Podcast [White Wolf] Montags-Treffen, Blogcast & Darker Days

Als eine eher Randnotiz / Beobachtung.
Die gesamte White Wolf Blogsphere, das heisst alle Development Blogs, die Meeting Blogs und sonstige Blogs, ist nicht mehr verfuegbar.
Man erhaelt die Meldung der Account sei Suspended und man moege sich fuer weiter Informationen an Rechnungsabteilung wenden.
Die Blogs sind wieder da und das neue Monday Meeting:

In Soviet Russia, You Email Spam!

Eddy Webb
– July 30, 2012Posted in: Monday Meeting
Meeting Notes
  • Rich and I go over outstanding email requests.
  • Rich is talking to Russians and Japanese people. At least, in his spam folder.
  • We had a good conversation over email with Russell and Matt about Demon.
  • Blood Sorcery is still moving along.
  • On Facebook, Justin posts: “This week: delving back into Hunters Hunted 2 and outlining for Anarchs Unbound, plus day job work under NDA.”
  • I finished the audio recordings with Bill and Ethan for the W20 Kickstarter, and they’re off to Ian for editing.
  • We talk a bit about the GenCon presentations.
  • Rich is getting his Guest of Honor stuff sorted out. He is on lots of panels.
  • As a note, we don’t go over every project in these meeting notes every week. If there’s a particular project you want information on, look around the blogs a bit or check out the forums for more up-to-date comments.
  • Falling Scales #2 may go live today! If not, next week.
  • Rich is busy next Monday-Thursday, so no Monday Meeting next week.
Today’s Reason to Drink: On July 30th, 1971, David Scott and James Irwin on the Apollo 15 Lunar Module module Falcon landed on the Moon with the first Lunar Rover.
Was ist ein day job unter NDA? Ein normaler Beruf über den man nicht reden darf? CIA Agent oder was?
Und nächste Woche kein Meeting schad'
Es gibt nichts neues, aber wirklich gar nichts, nun auf der GenCon wird es neues geben.
Wenn man dran glaubt. Ich sehe es so das es ne 50/50 chance auf neues gibt.

Before GenCon and Bone Saws

Eddy Webb
– August 13, 2012Posted in: Monday Meeting

Meeting Notes

  • Rich asks me how my pre-op stuff went. Nothing I didn’t expect — I’ll be going under the knife on the 27th, and I’ll be recovering for about a week. But I can still drink at GenCon, so that’s good.
  • My surgery means that I’ll be handing the Monday Meeting blog off to Rich starting on the 27th.
  • Rich’s vacation was nice — lots of day trips over the week.
  • Most of the meeting was us going over the GenCon presentations. One of them is massive, and neither of us can figure out why.
  • The big announcement we’ve been mentioning will be at GenCon, and there will be follow up information next week.
  • Review PDFs for Blood Sorcery and Children of the Revolution will be coming in before GenCon.
  • Chaney is laying out Left-Handed Path for Awakening, and art directing NWO Ascension book.
  • Tried to remember the alternative title for Silent Knife. Turns out it was “All We Know of Hell.
Today’s Reason to Drink: I don’t know about y’all, but GenCon is the reason why I’m drinking.
Oh, gerade nachgesehen, es gibt doch ein neues Montags-Meeting.
Nun und wohl das letzte mit/von Eddy Webb, wenn ich es richtig verstehe:

GenCon! Eardrums! Blogging!
– August 20, 2012Posted in: Monday Meeting

Meeting Notes
  • Rich tells me about his flight back from GenCon, and about the new show “Copper.” (Not great, but not bad, he says.) I was too exhausted yesterday, so I just watched a few episodes of the 90s X-Men cartoon.
  • He also tells me about his favorite fantasy book, “The Mirror of Her Dreams.” (Mordant’s Dreams series)
  • Rich asks me some questions to close the loop on our discussions from GenCon about the W20 Kickstarter. That should hopefully up this week.
  • We kick around ideas for future GenCon plans.
  • I recorded all of the panels, and the (audio) recordings are coming soon, as well as a roundtable Rich and I did a while back.
  • Rich will also post something soon about the future of Onyx Path Publishing and White Wolf, once he’s recovered.
  • Meeting wraps up early, as I have to schedule an appointment for my ear surgery next week.
Today’s Reason to Drink: On August 20th, 2012, Eddy Webb posted his last Monday Meeting blog post. I’ll still be having regular meetings with Rich on CCP/Onyx Path stuff, but going forward, Rich (or someone else he can convince) will be handling Monday Meeting notes for the blog as I move to focusing more on the World of Darkness MMO and the occasional freelance work for White Wolf/Onyx Path.
Das erste Montags Meeting ohne Eddy,..

Is Eddy ‘ere?

– August 27, 2012Posted in: Monday Meeting
Hopefully, as I write this, our good friend Eddy Webb is recovering from his ear operation and everything went well. Knowing him, he’ll be tweeting his status as you read this. But with Eddy away, I’m taking over the Monday Lunch Meeting blogs, Mwa Ha Ha Ha! But without Eddy, there’s not much real conversation here, so I’ll jump right into the updates:

- Like we mentioned all of last week, but which I’m repeating here: the announcement at GenCon was that my new company, Onyx Path Publishing www.theonyxpath.com, has been creating and selling all the nWoD, cWoD, and Exalted projects you’ve been enjoying since January as we’re the official licensee of those tabletop lines from WW/CCP. And we’re really excited about the schedule for the next year. Also, we have plans for reimagining Scion and the Trinity Universe (or Trinity Continuum? What do you think?) of games, as we now own those lines outright.

- The Deluxe W20 Kickstarter hasn’t started yet as I received so many interesting ideas at GenCon that I sent a few of them out for pricing in order to include them as rewards. Also, and this was something we emphasized time and again during the Kickstarter panels at GenCon, shipping these big books continues to be a challenge in terms of pricing. Right now, I hear that any package over 4 pounds will be at least $50 for shipping to Europe, and W20 is sure to be at least that, as was V20. So, ouch! I need to incorporate that pricing into the reward tiers.

- Speaking of Kickstarters- and it seems everyone in paper RPG-land is- the Deluxe V20 Companions have all shipped except for a few broken addresses that I’m fixing right now. It was a longer and stranger trip than Justin and I planned, but that’s what happens when you do something for the first time. What’s amazing is that we did this pretty much ourselves with a talented pool of freelancers and outsourced printing and shipping. But what’s important is that it’s a damn pretty book and a book worthy of putting next to V20 itself. And if you didn’t back the Deluxe Edition, the PDF and PoD versions are on sale now at DriveThruRPG.

- Blood Sorcery for VtR may just hit this week on DriveThruRPG, but I think it more likely to go live early next week. We were real close on hitting the schedule here, but it all depends on how fast I can see a proof copy of the PoD book.

- The Silent Knife novel will definitely slip to September, but we do have an ePub version we’re testing right now so we can give folks more access to one of the first tasty bits of fiction we’ve had out for Vampire in a few years.

- Mummy the Curse is still in layout. Check out the Making of Mummy panel on the Onyx Path Facebook page: www.facebook.com/TheOnyxPath And we’re still looking at getting a KS going for Mummy once the W20 one goes live.

- The Left Handed Path for nMage and Convention Book: NWO for cMage are both being art directed and edited.

- The God Machine Chronicle Anthology stories are all in Matt McFarland‘s hands and his team is working on writing the game book right now as well.

- I owe John, Holden, and Geoff signature character sketches for EX3 which is powerfully coming together. Holden and I will be talking this week so I can get a bit more detail on where things stand.

- W20 Changing Breeds and Rage Across the World are being written, and Justin is furiously developing Hunters Hunted 2 for V20.

- We have had amazing response to, and gratifying interest in, what we have planned for Scion, Trinity, and Cavaliers of Mars. I know Russell Bailey is full steam ahead on the Cavaliers main book, and I’ve had emails and calls all last week and into this from writers and developers who’d love to help with reimagining the other two lines. More as we have it, and mostly on the Onyx Path site.

- The WW Forums were down this last weekend for no reason we know of, but they are back up now and should be OK barring crazy weather blown up from Hurricane Isaac.

Reason To Drink: Let’s hoist one to the health of Eddy Webb, may his ears be ever hearful, and his hair be ever curly. Get well soon, buddy!

Die Neuigkeiten zum Kickstarter sind bloody ridicioulus.
Zunächst ist der Companion Kicktsrater fucked up beziehungsweise fühle ich mich als Backer grob verarscht. Man hat das estimated Delivery Date um bald mehr als vier Monate verpasst und das was seit knapp einem Monat zum Thema Shipping abgeht ist eine schlechte Farce! Das heißt vor knapp drei Wochen hieß es es wäre Versand worden, es gab keine Trackingnummern, und die letzten drei Tagen melden die ersten in den USA das ihr Companion angekommen ist. Nachfragen im Update blieben unbeantwortet, obwohl ich höflich blieb (wesentlich höflicher als in diesem Post zumindest). Ich habe no fucking idea wann meinen beiden Pledge Rewards eintreffen werden. Und es ist imho einfach nur noch eine FARCE.
Oh aber es war ihr aller erster Kickstarter. $%§$% $§$§&% XXXXXX.
Ich habe in der Zwischenzeit bei 19 erfolgreichen Nicht-White Wolf Kickstartern mit gemacht die allesamt NACH dem V20 Companion gestartet wurden. Von Leuten die auch zum allerersten mal in ihrem Leben einen Kickstarter gemacht haben. Die teilweise noch nichtmal Teil einer Publishing Company sind. Aktuell haben ich davon schon drei Pledges in den Händen und der Rest ist pimaldaumen auch pünktlich.
Beim Companion hingegen werden vermutlich wohl einige ihre PoD-DriveThru Variante des Buchs früher in den Händen halten als ich meine KS Pledges >_<

Was Werewolf 20th angeht, frage ich mich ernsthaft wie weit der denkt das er einen verkohlen kann.
Erst kriegen sie einen Monat lang es nicht gebacken eine einfache Vertragsverhandlung mit UPS für den Companion zu führen, und nun heißt es das man sich als Europär auf mindestens $50+ einstellen darf? Fate of Norns kommt in der Edelfassung mit einem ~300 Seiten Hardcover und 125 Steinen daher (neben anderen Sachen), und die wollen 30$. Tenra Bansho Zero will etwa $15 (zwei Bücher, japanische Tücher, 40 Würfel und ein Emotion Casino Dice Set), bei Curse of Darkness kamen $12 auf das Boxset drauf. Lediglich Witch Girls liegt mit $48 für Europa in der Nähe von $50+ die Richard dort angibt. Tatsächlich liegen selbst die sogar etwas drunter.
Kurz, nachdem was mit dem Companion abgezogen wurde, und noch wird, finde ich $50+ für den Werewolf Kickstarter potentiell unverschämt.
Ich hoffe mal das es die W20 für $120 - $125 geben wird, wie auch bereits die V20.
Neuer Montag, neues Treffen, neue Neuigkeiten.

Labor Day +1
– September 4, 2012Posted in: Monday Meeting

Our friend Eddy continues to be out, but he’s doing a lot better with the aftereffects of his ear operation, and we’ve even started sending files back and forth again. Inner ear issues: not fun.

So here is a brief smattering of where things stand with our projects- an update with little movement, but so’s you knows:
- W20 Kickstarter is still waiting. I have several folks who have stepped forward with possible solutions to the high shipping cost I mentioned last week and as soon as I can get hard numbers, because the soft numbers ooze off the desk, I will be able to submit our KS with confidence that we’re doing the right thing with shipping- not too high for folks, but covering the expense so Onyx doesn’t drown in fees.

-Ethan is writing the W20 SAS called The Skinner.

- Speaking of Kickstarters: people as far away as Australia report they are getting their copies of the deluxe V20 Companion (which is also available in PDF and PoD versions on DriveThruRPG now) . Yay! There have been some folks who let me know that they got a misprinted version or similar issue, but fear not, we’ll get you out a new one as soon as I can get reasonable assurance from the shipper that everyone should have gotten their books. We have to expect some mis-shipments, so I want to be sure we have enough on hand to deal with both issues.

- And to finalize our trifecta of KS goodness: I’m actually hammering out some iPad bugs in the V20 Children of the Revolution PDF right now- I took a break to write this- so it’s very close to when that will go out to the KS backers and then to press. Matt McElroy continues to write the V20 Red List.

- Blood Sorcery: we were so close to getting that out in August, but because of the holiday/con weekend craziness I’m hoping that the PoD proof gets here very soon and we can go live ASAP.

- Book of Nod Restoration Edition is in a similar situation with hard copy PoD proofs flying hither and yon across the country. Sooooon.

- Silent Knife, the VtR novel, is waiting for a cover and needs to go through approvals with CCP as a full product, cover and all. Really pushing for this month.

- Mummy is still in layout and almost all of the art is in. Approvals, etc still await. Going to try and avoid as much overlap between it’s Kickstarter and W20′s as possible.

- Justin is wrapping up his development passes on the text of Hunters Hunted 2.

- Art is coming in for Left Handed Path for Mage and the NWO Convention Book. Layout next.

- Lots of creative folks are busy writing W20 Changing Breeds and Rage Across the World, the God Machine Chronicles Anthology and gamebook, and the Strix Chronicle Anthology.

- I’ve been having status report meetings with our devs- Holden on Exalted 3rd, some other folks on Scion and Trinity, and will continue to chat up more awesome devs this week on future project plans. I also owe the EX3 team sketches of the sig characters. They’re coming! Really!
So lots of stuff is getting done, and lots of stuff is in progress, but we still keep slipping schedule-wise as I mentioned during our Gen Con talks. Something we’re really trying to catch back up on.

Reason to Get Drunk: Trying to juggle all these great projects

Hm, nicht viel neues wenn man den Neuigkeiten gefolgt ist.
Dafür habe ich meinen Companion (bzw. die Companions) YaY.

Das mit dem SAS stand eigentlich schon in The Agony of an Invisible Audience beschrieben.
Oh und das nWoD GRW gibt es nun als PoD bei DriveThru.
Zunächst Justin Achilli hat eine Succubus Club Rotation für Atlanta by Night erstellt.
Die Liste für die Fratzenbook Verweigerer:

Succubus Club 2012 Rotation auf Spotify
Erstellt von Justin Achilli:
  • Throat Full Of Glass - Vocal Mix By Computer Club von Combichrist
  • Titanium - feat. Sia von David Guetta
  • The Devil's In The Details (Go Devils! Remix By Modulate) von Aesthetic Perfection
  • Midnight City (Eric Prydz Private Remix) von M83
  • Anyway You Choose to Give It - Boy 8-Bit Remix von The Black Ghosts
  • Crockett's Theme - Tom Middleton Cosmos Mix von Michael Cassette
  • Genesis von Grimes
  • Resolution von VNV Nation
  • Natures Revenge - Dub von Skinny Puppy
  • The Rat von Infected Mushroom
  • Hype von Imperative Reaction
  • Devil's Night von God Module
  • She Sells Sanctuary (Howling Mix) von The Cult
  • Greed von Assemblage 23
  • Running Up That Hill von The Muse · Faith
  • Ritual Noise von Covenant
  • Photographic - Rex The Dog Faithful Mix von Depeche Mode
  • Belo Lugosi's Dead von Godhead
  • Blue Monday von Rabbit In The Moon
  • American-Soviets (The Cameron Paul / U.S. - RMX) - (The Cameron Paul / U.S. Remix) von C.C.C.P.
  • Chinese Burn - Lunatic Calm Remix Version von Curve
  • Enjoy the Silence von Hybrid
Daneben gibt es natürlich auch wieder Montags Meetings Notizen:
A Partial Webb

– September 10, 2012 Posted in: Monday Meeting

Had a shortened talk today with Eddy as he was able to get to CCP and work, but was still feeling a bit out of it. Naturally, a lot of our chatting was about medical things- his recovery (for those of you not reading this Blog every week- and why aren’t you?!- Eddy Webb, my partner in WW crime, had an operation on his inner ear a few weeks ago) and my Mom who had a nasty fall and recovery period. Together with talking a bit about the CCP Approval process and where we are with that, we didn’t have time to go into many project-based talks. Next time, when he’s feeling better, I think. But Eddy did say that he’ll catch up as he has these past few weeks by reading this blog…wise man, that Eddy Webb.

- The Children of the Revolution PDF for V20 was sent out to the Deluxe CotR Kickstarter backers (as was the reward containing the three cWod PDFs that inspired CotR: Children of the Inquisition, Children of the Night, and The Kindred Most Wanted). Response has been great! Thanks so much for the awesome comments and Justin and I are both particularly gratified about the many backers who recognize that we have changed things for the better from one KS to the next just as we said we would. We weren’t kidding when we described this KS thing as an experimental process. And if you didn’t back the Deluxe CotR Kickstarter- don’t worry, once we have the various files together for the PoD version, we’ll be sure that the PDF/PoD versions are available on DriveThruRPG.

- Still working on getting the Deluxe W20 Kickstarter up and running. Getting pricing from Europe right now- still working at getting the best price for the service. I have a few new kinds of rewards and some surprise stretch goals that I think folks will like.

- Mummy is in layout. KS will be some time after the W20 KS starts.

- So, I re-ordered a hard copy proof of Blood Sorcery (VtR) after Matt McElroy of DTRPG discovered that my previous proof order never went through. Thanks, Matt! He’s a lifesaver. Can’t put the book up for sale without the proof…

- Hunters Hunted 2 (V20), Silent Knife (VtR Fiction), The Skinner SAS (W20), W20 Changing Breeds and Rage Across the World, EX3, Stryx (VtR) and God Machine Chronicles (nWoD), Left Handed Path (nMtA), and NWO Convention Book (cMtA) all continue to progress- some phases quicker than others.

- We’re looking at having a blast at Atlanta by Night at the end of September- Justin just confirmed that not only will he be there but he’ll be hosting a panel where he works on developing Anarchs Unbound (the next V20 book) right there in the most Open Dev style yet. He’ll be taking comments from the audience, arguing, and making changes right there. I’m sitting in just to kibitz and hurl insults. Eddy and I will be reprising our panels from Gen Con (What’s Up w/WW?, and What Is The Onyx Path?) and there should be plenty of W20 wolfy-ness as well, including the Wrecking Crew playtesting the W20 SAS featuring (or maybe not) Sam Haight: The Skinner, by Ethan Skemp. I’m planning on sitting in on one of the sessions and I’ll try and get Ethan playing as well. And there will probably be some parties too. So if you’re in Atlanta on the last weekend of the month, c’mon by and say hi.

Reason To Drink: Fall is in the air- we near the season of death. Also, cool air and candy.
Noch kein Montag. Aber der Darker Days hat einen neuen Hangout-Vidcast.
Dort kann man den beiden Moderatoren, Eddy, Rich und Justin und einem dritten, beim schwatzen zu hören. Knapp zwei Stunden lang (1h 45m)

Vermutlich sind auch Infos dabei, es läuft gerade nebenher bei mir.
Bin mir aber nicht sicher ob ich es bis zum Ende schaffe oder irgendwas behalte,..
Das Montags Meeting diesmal Dienstags,..
You Call That a “Promotion”?
– September 18, 2012Posted in: Monday Meeting

So, Monday Meeting on Tuesday as I had to postpone yesterday. Eddy is feeling much improved from last week, except going up and down stairs, and is ready for the panels next week at Atlanta by Night. But not ready for LARPing- too much movement involved. I suggested he take legless as a Flaw, and Eddy responded with a wise and knowing “Shut up”. Our good buddy and art approval contact Matt Milberger is leaving CCP for the West Coast and LucasArts (good luck, matt!), so Eddy was “promoted” to be both my project and art approval contact with CCP. Every time Eddy said “promoted” I could hear the air quotes even though he wasn’t making the gesture. As we talked about it though, he expressed his feeling that we’re in a really good spot in terms of the art approvals and that particular process is pretty smooth now. I can’t argue that as recent approvals have indeed gone smoothly, but wished he hadn’t said that out loud- now we’re jinxed! With that we looked at recent projects, discussed which writers really get Mage mechanics (Aha, but which Mage? Or both?), went over my blog post on the Onyx Path website about this last month since Gen-Conhttp://theonyxpath.com/its-a-month-since-we-announced-and-wow/, and talked about the Deluxe W20 Kickstarter. Which brings us to:
- I’m writing the Deluxe W20 Kickstarter page right now! I need to finish, get approval from KS, and give everyone 24 hours notice before turning it loose. I know you’ve all been waiting to get involved, and the elements that delayed this have really dragged on- the nonUS shipping was a real shock- but we’re rolling now. So before we get there, let me ask that once again everyone please remember that this is not simply a pre-order of W20 but the chance to really dive in and use Kickstarter as a way to talk about and be part of putting this deluxe edition together. With V20 we had a WW store and infrastructure to take pre-orders and get them out and that was it- no extra rewards, no chance to really talk as a community. You are enabling us to make this if you contribute, and we couldn’t do it without you- yeah, you right there!- so revel in that power you have!
- V20 news: Children of the Revolution printer files went to the printer, and Print on Demand files went to DriveThru. Still need to hear if they’re OK. I’m starting on the Making of the Art Book later this week, and Matt McElroy is still a-writin’ the V20 Red List. The last of the V20 Companion folks who returned their info so we can create a character sheet with portrait by Ken Meyer, Jr. has contacted me, so if you are waiting for the sheet we’ll be getting those out as soon as Ken is done. Justin is red-lining (developmentally editing the final text) of Hunters Hunted 2 and threatens to have a video ready soon for its Kickstarter.
- A new blog post for W20 Changing Breeds will be going up later today I hear from Stew Wilson, and development continues on apace with that and Rage Across the World.
- Exalted 3 is being written and developed while Geoff Grabowski and I argue over whether Art Nouveau is a look we could ascribe to the setting. Also, I did more drawings of the sig characters and almost have them where we can all discuss them.
- Blood Sorcery: Blasphemies and Sacraments went live at DriveThruRPG last week and continues to sell steadily. I really enjoyed art directing the book- what do you folks think about it?
- Just saw the cover laid out for Left Handed Path for nMtA and it looks cool, and the book should be proofing right now. Waiting on the Silent Knife cover and that should enable that book to get approved and out, and Mike Chaney almost has all the art for Convention Book: NWO in and is starting layout on it.

Reason to Drink: I’m sure I forgot to update a particular project and someone out there is going to yell at me. We drink to ease the pain. <sob>
Ein bisschen später als normal.

A Tad Bit Late & A Tad Bit Short

– September 26, 2012Posted in: Monday Meeting

So we did actually have a Lunch Meeting this week, on Tuesday, and I’m actually rushing to write this up on Weds night before I head out Thursday to the airport and fly down to ATL for Atlanta By Night, the convention that has replaced the Grand Masquerade this year. This last week has been nuts, and thank you from the bottom of my heart to those of you who sent me condolences on the passing of my mother. Your kind thoughts meant an awful lot to me. But now, some quick updates as well as I can get these up here so you folks can see where we are this week- even if I’m still somewhat stunned and having to catch up myself.

- Eddy and I pretty much mostly talked about Atlanta by Night- we’ll be reprising our talk there about what’s going on with the White Wolf games and talk a bit about Onyx Path as well. Justin will be developing Anarchs Unbound for V20 right there on a panel that I’m going to sit in on to heckle him. Eddy has at least one of his informative and funny talks about bettering your LARPing, so that’s cool too, and I’m going to try and sit in on at least one Wrecking Crew tabletop game. Some of the WoD MMO guys will be there to with a panel and a presentation. And I hear there might be some parties and <gasp> drinking there too. If you’re going, or even just in Atlanta, come on by and ask us all about Onyx Path and our plans for nWoD, cWoD, Exalted, Scion, and Trinity.

- Sometime in the next two weeks we’re going to revise the schedule and get current with our release dates. Shouldn’t be a huge surprise in most cases, and the surprises should be the good kind for books that look like they’re going to hit the current announced dates.

- Cover for Silent Knife is almost done and will be added to the interior files and submitted for CCP approval.

- Mummy. Layout. Is happening. Slowly.

- W20 Kickstarter submitted to KS for their approval. W20 back totally from Editing- all in layout’s hands now. Full page art still coming in.

- NWO art all in. In layout.

- EX3- boy, those guys are writing a lot of stuff. I swear I’ll get sig character sketches out next week.

- Children of the Revolution for V20 is going to be available from DTRPG in PDF and PoD sometime in October if things go as planned. The date that is viewable on their site that gives the release date as next year is not the actual date, it’s a placeholder so the current PDF can’t be sold early. The Deluxe CotR is at the printer and I expect a proof right before I leave tomorrow. Will photograph and post with an Update to all the KS backers.

- God Machine and Strix Chronicles are rolling along.

Reason To Drink: Raise a glass to Mary Thomas, who I was most fortunate to have as my mother, and who set me on this Onyx Path by reading me Tarzan novels as bed time stories when I was five.

Das der W20 Kicktstarter submitted ist heißt wohl das er dieses Wochenebde (bzw. ggf. Montags) bei Kickstarter aufploppen wird.
Wer sich mit auf die Lauer legen mag Richard gab bekannt wann der Kickstarter Online geht:
@TRC_News #w20 Deluxe Kickstarter will go live at 9am,Tues the 2nd. Thanks!

Vermutlich meint er damit in knapp 9 1/2 Stunden also um 3 Uhr morgens bei uns.
Neues Monday Meeting:

Werewolves and There Wolves.
– October 1, 2012 Posted in: Monday Meeting

Just back from Atlanta by Night. Had a great time there- it was half talking to fans about White Wolf projects and the Onyx Path and half talking to old friends in and out of CCP. Here are the results of Justin’s live outlining session for V20′s Anarchs Unbound: http://whitewolfblogs.com/v20/2012/...archs-unbound-live-outlining-session-results/ It was a fun session with a lot, a lot, of audience involvement, which was really the whole idea. This is the first step- a mind map- of the topics to be considered in the book and next Justin will create a more standard outline based on the mind map. Go ahead and comment and add to the mix there on the blogs- it’s still a work in progress.

So, obviously, Eddy and I talked a lot about AbN at lunch today, and the various business deals that were discussed there. We talked a fair bit about other conventions too, as I’d like Onyx Path to have more of a presence at cons this coming year. Unfortunately, Eddy was still recovering from his ear issues and so was very selective about what parties and such he attended as he can only do so much before vertigo sets in- me and Justin were less circumspect, as I think we started off dizzy and just kept going. And we talked about the W20 Kickstarter, which leads to this:

- So the big news is that the W20 Deluxe edition Kickstarter goes live at 9am Eastern US time tomorrow, Tuesday the 2nd. I was asked to announce a day in advance so that those reward tiers that have a limited number of slots aren’t filled up before folks are aware that the KS has started. But this brings up a good point that I will digress to now:

What is Kickstarter and Why is W20 Being Featured There?
Basically, Kickstarter is a process where people can pledge money to help achieve a particular project goal. In our case, we need funds to enable the expensive cover treatments and other deluxe elements like gilded page edges and silk ribbon bookmarks that go into making the 20th Anniversary books so cool. In order to make the process more fun, there is a ladder of reward tiers based on the amount you’re willing to pledge to help us reach this goal. At first the rewards are mostly PDFs and such, but then we get into rewards which provide you with the actual book, and even higher reward tiers will enable you to get your character’s name in the Example of Play, or get original art work from Ron Spencer, or interview or play W20 with Ethan Skemp.​
Now the thing is, this is a way for you to enable us to make the book in a deluxe format, and there are reward tiers where you’ll get the book, so a lot of our community sees the Kickstarter as a pre-order system like how V20 was ordered on the WW/CCP web store, or like ordering from Amazon. But it really isn’t. Those are one-and-done situations, where you place the order and the book gets shipped eventually to your door- KS can give you the chance to do so much more. There’s the KS community, with comment forums and the ability to directly send ideas and questions right to me built into the KS site. There’s the idea that you can get rewards that place you in a level of involvement with our creative process that was never possible before- particularly when tied into our Open Dev Process on the WW blogs. And there’s the sheer fact that we’re only going to make the Deluxe W20 Edition if you, the community, tell us by your pledging to do so.​
But I can certainly understand folks not wanted to get into all that extra stuff- after all, we’re gamers and we love our books- and these deluxe books aren’t cheap. Just please bear in mind that we, the creators, do see this as a process and it isn’t the cut and dried way of making and distributing books that we used for 20 years- that system is simply gone. There is no more WW/CCP web store, and Amazon isn’t getting this book. Only you guys are- if you back it. And bear in mind that the PDF and PoD versions will eventually be on DTRPG even if we don’t do the W20 Deluxe. So why am I carping on this not being a Pre-Order (and why is Kickstarter itself carping on not being a store)? Because having the idea that all this is is a Pre-Order can set up preconceived notions as to what to expect based on past experiences. This Kickstarter thing is a brand new animal for us and that can create a really big gap between the experience you expect in order to get the W20 Deluxe book into your hands and the experience we are working with in working with our backers on this process of creating this W20 Deluxe Edition. For example, there isn’t really a price for a Deluxe Edition. There’s the reward tier that first contains the actual Deluxe Edition that very much seems like the “price”, but is in fact for us the lowest reward tier level we can include the actual book in and still be sure we’re covering costs. That might be a finer distinction than some might want to consider, but it’s an important one as it ties into our whole reason for going to the community for funding. If people want these editions, and so back these editions, we will make these editions if they cover costs. In the end, I carp on this because I don’t want anyone in our community upset by this- we started creating the 20th Anniversary Editions because of wanting to give back to our fans and I don’t want to have this process ruin the good feelings that make all this work worthwhile.​
Finally, there was a lot of interest in Mage the Ascension’s 20th Anniversary Edition at AbN this weekend. Let me tell you what we told folks there and have been saying for a year now- we’ll make the call on M20 once we see how W20 is received. In other words, because MtA and WtA always had about equal fan interest (based on sales) our thinking is that whatever interest there is in W20 will be about the same for M20. So, if the W20 Deluxe Kickstarter does well, then M20 will be approved- no doubt about it. Some fans have said that then they’ll buy W20 just to get M20 made, and I’m really not suggesting that that strategy is the way to go. I don’t want anybody thinking we’re holding their chances for an M20 hostage by holding a gun to the werewolf’s head. What I am saying is that having actual numbers goes a long way in determining whether we can devote the time and energy to getting M20 up and running and these are the numbers that can best inform us.​
- V20 Deluxe Children of the Revolution KS is looking good. I got the proofs for the deluxe edition the day I left for AbN, of course, and I’m looking at them now. They’ll get sent back to the printer ASAP. Waiting for the PoD version hard copy proof- figure sometime in the next couple of days- as soon a approvals are done we’ll set the PDF and PoD to go live. V20 Red List was something Matt McElroy and I talked about a fair bit at AbN, and he’s feeling really good about how the various parts are coming together. Gathering the email discussions with artists for the Making of the Art of CotR PDF still. Going to post photos of the proofs in the Update to backers this week.

- Hunters Hunted 2 for V20 is mid-way through final development as Justin pulls it together. I think. He mumbled a lot this weekend.

- Mummy the Cursed might be. Craig is getting back to me on whether any layout files were damaged after his place was broken into this weekend. More when I have it. Going to look at the Deluxe Mummy Kickstarter after we get the W20 KS rolling along.
- Need approvals on Silent Knife and Left Handed Path from CCP.

- Layout for the NWO Convention Book starts this week.

- Matt McFarland is real close to delivering his God Machine Fiction Anthology text. Is that name too dull or too long? “Cogs of the God Machine”? “Gears of the God Machine”?

- Eddy is a jerk and a loser and stinks and is a stinker because he might be late on his Noir-flavored Strix story for the Strix Fiction Anthology.

- Exalted 3- remember last weeks update?…same thing. Some stretches of time are like that.

Reason to Drink: Don’t need a drink, need to work and get caught up. Going to talk to each Dev this week. Will drink after the week is out (plus have enough alcohol stored in my hump from this weekend).

Mein persönliches Highlight:
Wir halten unseren Fans nicht die Knarre an den Kopf und wollen das sie Werewolf 20th pledgen nur um eine Mage 20th zu bekommen,.. ... ... aber wenn nicht genügend Fans Werewolf 20th kaufen gibt es keine Mage 20th.

Graaaha haha AH HA HA
Guter Scherz.

Also wenn man die M20th haben will muß man verdammt nochmal dafür sorgen das W20 ein Erfolg wird.
Wenn man es nicht tut muß man hoffen das es die W20-Fans tun. Sonst sitzt man in der Patsche - und beißt sich ggf. in den Hintern weil man es ja hätte mitsponsoren können.
.oO( Ohne Mage Kenntnisse, aber vielleicht ist das eine Art Paradox-Effekt? XD )
Ja, schon.
Zumal er doch wenigsten die Aufrichtigkeit besitzen sollte den Fans zu sagen das genau das ist was sie tun müssen.
Wobei das Credo nicht unbedingt neu ist sondern bereits vor der Werwolf 20th den Leuten eingeimpft wurde.
Vor allen Dingen wenn man bedenkt, dass OPP bis jetzt mit der Mage Revised tatsächlich einen einzigen Kandidaten von den 20th Aniversary-Liste tatsächlich in einer älteren Edition als PoD herausgebracht haben. (Die anderen sind bis Heute nicht erschienen.)
Da spricht einiges dafür, dass die Leutchen selbst nicht dran gluaben, dass es etwas mit M20 wird.
Ich finde es klingt eher schon fast danach das sie eine ziemliche Angst haben das es mit Werewolf 20th nichts wird.
Immerhin scheinen sie nicht gerade daran zu glauben das die W20 sicher die benötigten Gewinne zur Sicherung der M20 einfahren wird..
Sie haben sich ja schon mit dem Companion ganz schön in die Nesseln gesetzt. Von daher: Popcorn-Eimer bereithalten und das Schauspiel genießen.
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