Medium-Size Humanoid (Grey-Elf) - old
Kleriker 1, Magier 4, Incantatrix 16, Archmage 5, Dweomerkeeper 14
Hit Dice: 1W8+8, 25W4+200, 14W6+112 (439 TP)
Initiative: +10
Speed: 9m
AC: 100 (+6 Dex, +6 shield, +8 bracers, +5 deflection, +5 natural, +60 epic spell)
Base Attack /Grapple: +19/+19
Attack: none
Full Attack: none
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Zauber
Special Qualities: Arcane sight, mantle of spells 7 (time stop, mage’s disjunction, greater teleport, maze, greater dispel magic, prismatic sphere, foresight), supernatural spell 6/day, cloak of mysteries, focused study (enchantment), cooperative metamagic, metamagic effect, metamagic spell trigger, seize concentration, instant metamagic 5/day, snatch spell, improved metamagic
Saves: Zäh +32, Ref +33, Will +37
Abilities: Stä 10, Ges (16)22, Kon (16)22, Int (36) 136*, Wei 15, Cha 15
Skills: Concentration +49, knowledge (the planes, arcana, local, religion, nature, dungeoneering) +116, spellcraft +169, spot +23, listen +23
Feats: Scribe Scroll, Iron Will, Spell Focus (Abjuration, Transmutation), Heighten Spell, Twin Spell, Quick Spell, Skill Focus (Spellcraft), Still Spell, Silent Spell, Empower Spell, Maximise Spell
Epic Feats: Epic Spellcasting, Improved Heighten Spell, Improved Spell Capacity (x4), Improved Metamagic, Multispell (x3)
Challenge Rating: 40
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
*= Epic Spell
Tomes sind eingerechnet
Buckler +5, great Fortification
Ring of Protection +5
Bracers of armor +8
Amulett of Constitution +6
Vest of Resistance +9
Orange Ion Stone
Ring of Arcane Might
Belt of Spellcraft +50
10 Rolls of Simulacrum
Mirror of Opposition
5 Ionensteine für Elementarimmunität (Grad 6 Zauber)
4 Slotless Rings of Spellbattle
Grad 0: all
Grad 1: True Strike, Chill Touch, Ray of Enfeeblement, Enlarge Person, Expeditious Retreat, Feather Fall, Reduce Person, Lesser Orb of Fire (CA)
Grad 2: Touch of Idiocy, Blindness/Deafness, Darkvision, Scorching Ray, Phantasmal Assailants (CA), Scent (CD), Blindsight (PGtF)
Grad 3: Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Displacement, Blink, Haste, Fly, Keen Edge, Slow, Bands of Steel (CA), Mage Armor Greater (CA), Dragonbreath (Drac)
Grad 4: Remove Curse, Dimension Door, Enervation, Polymorph, Invisibility Greater, Phantasmal Killer, Scrying, Wrack (CD), (CA

Orb of Acid, Orb of Cold, Orb of Electricity, Orb of Fire, Orb of Force, Orb of Sound, Assay Resistance, Unluck, Aerial Alacrity (RoW), Lower Spell Resistance (Drac), Stop Heart (BoVD), Pefect Summons (BoED)
Grad 5: Dismissal, Cone of Cold, Wall of Force, Telekinesis, Baleful Polymorph, Duelward (CA), Blink Greater (CA), Nightstalker's Transformation (CV), Improved Blink (CD), Kiss of the Vampire (LM),
PgtF: Grimwald's Greymantle, Lutzaen's Frequent Jaunt, Simbul's Spell Matrix
Grad 6: Antimagic Field, Dispel Magic Greater, True Seeing , Chain Lightning, Contingency , Disintegrate, Flesh to Stone, Stone to Flesh, Quickshift (BoED), Transformation
Grad 7: Banishment, Spell Turning, Teleport Greater, Arcane Sight Greater, Scrying Greater, Delayed Blast Fireball, Forcecage, Prismatic Spray, Finger of Death, Ethereal Jaunt, Reverse Gravity, Simulacrum, Death by Thorns (BoVD), Ghostform (CA), Antimagic Ray (Drac), Antimagic Aura (PgtF), Greater Ironguard (PgtF), Simbul's Spell Sequencer (PgtF), Amber Sarcophagus (BoED)
Grad 8: Dimensional Lock, Mind Blank, Prismatic Wall, Protection from Spells, Maze, Planar Binding Greater, Moment of Prescience, Polar Ray, Sunburst, Polymorph Any Object, Temporal Stasis, Blackfire (CA), Flensing (CA), Maddening Scream (ECS)
Grad 9:Freedom, Imprisonment, Mage’s Disjunction, Prismatic Sphere, Foresight, Meteor Swarm, Crushing Hand, Energy Drain, Wail of the Banshee, Shapechange, Time Stop, Elminster's Effulgent Epuration (PGtF), Simbul's Spell Trigger (PGtF), Invoke Magic (LoM), (CA) Absorption, Reaving Dispel, Sphere of Ultimate Destruction, Superior Invisibility, Summon Elemental Monolith
Insgesamt 6 Epic Spells, 3 über Rods erforscht (My Divinity, Don't touch the Old Man, A Thousand Broken Dreams), zwei oben in die Stats eingepflegt
Spellcraft DC: 21
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: personal
Duration: Permanent
189,000 gp; 2 days; 7,560 XP. Seeds: transform (DC 21). Factors: additional 25 hit dice (+50 DC), learned spell immunity (+10 DC), regeneration (+10 DC), fast healing (+10 DC), abomination immunities (+10 DC), abomination special qualities (+10 DC). Mitigating factor: increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC), burn 1.000 xp (-10 DC).
This spell transforms the creature into an infernal. The infernal posesses abomination immunities, abomination special qualities, learned spell immunity, regeneration and fast healing.
My Divinity
Spellcraft DC: 143
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 10 minutes
Range: Touch
Target: personal
Duration: 180 hours
Development: 1.287.000 GM 51.480 XP Deed: Fortify (DC 17). Factors: additional 99 points of Intelligence (+198 DC), +800% duration (+16 DC). Mitigating Factor: 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC), 9 additional minutes casting time (-18 DC), change range to personal (-2 DC).
This spell grants Xantalar an +100 enhancement bonus to intelligence.
Don’t Touch The Old Man
Spellcraft DC: 14
Components: V, S
Casting Time: 11 minute
Range: Touch
Duration: 120 hours
To Develop: 98.000 GM 3.920 XP. Seed: Ward (DC: 14)
Factors: Ward against Mage’s Disjunction (+18 DC), Ward against Antimagic Field (+16 DC), Ward against A Tousand Broken Dreams (DC +20), Ward against Imprisonment (+16 DC), Ward against Antimagic Ray (+14 DC), Ward against Ray of Enfeeblement (+2 DC), Ward against Magic Missile (+2 DC), 96 hours additional Duration (+8 DC).Mitigation Factors: 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC), 10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC)
This spell wards Xantalar against the above spells.
Old Hard Man
Spellcraft DC: 14
Components: V, S, XP
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: personal
Duration: 5 days
To Develop: 126.000 gp, 5040xp.Seeds: armor (DC 14); Factors: additional +56 to armor class (+112 DC), increased duration +400%(+8 DC); Mitigating Factors: change from target to personal (-2 DC), increased casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), ritual (4 9th lvl slots) (-68 DC), XP Burn 1.600XP (-16 DC)
The spell gives Xantalar an armor bonus of 60.
A Thousand Broken Dreams
Spellcraft DC: 196
Components: V, S , X P
Casting Time: 11 minutes
Range: 12,000 ft.
Target: 120-foot radius
Duration: Contingent until expended, then instantaneous
Saving Throw: Fortitude half
Spell Resistance: Yes
To Develop: 1,674,000 gp; 11 days; 66,960 XP. Seed: destroy (DC 29). Factors: increase damage to 100d20 (+160 DC), change from target to area (+10), increase area by 1.000% (+40), increase damage dice 4 steps (+40), contingent on specific trigger (+25). Mitigating factor: increase casting time by 10 minutes (-20 DC), 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC), burn 2,000 XP (–20 DC).
The character deals 100d20 points of damage. If the targets are reduced to –10 hit points or less (or a construct, object, or undead is reduced to 0 hit points), they are utterly destroyed as if disintegrated. Only a trace of fine dust remains. The spell can also destroy energy fields and epic spells in the area (see the destroy seed).
XP Cost: 2,000 XP.
Old Man’s Pleasure
Spellcraft DC: 26
Components: V, S
Casting Time: contigent ritual( 11 minutes)
Range: 300 ft.
Target: One creature, object, or spell
Duration: Instantaneous
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No
Development: 234.000 gp, 9.360 XP. Seed: Dispel (DC: 19); Factors: contigent (+ 25 DC) +80 on dispel check (+80 DC) Mitigation Factors: 10 additional minutes casting time (-20 DC), 4 additional participants contributing a level 9 slot (-68 DC), 10d6 backlash (-10 DC)
Dispel check against all spells on target with 1d20+90