AW: 7 neue deutsche Munchkin-Editionen dieses Jahr?!
By popular demand, the translation of the Dutch uniques:
Dutch title:
999 Kolonisten
999 Settlers
The have integration problems.
To become real munchkins they have to be re-educated.
Discard 3 cards and draw one card face down from a deck of your choice.
999 Games is the Dutch translator and publisher of Settler of Catan.
They are also competitors of PS Games, the Dutch translators of Munchkin.
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Dutch Title:
Manneken Pis
Manneken Pis
Bad Stuff: He takes the piss at you, lose 1 level.
I created this card for out Flemish friends. MP is a famous statue from Brussels.
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Dutch Title:
Vervloeking! Polder Model
Curse! Polder Model
The open business culture has arrives.
Play with an open hand until you slain a monster.
The Dutch polder model is a business model in where decisions are taken after numerous meetings.
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Dutch Title:
De Zwakken Geslacht
The Weaker Sexed
Place The Weaker Sexed in front of you immediately after you get it.
The first monster with a level lower then yourself is worth one extra level.
The texts "Het Zwakke Geslacht" (The weaker sex) and "De Zwakken Geslacht" (The weak slaughtered, or The "weaker sexed) look and sound nearly similar in Dutch.
The first is often used to refer to women, while the latter is never used.
Normally people read what they expect to read, not what it actually says.
Therefore Dutch players would on first glance read the title incorrectly.
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Dutch Title:
Sint Bernhard
Saint Bernhard
Cannot be bribed, but if you give him 3 treasure cards he will testify
under oath that you killed him. After which he leaves. Go Up A Level.
Bad Stuff: You are hunted and shot. Lose a level.
The late prince Bernhard (father of queen Beatrix) took bribes from
McDonald Douglas in the past. Something hge always denied, but confessed to in an interview published after his death.
He was also an avid huntsman. He also (co)founded the WWF.
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Dutch Title:
De Elfsteden Kruistocht
The Elven Crusade
The Elves have had enoguh and decide to purify their language.
All elves immediately gain 2 face down treasure cards.
All non-elves immediately gain 1 level.
All half-elves and Frisians get nothing.
The Eleven City Tour is a skating tour held in Friesland when the
winter has been cold enough to freeze all canals in Friesland.
It's a 220km skating tour visiting the 11 cities of Friesland.
"Krijstocht" is "crusade" in English.
(Dutch: De Elf Stedentocht, card: De Elfsteden Kruistocht)
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Dutch Title: De Leeuw
The Lion
-5 vs Flemings and Hollanders
The Lioon loses ties.
Bad stuff: Lose 3 levels
Both the Dutch and the Flemish have a 'national' lion.
The Dutch lion is mostly 'used' during soccer games.
The Dutch team has a history with losing ties on penalty shoot-outs.
Als note that Flemings is not the same as Belgians, and Hollanders is not the same as Dutchmen.
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Dutch Title: Oor Des Meesters
Translation: Das Schwartze Ohr (Ear of the Master)
Play this card when someone in combat needs help to force that player to let you help.
As a thank you you'll get all the treasures the monster is worth.
The Dutch translation of Das Schwartze Auge is "Oog des Meesters" (or Eye of the Master; the Master's Eye).
So here we have the the "Oor des Meesters" (or Ear of the Master; the Master's Ear).