das sagt eigentlich alles.... könnt ihr mir helfen?
from RPGnet Forums - View Single Post - One Sentence Game Breakdowns
Take Mage: the Awakening
"Awoken to the true nature of reality, mages *mumble mumble mumble*" What was that? Battle the Abyss? Retake the world from the Exarchs? Unlock the secrets of Atlantis? Study more magic and self-empower? It's really not clear, and, in my experience, alot of games tend to bog down as a result.
I must admit that this is one of the problems that I have with Mage: the Awakening. What do Mages do?
In a way, I think that the Orders go a long way to answering this question. But is there one answer? Or is the lack of an answer a selling point?
To that end, finish the pitch "Awoken to the true nature of reality, mages ..."
das sagt eigentlich alles.... könnt ihr mir helfen?