Rund um Bücher Das Voynich Manuskript

Ist das Voynich-Manuskript eine Fälschung oder nicht?

  • Blödsinniges Kauderwelsch

    Stimmen: 2 15,4%
  • Da steckt doch ein Sinn dahinter

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AW: Das Voynich Manuskript

Chylde of Malkav hat recht, die erste habe ich getippt und die zweite bei erzeugen lassen.

Jöh, jetzt kann ich mir was auf mich einbilden. :D

Interessant. Reihe 1 hat nämlich ein deutlich zufälligeres Verteilungsmuster als Reihe 2.

Das hat mich auch etwas stutzig gemacht. Allerdings fällt in Reihe 1 auf, dass diese exakt 50 Einsen und 50 Nullen enthält, während Reihe 2 eine größere Differenz aufweißt.
AW: Das Voynich Manuskript

Das hat mich auch etwas stutzig gemacht. Allerdings fällt in Reihe 1 auf, dass diese exakt 50 Einsen und 50 Nullen enthält, während Reihe 2 eine größere Differenz aufweißt.

Darauf kann ich mir jetzt was einbilden, vielleicht sollte ich mich beim Bund bewerben, als Zufallsgenerator :D
Also laut wiki
gibt es da ein Buch in unbekannter Sprache und Schrift das sich wohl mit Kosmologie, Kräuterkunde, dem menschlichen Körper, Medizin usw. beschäftigt.

Also wer mal ein Rätsel braucht, oder meint Sudokus sind zu einfach oder was für ein Rollenspiel als Rätsel....
einfach link anklicken und so wie ich vor Neugierde platzen.

Ich bin ja der Meinung das man daraus ein Kollaboratives Online Projekt machen sollte...damit jeder der Ratsel mag sich drann versuchen kann.

Theories about the Manuscript

To this day the Voynich Manuscript resists all efforts at translation. It is either an ingenious hoax or an unbreakable cipher. The contents and origin of the manuscript have been a matter of continuous and stimulating debate. To name some of the possibilities that have been discussed in the Voynich mailing list forum (modified from a posting by Karl Kluge):
There is an intelligible underlying text:

  • in a natural language
    • Latin, abbreviated Latin,
    • English, German, Norse,
    • Chinese (in a phonetic script),
    • Greek, Hebrew, Sanskrit, Arabic,
    • "pig Latin" and many others.
  • in a fake natural language like:
    • Enochian
    • Balaibalan
  • in a coded language
    • in cipher (single, multi substitution, etc.)
  • in an artificial language like:
    • Lingua ignota (Hildegarde von Bingen, 1153/54)
    • Arithmeticus nomenclator (anonymous Spanish Jesuit, 1653)
    • Wilkins' (1641)
    • Dalgarno's (1661)
    • Beck's "Universal Character" (1657)
    • Johnston's "Synthetic Language" (1641)
There is no intelligible underlying text

  • glossolalia (something like "writing in tongues")
  • random (i.e. some forgery)
    • psychologically "random" strings
    • mechanically generated random strings
In analytic terms, there are a few particularities worth noting:
  • The 2nd order entropy is too low for an European language using a simple substitution cipher.
  • The text follows roughly the 1st and 2nd Zipf's laws of word frequencies.
  • The word length distribution is different from Latin (words tend to be shorter than Latin words).
  • Correlation analysis seems to indicate that the spaces are indeed separating "words" as in a natural language.
  • There is some evidence for two different "languages" or dialects (investigated by Currier and D'Imperio) and perhaps more than one scribe, probably indicating an ambiguous coding scheme.
  • The text has very few apparent corrections.
  • The structure of words is extremely rigid.
  • There are many words repetitions (up to 3 times!)
  • Some characters in the "key-like sequences" do not appear anywhere else in the manuscript.
Source: The European Voynich Manuscript Transcription Project
Computer analysis of the Voynich Manuscript has only deepened the mystery. One finding has been that there are two 'languages' or 'dialects' of Voynichese, which are called Voynich A and Voynich B. The repetitiousness of the text is obvious to casual inspection. Entropy is a numerical measure of the randomness of text. The lower the entropy, the less random and the more repetitious it is. The entropy of samples of Voynich text is lower than that of most human languages; only some Polynesian languages are as low." "Tests show that Voynich text does not have its low h2 [second order entropy] measures solely because of a repetitious underlying text, that is, one that often repeats the same words and phrases. Tests also show that the low h2 measures are probably not due to an underlying low-entropy natural language. A verbose cipher, one which substitutes several ciphertext characters for one plaintext character [i.e., 'fuf' for the letter 'f'], can produce the entropy profile of Voynich text." - Dennis Stallings


When the manuscript was first shown to expert cryptologists, they thought that solving it would be easy as the text was composed of "words", some of which were more frequent and occurred in certain combinations (Kahn, 1967). This soon turned out to be a mistake; the text could not easily be converted into Latin, English, German or a host of other languages which might possible be at the base of this document.
A first "solution" was announced in 1919, by William Romaine Newbold (Newbold, 1921), who caused a sensation by claiming that the manuscript did indeed contain the work of Roger Bacon and that Bacon had known the use of the compound telescope and microscope, seeing the spiral structure of the Andromeda galaxy* (!) only visible with modern telescopes and cell structures unknown in the 13th Century.
What Newbold discovered in the text was absolutely astonishing— enough to gather a lot of attention from the scientific community. The biological drawings in the text were described asseminiferous tubes, the microscopic cells with nuclei, and even spermatozoa. Among the astronomical drawings were the descriptions of spiral nebulae, a coronary eclipse, and the comet of 1273. One of the more baffling things about this was that many of the drawings of plants, and of the galaxies appeared to have been invented. There was no doubt that if Bacon were the author of such a text, he must have had some way of obtaining the information.

The attempts to crack the code, however, were not over. In 1931, Mrs. Voynich took a photostat copy of the manuscript to Catholic University in Washington where Fr. Theodore Petersen reproduced it photographically and started a complete hand transcription of the manuscript, with a card index to the words, and lists of concordances. The transcription alone was reported to have taken him 4 years. Unfortunately, it is not known what conclusion, if any, he reached.
In 1944, Hugh O'Neill, a renowned botanist at the Catholic University, identified various plants depicted in the manuscript as New-World species, in particular an American sunflower and a red pepper (O'Neill, 1944). This meant that the dating of the manuscript should be placed after 1493, when Columbus brought the first sunflower seeds to Europe. However, the identification is not certain: the red pepper is coloured green and the sunflower identification is equally contested.
Other people involved in the study of the manuscript were prominent cryptologists such as W. Friedman and J. Tiltman, who independently arrived at the hypothesis that the manuscript was written in an artificial, constructed language. This was based on the structure of the "words" as described below. Such artificial languages were devised at least a century after the probable date of the Voynich manuscript. Only the 'Lingua Ignota' of Hildegarde of Bingen (1098-1179) predates the Voynich manuscript by several centuries, but this language does not exhibit the structure observed by Friedman and Tiltman, and it provides only nouns and a few adjectives.
Friedman came to know Petersen who at some time presented his hand transcription and other material to him. After Friedman's death, all the material was moved to the W.F. Friedman collection of the Marshall Foundation. Recently, electronic versions of the transcriptions made by Friedman's groups were produced from the typed sheets and made available on the Internet (Reeds, 1995).
Later acclaimed solutions see in the manuscript a simple substitution cipher which can only decode isolated words (Feely, 1943), the first use of a more or less sophisticated cipher (Strong, 1945; Brumbaugh, 1977), a text in a vowel-less Ukrainian (Stojko, 1978) or the only surviving document of the Cathar movement (Levitov, 1987). No acceptable plaintext has ever been produced though.
Some interesting new insights into the manuscript were provided in the 70's by Prescott Currier, presenting some of his results at an informal Voynich manuscript symposium at the National Security Agency in Washington (D'Imperio, 1978). Basing his findings on the statistical properties of the text, he showed that the manuscript is written in two distinct "languages" which he simply called A and B. Each bifolio was written in one of the two, and bifolios in the same "language" were generally grouped together. Only in the herbal section there is a mixture of A and B folios. Based on the characteristics of the writing, he showed that the manuscript seems to have been written in two distinct "hands", and he even suggested there could be as much as five or even eight different hands. A significant feature is that the hand and language used on each folio are fully correlated. Currier's conclusion was that at least two people were involved in writing the Voynich manuscript, (which he considered a point against the "hoax theory" summarised below), although alternatively, the manuscript could have been written by one person, in two distinct periods.
Due to the lack of success in the decipherment, a number of people have proposed that the manuscript is a "hoax". The manuscript could either be a 16th century forgery, to be sold for a hefty sum to emperor Rudolf II, who was interested in rare and unusual items (Brumbaugh, 1977, deriving from earlier unpublished theories), or a more recent one by W. Voynich himself (Barlow, 1986). The latter is effectively excluded both by expert dating of the manuscript, and by the evidence of its existence prior to 1887.
One problem with the earlier hoax theory is that, as will be shown, certain word statistics (Zipf's laws) found in the manuscript are characteristic of natural languages. In other words, it is unlikely that any forgery from 16th century would "by chance" produce a text that follows Zipf's laws (first postulated in 1935).
Since 1990, a multidisciplinary group of varying size, generally between 100 and 200 individuals, dispersed all around the globe and connected through the Internet, has maintained an electronic mail forum on the decipherment of the Voynich manuscript. This has led to a lively exchange of ideas and the definition of two main goals: a machine readable transcription of the manuscript text and the study of the text through numerical experiments. The following sections relate to these issues.
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