[News] Extrablatt ! Extrablatt! ...

Das offizielle Endergebnis der Abenteuer-Umfrage steht fest.
Lange Zeit sah es so aus, als würden wir uns in die unerforschten Tiefen des Weltalls begeben um Abenteuer zu erleben. Aber schlussendlich stand euch der Sinn dann doch mehr nach gegenwärtigem, weltlichem um nicht zu sagen Modernem Horror.

Wir danken allen Beteiligten für ihr Feedback.

Bleibt savage!


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Game Geeks #224 Savage Worlds: Science Fiction Companion

Damit das Warten bis Dienstag Nacht nicht so lange dauert...


[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #6: The Heart of Fire
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,58 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

In the center of Al-Shirkuh lies a burning wasteland of choking ash, boiling mud pools, chocking sulfur, scorching winds, and rivers of bubbling lava. In the core lies a vast crater, fed by lava rivers, its heat the enemy of flesh, its glow a beacon that illuminates the desert for countless leagues. Never conquered, it is home only to fire giants, elemental beings, and a handful of hardy orc tribes. This is the Heart of Fire, the nearest thing to the elemental realm of fire mortals can explore. It is an arid, lifeless realm that offers no pity to the weak.

Inside you’ll find:
  • Expanded information on the cult of Geb-Agni (god of earth and fire), including major festivals.
  • Information of the creation of the fiery realm, its fire giant ruler, King Surtur, and its many perils.
  • 6 new locations to explore and two major NPCs to encounter.
  • 3 minor deities.
  • 5 new monsters, including the fearsome lava dragon and choking soulfur cloud.
Seit Jahren steht die Mini-Kampagne in und um das Städtchen Socanth für den Einstieg in Savage Worlds. Vor einem generischen, und damit leicht zugänglichen, Fantasy-Hintergrund erläutern die Abenteuer nicht nur die Grundregeln von Savage Worlds, sondern zeigen auch einige Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von speziellen Regel, wie bspw. der Verfolgungsjagdregeln.

Im Rahmen dessen, hat sich die Kampagne zu einem echten”Fan-Favorite” entwickelt, weshalb wir im Rahmen der Fanfinanzierungsaktion eine Erweiterung der Kampagne angekündigt hatten.
Bevor wir uns dieser aber widmen können, mussten wir zunächst eine Basis schaffen.
Beispielsweise waren die Abenteuer der Socanth-Kampagne regeltechnisch noch auf dem Stand der Savage Worlds Gentlemen’s Edition von 2009. Das Abenteuer Trollfutter setzte sogar auf einem anderen Regelkern auf.
Bis jetzt

Phil und Birger, denen wir an dieser Stelle noch einmal unseren Dank für die fantastische Arbeit aussprechen möchten, haben sich der vier Akte der Kampagne angenommen und diese überarbeitet. Alle Abenteuer sind jetzt auf dem Stand der Gentlemen’s Edition Revised, auch Trollfutter. Es gibt weitere Regelerläuterungen und sogar eine kurze Settingbeschreibung inklusive mystischer Wälder, massiver Gebirge und kilometerweiter Steppen.
Das alles wurde in einem PDF zusammen gefasst, das Birger optisch so sehr aufgemotzt hat, dass es einem die Socken auszieht.

Ich möchte euch das Gesamtwerk nicht weiter vorenthalten.

Socanth überarbeitet, als ein PDF (30 MB)

Viel Spaß in Socanth und bleibt savage!


P.S: Kritik, Lob und Feedback ist im offiziellen Sammelforum zu Socanth sehr gerne gesehen

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[Pinnacle] Science Fiction Companion
Author: Originally developed by Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams; New edition by Shane Lacy Hensley with Clint & Jodi Black, John Goff, Matthew Cutter, Piotr Korys, Preston Dubose, David Jarvis, Adam Loyd
Pages: 98
Prices: $14,99 PDF only; $24,99 Softback Preorder & PDF; $29,99 Limited Hardback Preorder & PDF (Pinnacle Store)
Add Shipping Cost to Germany for any physical order: $20,45

There are places far beyond the familiar bounds of Earth. Some lie twinkling in the distant starfields, waiting to be discovered by intrepid explorers or conquered by legions of space marines. Others are just around the corner in time, a near future where hovertanks race across blasted battlefields, cyberware replaces organic limbs, and robots serve humanity—or attempt to annihilate it.

The Savage Worlds Science Fiction Companion contains new races, Edges and Hindrances, Setting Rules, gear, cyberware, and numerous strange creatures from across the galaxy. It also includes detailed but simple rules for players and Game Masters to create their own robots, power armor, vehicles, starships, walkers and more to travel to the stars…and beyond!

The Science Fiction Companion requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

[Pinnacle] Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)
Author: Written and developed by Shane Lacy Hensley and Clint Black; Additional Material by Adam Loyd, Jodi Black, Matt Cutter, Norm “No Relation” Hensley, Joel Kinstle, and Piotr Korys
Pages: 98
Prices: $14,99 PDF only; $24,99 Softback Preorder & PDF; $29,99 Limited Hardback Preorder & PDF (Pinnacle Store)
Add Shipping Cost to Germany for any physical order: $20,45

It takes more than a cape and a costume to be a hero. It takes guts, determination, and the willingness to sacrifice. It takes even more to be a super hero. For with these amazing powers comes the responsibility to stand up to the greatest evils, protect the oppressed, and occasionally, save the world.

…or rule it!

The Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) contains new Edges and Hindrances, Setting Rules like Death & Defeat and Power Stunts, gear, rules for headquarters, a rogue’s gallery of insidious villains, and of course a host of streamlined super powers ready for action.

This is a new edition of the Super Powers Companion. It’s a comprehensive update of the original with significant new material. Soon after it debuts, we’ll have a free list of the most important changes for owners of the original edition.

The Super Powers Companion requires the Savage Worlds core rules to play.

Note: Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) Free Villain Supplement

The Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (Second Edition) has significant new powers, Setting Rules, and abilities, so some of the villains from the original edition didn’t make it into the latest version. We’ll have a free update soon with all those villains and their updated powers for those who’d like to use them in their campaigns.

The PDF is available for immediate download.

[TAG] DTotSL #08: The Doomsday War
Author: Luis E. Torres
Pages: 26
Prices: €5,90 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Strap in and prepare for a battle you will never forget in the latest Daring Tales of the Space Lanes!

Triple Ace Games’ line of high-octane, two-fisted tales that launch the heroes into space, where fighting evil crime lords, evading bounty hunters, and dodging asteroids (while blasting away at enemy fighters) is all in a day’s work!

This issue contains a single, stand-alone adventure.

The Doomsday War: While visiting a planet involved in a bloody interstellar war, the crew of the Blazing Star stumble upon a genocidal conspiracy to eradicate an entire species! Now the heroes must use everything at their disposal to survive and discover who (or what) is manipulating this war for its own ends. What will happen when the mysterious “Doomsday” arrives? It’s a race against time, and the future of two worlds hangs in the balance!

Epic space battles, high-speed chases, combat against impossible odds, evil plots, and a secret that will change everything, await the heroes in this adventure in a war-torn star system.

[FunSizedGames] Streets of Bedlam SOBs: Ingenue + Sawbones
Author: Jason L Blair
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,21 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Streets of Bedlam are home to all sorts of people. Good, bad, young, old. You never know who you're going to meet. But be sure of one thing: they're all SOBs.

Introducing two new Archetypes for use in your Streets of Bedlam campaign!

Reach for the stars as the talented-yet-naive Ingenue or sit on the razor's edge as the high-pressure combat doc Sawbones.

This PDF includes a full write-up of both Archetypes so you can give new options to your players and also includes signature sample characters for use as NPCs in your games.

Designed for use with Streets of Bedlam: A Savage World of Crime + Corruption.

Free Savage Worlds Toolset Released

To help you get more out of the Science Fiction Companion, Brendan at Squid&Crow (and one of our own webmasters) has released a set of tools to help you quickly generate Power Armor, Robots, Vehicles, Walkers, and Starships based entirely on the Science Fiction Companion rules. You decide on the gear, and the tools will handle the math!

That’s just the tip of the iceberg! Depending on community involvement and demand, more tools will be built and released over time. Pop by the Savage Worlds Toolset page and let Brendan know what you like and what you want, and we’ll make sure you spend even less time prepping and more time playing!

[GRAmel] TimeZero: The Mirrors of Catharge
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack, Piotr Koys
Pages: 60
Price: €5,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Time Emergency! Operations teams Alpha, Beta and Gamma to the briefing room! Prepare to intervene on the timeline!

GRAmel’s line of time travel adventures takes you through the mists of time to stop chronoterrorists, prevent time anomalies, and save the continuum from obliteration!
This issue contains a single, stand-alone adventure and an additional mat

The Mirrors of Carthage: A mysterious temporal anomaly is detected by TimeGuard in Syracuse, Italy, 212 BC, just a few days before the famous battle in which Archimedes, the mathematical genius, was killed. Is it just a natural phenomenon, or something darker happening in the far past?

Sieges, battles, forbidden cults, and the subtleties of Roman politics await the Operatives in the age of the Punic Wars!

Sunday Files Expansion - Inventors of the Timeline: In this expansion you’ll find useful information about the Patent Office, a special branch of Timezero which must watch over the greatest minds of the timeline. In this appendix are detailed several known and unknown inventors of human history, men and women who with their discoveries greatly furthered the advance of mankind. These same people, if not monitored and controlled, could wreak havoc throughout the entire continuum! In addition there are special rules tweaks to help you play an inventor-type Operative!
Während die Überarbeitung der Hardcoverausgabe zügig voranschreitet, hat die Taschenausgabe es bereits ins finale Stadium geschafft. Damit endlich wieder ein gedrucktes Regelwerk verfügbar ist, haben wir das Buch direkt in den Druck gegeben. Sobald wir den genauen Anlieferungstermin kennen, geben wir ihn hier bekannt. Wer beide Bücher bestellt hatte, muss übrigens nicht bis zum Erscheinen der Hardcoverausgabe warten: Wir verschicken die GERTA natürlich als kostenlose Teillieferung.


Alle, die nicht wissen, was Savage Worlds eigentlich ist, können sich hier schlau machen.

Bleibt savage!


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[Misfit Studios] Super-Powered: Operation: Marshal Law
Author: Steven Trustrum
Artist: Scott Harshbarger
Pages: 3
Price: €1,13 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The first of our Super-Powered series for the Savage World rules, Operation: Marshal Law details the US Marshal Service program intended to integrate super-powered beings into the agency as law enforcement officers.

Within this brief PDF you will find:
  • Information relevant to playing metahumans who join the United States Marshals Service.
  • Guidelines on what a USMS office entails.
  • A new Professional Edge: US Marshal. Three ideas for involving the US Marshal Service in your game
This game references the Savage Worlds game system, available from Pinnacle Entertainment Group at www.peginc.com. Savage Worlds and all associated logos and trademarks are copyrights of Pinnacle Entertainment Group. Used with permission. Pinnacle makes no representation or warranty as to the quality, viability, or suitability for purpose of this product.

This product is compatible with material found in the Super Powers Companion (Second Edition)

[Evil Beagle Games] Shaintar: Legends Unleashed Players Guide
Author: Sean Patrick Fannon
Artists: Aaron Acevedo, Chris Bivins, James Denton, Jason Engle, Johan Lindroos, Stephen Najarian, Alida Saxon, Tomasz Tworek
Pages: 79
Price: €7,30 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Your Savage Worlds fantasy gaming experience grows to Heroic and Legendary levels with this highly-anticipated follow-up to Shaintar: Legends Arise.

"The best campaigns are living campaigns. Things are happening everywhere, and your character, no matter the level of power, is a vital part of any world-changing event.

"Great Game Masters have the knack to make this happen with any world, but Shaintar has that knack built in. The world hangs in a balance between Light and Dark, Devastation and Life, Heroism and Villainy. The player knows that only by embracing the heroism can the player’s character tip the balance.

"Shaintar is familiar enough to immerse yourself in, yet strange enough to make you want to know what new wonders are about to be unleashed. And now the wonders are loosed. Fasten your saddle cinch; it’s going to be quite a ride."

- Steve Perrin, legendary writer and creator of the RPGs Runequest, Stormbringer, Worlds of Wonder, Elfquest and Superworld, as well as contributor to dozens of other products and product lines.

Savage Worlds fans will find even more to love about Shaintar: Legends Unleashed:
  • Over 40 new Racial Edges for each of the original 11 Races of Shaintar.
  • Dozens of other new Edges, including unique and defining Heroic and Legendary Edges.
  • Vastly expanded options for Magic, including Places, Items, and Times of Power; War Magic; and the genre-expanding High Magic that brings Savage Worlds fans the kind of world-shaking mystical power they've been craving.
  • Further information for Alchemists and Artificers, expanding their capabilities.
  • More magical and alchemical items, and a lot more about Builder Weapons, Armor, and Gear.
  • The View from On High, furthering the story of Shaintar and giving players and GMs a clear sense of the role of true Legends in the workings of the world.
  • More Weapons, Armor, and Gear, including Obsidian weapons for the Korindians and the highly popular "Hammerbolt Modification" for Dwarven Crossbows. Oh, there's the Orc Blade-Shield, too!
Continue your Epic High Fantasy journey with this book, and find tons of material that will enhance the Heroic and Legendary Ranks of any Savage Worlds game!

This is the Players Guide, containing Player information for Heroic and Legendary play!

This book covers Heroic and Legendary Rank gaming. The previously-published Shaintar: Legends Arise is the companion book to this, covering Novice, Seasoned, and Veteran play.

[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Realm Guide #7: The Salt Basin
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 12
Prices: €2,55 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Salt Basin, a vast depression devoid of water and vegetation, ranks as one of the most inhospitable places in Al-Shirkuh. And yet there is life in this blistering hot wilderness. Strange creatures immune to the need for water haunt the interior, while slaves toil under the whip to extract slabs of precious salt for sale in the great markets.

Inside you’ll find:
  • Expanded information on the cult of Apsu (god of water), including major festivals.
  • Theories on the creation of the fiery realm and the dangers that await explorers.
  • Note on the religious views of the civilized inhabitants and opportunities for trade.
  • A new Arcane Background - dessicator magic.
  • 7 new locations to explore and 3 major NPCs to encounter.
  • 1 minor deity.
  • 6 new monsters, including the deadly salt dragon, and 2 new hazards.


[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Adventure Pack 1: Tales from the Sands *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 132
Prices: €9,00 PDF only; €19,00 SC + PDF; €27,00 HC + PDF; €32,00 Signed HC + PDF (Kickstarter)
Add shipping costs to any physical pledge levels (+€6,00 SC and +€18,00 HC)

Tales from the Sands will be the first adventure pack for Hellfrost: Land of Fire and is published by Triple Ace Games.

Here are the short descriptions of the adventures that will be found in this book:
  • The Golden Queen, in which a misguided soul seeks to make slaves of the entire continent by calling upon an ancient power. (Novice characters: 32 pages)
  • Darkness at Darshab, in which a small village is beset by a terrible evil that gnaws at its heart and soul. (Novice characters: 34 pages)
  • The Last Voyage of Sinbad, in which the heroes become bold mariners in the hope of conversing with Sinbad the Sailor. (Seasoned characters: 32 pages)
  • Reign of Fire, in which the heroes must prevent the land being consumed by fire. (Seasoned characters: 31 pages)
There will be more details when this Kickstarter goes live next week!


We're proud to announce that Nova Praxis is going to be released as an officially licensed Savage Worlds campaign setting. And is that the conversion is being done in conjunction with none other than veteran Savage Worlds developer and publisher, Sean Patrick Fannon, author of Shaintar.

We're really excited about this, and more details will follow soon!

[Pinnacle] Weird Wars Rome Game Master’s Screen Inserts PDF
Price: $3,99 (Pinnacle PDF Store)

Assemble your Legions with ease in the full glory of the Empire with the new Weird Wars Rome Game Master’s Screen Inserts. These full-color, full-size screen inserts include artwork from Weird Wars Rome to set the mood and the most important charts and tables from Weird Wars Rome—including summaries for Mass Battles, Spoils of War, Roman military organization, and more.

The sheets can be used as inserts in the Savage Worlds Customizable GM Screen, printed and attached to an existing landscape-style screen, or printed on rigid cardstock for a quick stand-alone screen. The choice is yours!
Hallo miteinander,

da der letzte Zwischenstand zur Fanfinanzierung vor einem Monat veröffentlicht wurde, hier nun ein weiteres Update.

Die Taschenausgabe befindet sich im Druck und sollte damit Mitte bis Ende Februar erscheinen. Das PDF, inklusive Lesezeichen, ist bereits im Shop eingebunden.

Bei der GER warten wir im Moment auf Karten für zwei der neuen Onesheets. Dann kann das PDF vervollständigt werden. Das Vervollständigen der Taschenausgabe hat ungefähr 10 Tage gedauert. Ich rechne bei der GER mit ähnlichen Zeiträumen.

Der Kreaturenband von Hellfrost befindet sich leider immer noch im Layout. Es gab einige Verzögerungen, die sich am besten mit dem Faktor Mensch beschreiben lassen (Krankheitsfälle, Überstunden etc.). Wir rechnen aber in Kürze mit dem finalen PDF und halten euch natürlich auf dem Laufenden.

Eine weitere Sache: Es wurde angeregt, dass den Vorbestellern die Informationen zu den aktuellen Zwischenständen per E-Mail zugesandt werden. Wir finden die Idee ebenfalls gut und werden das ab sofort so tun. Ein entsprechendes Rundschreiben wird gerade vorbereitet.
Falls ihr die Informationen nicht per E-Mail bekommen wollt, antwortet uns einfach auf die erste Mail. In Zukunft lassen wir euch dann außen vor.

Bleibt savage!


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[TAG] Hellfrost LoF Adventure Pack 1: Tales from the Sands *Kickstarter*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 132
Prices: €9,00 PDF only; €19,00 SC + PDF; €27,00 HC + PDF; €32,00 Signed HC + PDF (Kickstarter)
Add shipping costs to any physical pledge levels (+€6,00 SC and +€18,00 HC)

Tales from the Sands will be the first adventure pack for Hellfrost: Land of Fire and is published by Triple Ace Games.

Here are the short descriptions of the adventures that will be found in this book:
* The Golden Queen, in which a misguided soul seeks to make slaves of the entire continent by calling upon an ancient power. (Novice characters: 32 pages)
* Darkness at Darshab, in which a small village is beset by a terrible evil that gnaws at its heart and soul. (Novice characters: 34 pages)
* The Last Voyage of Sinbad, in which the heroes become bold mariners in the hope of conversing with Sinbad the Sailor. (Seasoned characters: 32 pages)
* Reign of Fire, in which the heroes must prevent the land being consumed by fire. (Seasoned characters: 31 pages)



Für alljene, die zwar keine Kreditkarte aber einen PayPal-Account besitzen, bietet TAG die Möglichkeit die Pledges über den TAG-eigenen Store abzugeben:

Bondsman (PDF only)
Minion (Softcover + PDF)
Follower (Hardcover + PDF)
Sultan (Signed Hardcover + PDF)

Dieser Kickstarter endet am 19.02.2014 mittags und soll nur die Druckkosten der Bücher erwirtschaften.

Update: Nach nur 9 Stunden ist das Projekt schon zu 90% durch.

Update 2: Das Projekt ist finanziert!

[GRAmel] TimeZero: Tomorrow Bomb
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack, Piotr Koys
Pages: 55
Price: €5,14 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Time Emergency! Operations teams Alpha, Beta and Gamma to the briefing room! Prepare to intervene on the timeline!

GRAmel’s line of time travel adventures takes you through the mists of time to stop chronoterrorists, prevent time anomalies and save the continuum from obliteration!

This issue contains a single, stand-alone adventure.

The Tomorrow Bomb: Kaboom! Second World War. With a single atomic explosion London is wiped out by the Luftwaffe, during the Battle of Britain. But, wait a minute, the Nazis aren’t supposed to have an atomic bomb! The Operatives are engaged in a race against time (no pun intended) to save the whole of modern history! Nazis, heartless killers, a trickster from the past, and the shadow of atomic annihilation await the players in this scenario.

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Game Master's Guide
Authors: Peter J Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal Maclean, Matt Conklin jr., Patrick Smith, and others
Pages: 287
Price: €7,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Unsure if you want to pay for the Full-size E-book, or just want to have the Game Master tools in one easily-accessable document. This is the PDF for you!

The Game Master's guide gives you all the world and solar system information, adventure, gang, and bio horror generators, city trappings rules, and NPC's!

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: Players's Guide
Authors: Peter J Wacks, David Jarvis, Hal Maclean, Matt Conklin jr., Patrick Smith, and others
Pages: 189
Price: €7,35 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


Want everything you need to create a character, but don't want to get the entire Interface Zero PDF? Then Look no further!

The Interface Zero 2.0 Players Guide gives you everything you need to create a character. Inside this book you'll find 16 cyberpunk archetypes, new races, edges, tons of equipment, and all the setting rules, including cybernetic rules, drone rules, gollemmechs, Hacking, and much more!

Both E-books come in two versions, a flattened file for viewing on your IPAD or Kindle, and a layered screen version so you can create a printer-friendly file.

PLEASE NOTE: If you already own Interface Zero 2.0: Full Metal Cyberpunk, the Player's Guide comprises the first half, while the Game Master's Guide covers the rest of that book.

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