AW: Lieder für Vampire
mmmmhhhhh.....hab nicht alles gelesen, bei dopplungen bitte sagen
Ventrue: Pink Floyd-Have a cigar(oder warum werde ich nicht satt von den toten hosen)
Lasombra: Nine Inch Nails- the great below
Tremere: Police-Synchronicity
Nosferatu: Police: every breath you take
Toreador: REM-Imitation of Life
Malkavianer: Pink Floyd Brain Damage
True Brujah:U2- Stuck in a moment
Brujah: Bullet with Butterfly Wings
Assamiten:the cure-Killing an Arab
Kyasid: The shins-Pressed in a book
Tzimisce: Roxy Music- More than this
Blood Brothers: Radiohead-Where I end and you begin
Gangrel: Offspring- Dammit I changed again

Pander: the white stripes- 7 nation army
Cappocidan: eric clapton- nonone knows you when you're down and out
Gehenna: the doors-The end, alternativ: NIN the day the world went away