Ohne eure Hilfe, könnten wir viele Projekte nicht oder nur sehr schwer umsetzen und ganz nebenbei, würde es wahrscheinlich auch nicht so viel Spaß machen. Also: Danke! Bleibt so fantastisch und savage, wie ihr seid!

Nun zum eigentlichen Anlass der News.

Die Errata und das neue Abenteuer sind in die Datei der Taschenausgabe eingepflegt, und das PDF damit final. Die Datei ist mittlerweile im Shop online. Ihr könnt das PDF nun noch einige Tage kontrollieren und wenn keine groben Fehler mehr auftauchen, geht die Datei nächste Woche in den Druck. Sobald wir den Anliefertermin haben, geben wir ihn hier bekannt.

Für die Gentlemen’s Edition Revised sind mittlerweile drei der fünf neuen Abenteuer geschrieben. Morgen starten wir unter allen Vorbestellern die angekündigte Umfrage zum Genre des fünften Abenteuers. Wenn das Ergebnis steht, sollte die Datei auch rasch fertig werden.

Bleibt savage!


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[Pinnacle Entertainment] Deadlands Noir: The Case of the Jumbo Shrimp
Authors: John Goff, Jason Mical
Pages: 46
Price: €7,27 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A missing person’s case turns into a diabolical tale of greed, murder, magic, and mayhem in the ever-mysterious Crescent City. This time the gumshoes are in it deep, crossing paths with the Black Hand, corrupt politicians (are there any other kind?), and secrets as old as the Big Easy itself.

[Melior Via] Accursed
Authors: Ross Watson, Jason Marker, Andy Chambers, John Dunn
Pages: 151 pages Setting Guide; 112 pages Player's Guide
Price: €14,55 Setting Guide; €7,28 Player's Guide (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Monstrous Heroes Fight for Redemption...

Witches have ruled the land since the last battles of conquest, but their Grand Coven has been sundered, leaving behind remnants of a once-mighty army. The survivors of the horde include captured citizens of the conquered nations that fought as the Witches’ shock troops.

These are the Accursed—the Witchmarks burned into their flesh and souls transformed these men and women into monsters. Now, unable to return to their former lives, the Accursed wander the land, giving aid to those in need in an attempt to atone for past sins.

Light has failed, darkness is ascendant. Only those bearing the forms of monsters can stand against the tide of the Witches’ evil. The Accursed are this world’s only hope—they must learn to embrace their curse or to fight against it, and find some way to free themselves forever of their Witchmark.

Accursed is a dark fantasy setting that requires the Savage Worlds Core Rules and Savage Worlds Horror Companion for use. It includes background information on the nations of Morden. Game mechanics include horrific new Witchbreeds for use as playable characters, along with Setting Rules, Hindrances, Edges, and Powers suited to telling stories set in Morden. The full setting guide also includes detailed information on eight of the Witches and their banes, as well as a range of adventure hooks and a plot point campaign.


These PDFs use layers for ease of printing.

A player's guide is also available, which excludes information about the Witches, banes, and the adventures (pp. 112–150).

Buyers also receive a fillable PDF character sheet.

NOTE: The print and PDF + print combo will be available soon.

"I love it. Great graphics, great art, great writing, and a fantastic premise."

—Shane Hensley, Creator of Savage Worlds

"...you secretly slipped Ravenloft some PCP."

—Abstruse of AICN Tabletop

"We're talking Hansel & Gretel, Witch Hunters meets Van Helsing by way of Rippers and Castlevania, and I am stoked as hell about that."

—Sean Patrick Fannon, Creator of Shaintar
Hallo zusammen,

ich hoffe, ihr hattet alle schöne Festtage.
Es war die letzten Tage ein wenig ruhiger bei uns, was mehrere Gründe hatte. Hauptsächlich natürlich die Festtage.
Ich möchte euch heute auch nur kurz auf den aktuellen Stand der Projekte bringen. Ich bin ungern Überbringer von nicht so guten Nachrichten, aber manchmal lässt sich das nicht vermeiden.

Durch das Weihnachtsgeschäft, die Festtage und mehrere Krankheitsfälle (darunter auch meiner) werden sich die Veröffentlichungen der Druckversionen von GERTA, GER und Hellfrost: Kreaturen leider in den Januar verschieben. Die PDFs von GER und Hellfrost: Kreaturen sollten bis Mitte Januar fertig sein. Das PDF der GERTA ist bereits veröffentlicht. Hier sind jedoch noch ein paar Dinge aufgefallen, die wir Anfang Januar korrigieren möchten, damit das gedruckte Buch möglichst fehlerfrei wird.

Die Umfrage zum fünften Abenteuer der GER wir Morgen starten, und bis einschließlich Freitag laufen.

Die Hellfrost-Würfel und -Bennies werden sehr wahrscheinlich gemeinsam mit dem Kreaturenband erscheinen.

Wir halten euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden.

Bleibt savage!


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Soeben ist die Mail mit der finalen Abstimmung der Fanfinanzierung an alle Teilnehmer der Aktion verschickt worden. Wie versprochen, geht es bei dieser Abstimmung um das Genre des fünften Abenteuers im Nachdruck der Gentleman’s Edition Revised. Die Abstimmung läuft bis kommenden Freitag. Anschließend müssen die drei “Sieger” sich einer finalen Stichwahl stellen. Wir bedanken und jetzt schon für eure rege Beteiligung und sind gespannt, wie ihr entscheidet.

Falls jemand berechtigterweise auf eine Mail hofft und keine bekommt, möge er uns bitte rasch anschreiben. Wir holen das dann nach.

Bleibt savage!


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Soeben ist die Mail zur Stichwahl der Abenteuer-Umfrage verschickt worden. Wie angekündigt, stellen sich die drei “Sieger” aus der vorigen Umfrage der Stichwahl. Wir waren und sind sehr begeistert von der regen Teilnahme an der Umfrage. Und auch das Ergebnis war für uns ein bisschen überraschend. So hat es bspw. Fantasy nicht in die Stichwahl geschafft. Aber seht selbst:

Moderner Horror

Fantasy Horror

Somit wird das Genre des fünften Abenteuers in einer Stichwahl zwischen Moderner Horror, Science-Fiction und Superhelden entschieden.

Die Abstimmung läuft wieder bis kommenden Freitag, 23:59 Uhr.

Falls jemand berechtigterweise auf eine Mail hofft und keine bekommt, möge er uns bitte rasch anschreiben. Wir holen das dann nach.

Bleibt savage!


Continue reading...

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Full Metal Cyberpunk
Authors: Peter J Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal Maclean, Matt Conklin jr., Patrick Smith, and others
Pages: 323
Price: €14,72 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


In a not-so-distant future, the world has been ravaged by global warming, subjected to the horrors of nuclear war and natural disaster, witnessed the collapse of the mightiest nation in the history of the world, and the rise of other nations to take its place. In East Asia, the Bear and the Dragon battle for control of the resource-rich continent, and an emergent A.I. known only as Charon has destabilized the whole of Europe, sparking revolution and chaos not seen since the Second World War.

On the North American continent, the prospect of conflict once again rears its ugly head as terrorist bombings in Atlantica, bring the nation to the brink of war with the North American Coalition. Is this the work of Charon, as well, or are other forces moving behind the scenes? Only time will tell.

Science has hacked the genome, unlocking the secrets of DNA to facilitate the creation of new breeds of human; genetic hybrids, human 2.0, and even simulacrum— a slave race grown in amniotic vats and sold on the open market. Cybernetic technology has reached the point where those with the money and the will to do so, can become living machines. Computer science has grown by leaps and bounds as well.

Dubbed Interface Zero by those who created it, the Tendril Access Processor—or TAP—downloads the Global DataNet and Hyper Reality directly into the minds of billions of users across the solar system, bringing the world an unparalleled level of interconnectivity, and danger. Malware plagues the Deep, and hackers manipulate the Tendril Access Processor to upload malicious virii, steal secrets, and even the identities of the unwary.

This is the world in 2090, omae; let’s hope you survive it.

Interface Zero 2.0 is a cyberpunk game powered by the Savage Worlds game system. Play bioroids, full-metal cyborgs, vat-grown simulacra, genetic hybrids, Human 2.0, and even androids! Hack the world around you with our revised hacking rules, or take control of a drone and lay down some fire-support for your team! Get cybered with new cybernetics using our Fast Furious and Fun rules!

This E-book comes in two versions, a flattened file for viewing on your iPad or Kindle, and a layered screen version so you can create a printer-friendly file.

[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost Core Book Starter Pack
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 128 pages HC each
Price: approx. €51,00 plus €13,00 shipping (TAG Store only)

Welcome to the world of Hellfrost!

Many people have asked us what is the best way to get into Hellfrost, and the honest answer is to jump in with both feet!

So to help you do this we are now able to offer the three core books as a quick start pack enabling you to play this amazing setting at an very affordable price!

In the pack you will receive Hardback printed versions of:
  • Hellfrost Players Guide (Character Creation) (RRP $29.99, Full Color, 128 pages)
  • Hellfrost Bestiary (Monster Book) (RRP $34.99, Full Color, 128 pages)
  • Hellfrost Gazetteer (World Book) (RRP $34.99, Full Color, 128 pages)
Total original price $99.99 – Special offer pack price $69.99 plus shipping.

Important Note: Hellfrost Players Guide will come in a separate package – you will receive the Bestiary and the Gazetteer in a second package.

[paNik productions] R.E.A.C.T. Worldbook v1.1 PolySystem edition
Authors: M. Andrew Payne, Nik Palmer
Pages: 86
Price: Pay What You Want (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

New Edition! Now supported by 4 more systems.


Enter the world of R.E.A.C.T., the Research, Engineering, And Crisis Team! Psychics and cyborgs battle mutants to defend mankind from extra-dimensional destruction in this sci-fi espionage themed action-adventure game world. Forget games with nebulous morality where the characters are reprobates, monsters or anti-heroes; R.E.A.C.T. is absolutely the good guys and are out to save the world... with Science!
  • 98 pages (12 more than before)
  • 4 different divisions
  • Character archetypes and advancement (6 more than before)
  • 92 original illustrations (48 more than before)

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Threats Figure Flats
Authors/Artists: Jordan Peacock, and others
Pages: 13
Price: €3,66 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Need some cyberpunk-themed figure flats for your Interface Zero 2.0 game?

Look no further!

Enclosed is an assortment of paper models or “figure flats” intended to represent Threats on the tabletop in skirmishes and other situations where it’s important to tell who is where.

Just print out on regular copy paper (or on cardstock if you’d prefer a bit more weight), then cut out and assemble. The names on the tabs are just for inspiration purposes.
Ultimately, the figure is whatever or whoever you want it to be!

This set focuses on various threats your group might encounter on missions.

This pack contains well over 80 figure flats for your Interface Zero 2.0 game!

The Future Is Fast Upon Us!

Mark your calendars and set your reminders—PDF sales and print preorders start on the Pinnacle site this week for the all-new Science Fiction Companion and the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)! You’ll also be able to sign up for the Print-PDF combo pack—you’ll get the PDF immediately, have your print copy preordered, and enjoy a substantial discount!

Take a look at the cover preview—you know you want that. Never go into space alone…always take a Companion!

Damit heute abend niemand unnötig wartet:

PEGShane schrieb:
Hey friends,

Wanted to give you the first heads up since you've been so great and enthusiastic about the SFC...but we're going to delay it (and SPC2) one week until the 21st. I just felt like it needed one more polish pass by our proofers and playtesters before I put it in your hands.

I know anticipation is high--I'm more than a little scared it won't live up to the hype! If that happens, blame rests solely on me. I used the old toolkits as inspiration but it's definitely not the same material. Fortunately, we have a GREAT group of proofers and playtesters who also poured their hearts into it, so my confidence is high. But the expectations are also high and there are a LOT of opinions on what scifi should be.

For the record, this is "RPG scifi." It should work for Star Frontiers, Star Wars, Traveller, and that kind of thing. It has cyberware but it isn't Shadowrun (and doesn't have detailed rules for cyberspace, as I mentioned earlier). It has walkers, but it isn't Mech Warrior (though it could easily be run with it).

So one last pass and a little time to breathe and we'll see you next Tuesday. Check out today's web update for more. Sorry for the delay...but it will be stronger for it.



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