Hier einige Informationen zu den
Realms Guides, deren Planung sich etwas geändert hat...
Vyshan schrieb:
ooh, the realms guides are done?

will they be released shortly after the core book?
No, the first 19 are done.

The release plan is for numbers 0 through 18 is for two releases a month, with KS backers who bought into that bundle getting their copies a week earlier than general release. The first of those will start very shortly after the book is released in the wild. You can find the contents of Realm Guides 0-18 in the archived form:
Enno schrieb:
It should be mentioned again, that about 53 realms guides are planned.
Maybe not, my friend.
The lands of Rassilon are quite different to each other. Even the nations that make up the Marklands have great cultural differences that help them stand apart. The cities within each of the four major civilized realms of Al-Shirkuh have much closer ties, despite also having great independence. Right now, the nine cities of the Al-Wazir Sultanate are in a single 88-page supplement (Realm Guide #19). The first 14 pages is the shared culture notes (including expanded material regarding the Devoted creed) and locales outside the cities’ limits, and the rest the entries for each city.
Doing it this way means you get all the details for one of the kingdoms in one hit (rather than having to wait up to 5 months to collect, and thus use, them all), and increases the odds of (but does not guarantee) you seeing a printed Al-Wazir Sultanate Realm Guide.
In theory, #20 will be the Caliphate, #21 the Emirates, and #22 the Kingdoms. #23 is likely to be the Heavens (star map, constellation notes, etc.). But none of these are due out for at least a year.
Being the kind soul I am, here’s the TOC as it stands for the “common Sultanate notes.”
- Where do all the people live?
Social Hierarchy
* Purity & Decay
* Magic
* Fate
* Prayers
- Common Festivals
* Attaining Oneness
* Faithful & the Sultanate
- Infantry & Cavalry
- Navy
Law & Order
* The Watch
* The Courts
- Appeals
* Magic, Miracles, and the Law
- Enforcement of the Law
- Penalties
Trade & Tribute
Major Locales
* Avenue of Dragons
* The Black Temple
* Caravanserai of Vanishing Sands
* City of the Eagles
* Hashish Farms
* The Jinnistan Gate
* The Lost Army
* Magorian Tombs
* The Oasis of Many Wings
* Sanctuary of the Ark
* The Sphinx’s Head
* Valley of Dancing Rocks
Persons of Note
* Fadl ibn Iyad
* Fikri Wise-Council
* Jaleesh Desertwalker
Rules of the Realm (rules common to the Sultanate)
Universities (yes, your characters can go to school and learn stuff!)
Military Units of the Sultanate
New Edges (three)
New Arcane Backgrounds (two)
Triple Ace Games Creative Director
Vormerken: TAG feiert am So, 16.06.2013 seinen fünften Geburtstag!