This career is copied/converted from WFRPv1 (Apocrypha Now):
Wardancer (Advanced Career)
Among the Wood Elves of the Old World, the most feared and respected warriors are the Wardancers. They live for the glory of battle, and dedicate themselves to reaching the peak of fighting prowess. They are also masters of courtesy and dance, performing their intricate manoeuvres with consummate ease and grace.
Wardancers are to be found in many of the larger Elven settlements in the forests of the Old World. They prefer the company of their own kind, but often live a little way apart from the main settlement, practicing their warchants and feats of arms while waiting for action.
Wardancers may become adventurers for a number of reasons. An adventurer’s life offers plenty of action, and almost unlimited opportunities to hone their skills against a variety of opponents. They are wilder then the majority of Elves, and some find life in the forests tame and dull. Wardancers may even take to adventuring among other races as a result of an unspoken disgrace or indiscretion, much (although it’s unwise to make the comparison) as a Dwarf may become a Troll Slayer.
Wardancers are distinguished by their graceful pride, their love of fighting, their fondness for spectacularly dyed hair, often stiffened with tree-resin and their bright body Tattoos.
Advance Scheme
Main Profile:
WS +30% / BS +10% / S +20% / T +20% / Ag +10% / Int - / WP +10% / Fel +10%
Secondary Profile:
A +2 / W +6 / SB - / TB - / M - / Mag - / IP - / FP -
Performer - Acrobatics, Performer - Dancer, Distract*, Dodge Blow, Perception, Scale Sheer Surface, Transfix*, Warchant*
Ambidextrous, Marksman (Thrown Weapons only), Specialist Weapon Group - Great Weapon, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Swashbuckler
Hand Weapon, Shield, Spear or Two Handed Sword
Carrier Entries: (Only Elves may enter this career)
Bounty Hunter, Judical Champion, Mercenary, Pit Fighter, Outlaw, Scout
Career Exits:
Bladeweaver*, Judical Champion, Outlaw, Sergeant (only if Mercenary is one of the previous careers)
* New Skill or Career
Bladeweaver (Advanced Career)
Among the Wardancers the most feared and respected is the Bladeweaver.
The Bladeveaver exalt in battle, and now are reaching the peak of fighting prowess. They are also are the true masters of courtesy and dance, performing their intricate manoeuvres with consummate ease and grace.
Bladeweavers are to be found in the largest Elven settlements in the forests of the Old World. They prefer the company of their own kind (Wardancers) or solitude, and live away from the main settlement, practicing and honing their skills while waiting for action. Bladeweavers may become adventurers for a number of reasons. An adventurer’s life offers plenty of action, and almost unlimited opportunities to hone their skills. They are even wilder then the Wardancers and some find life in the forests tame and dull. Bladeweavers may even take to adventuring among other races as a result of an unspoken disgrace or indiscretion. They may even be on a quest to retrieve a lost brother or sister, or even an artefact.
Bladeweavers are distinguished by their graceful pride, their love of fighting where they actually is a Whirlwind of Death.
Advance Scheme
Main Profile:
WS +40% / BS +20% / S +30% / T +30% / Ag + 25% / Int - / WP +25 / Fel +25%
Secondary Profile:
A +3 / W +8 / SB - / TB - / M +1 / Mag - / IP - / FP -
Performer - Acrobatics, Performer - Dancer, Command, Distract*, Dodge Blow, Intimidate, Perception, Scale Sheer Surface, Transfix*, Warchant*, Whirling Death*,
Ambidextrous, Fearless, Lightning Parry, Lightning Reflexes, Marksman (Thrown Weapons only), Specialist Weapon Group - Great Weapon, Strike Mighty Blow, Strike to Injure, Very Resilient, Very Strong, Warrior Born, Swashbuckler
Henchmen (6+ Wardancers), Hand Weapon X 2, Warblade* or Two Handed Sword
Carrier Entries:
Career Exits:
Champion, Outlaw Chief (Only available if the Wardancers (6 or more) follow the Bladeweaver into Exile), Waywatcher*
* New Skill, Career or Weapon
Transfix (Skill/Agility):
This skill allows the Wardancer to confuse an opponent with a rapid succession of feints and flurries. The Wardancer must make a successful Ag test to use this skill. His opponent must make a WP test - if he fails, the Wardancer gains a +10 WS against him, and the Transfixed victim suffers a -10 WS against the Wardancer. A Wardancer fighting more then one opponent needs only Ag test; each opponent must make a WP test and all those who fails are affected as normal.
These modifiers continue, without any further tests, until the transfixed opponent hits the Wardancers (although he need not cause a wound)
The Wardancer cannot transfix opponents with Int 6 or less, or opponents who are immune to psychology (e.g. Undead)
Warchant (Skill(Intelligence):
A Wardancer may only sing his warchant when he is charging an opponent. The Wardancer must make a successful Int test to raise a rousing warchant, and the effects are as follows:
1. The Wardancer may chose to enter frenzy.
2. All friendly character gains a +10 bonus on fear and terror tests while the Wardancer is chanting.
3. All hostile characters and creatures and creatures suffer a -10 penalty to fear and terror tests while the Wardancer is chanting.
The warchant lasts until the Wardancer is wounded, or until he spends a round out of combat (i.e. a round in witch he is neither attacked nor tries to land a blow). A new warchant may be raised when the Wardancer charges again.
Distract (Skill/Agility):
This skill allows the Wardancer to hold an opponent off by performing an intricate, almost balletic, sequence of jumps, twists and back-flips.
The Wardancer may not make any attacks in a round while attempting to distract, but has a +10 bonus to all dodge and parry attempts due to his tortuous weaving and ducking. If the Bladeweaver is wounded, he may not use this skill the following round.
Whirling Death Skill/Agility):
When he throws himself into the state of manically fury known as Whirling Death, the Wardancer may make additional attacks up to double his A score. Thus, a A:3 allows 3 additional attacks, an so on. Each additional attack must be paid for with 1 W point, representing the strain this self-induced fury puts on the Bladeweaver’s physique.
The Bladeweaver may not parry while using Whirling Death, although he may attempt to dodge. Wound points spent while using this skill are recovered normally. A Bladeweaver who reaches zero W while in a state of Wirling Death becomes unconscious until healed back to 1 W.
This skill may not be used in conjunction with Distract, Transfix or Warchant.