Liebe liegt in der Luft, wenn es nach der Cyclops Con von Goodman Games geht! Schon morgen geht es los (13. Mai bis 15. Mai 2022), mit zahlreichen Spielrunden, einem Twitchprogramm und vielen anderen Programmpunkten:
Announcing Romance of the Cyclops Con!
First there was the Cyclops, then there was his Spawn — who grew up to rule an Empire, and now she conquerors . . . Romance?
That’s right, Goodman Games is back with another Online Con offering wall-to-wall gaming, events, virtual hangouts, shopping — in fact, everything you’d expect from a regular Con except for the long drives, hotel booking, fighting for a parking space, and overpriced breakfast buffets! And this time love is in the air!
This con is about more than just Dungeon Crawl Classics! It also covers D&D of all editions, as well as versions of DCC (MCC, XCC, DCC Lankhmar, etc.). So be ready to get your game on no matter the rules!
The Cyclops Announces His Social Hour and Saturday Night at the Cy-Bar!
Saturday Night Social Hour is the gathering of fans that happens online at The Inn of the Slumbering Drake. A link to this online experience will be provided, and for fans who have been there before, you know just what to expect. For newcomers, this is where you will create an avatar and wander through the inn, meeting up and chatting with other fans—and maybe some other familiar faces—as you wander through this virtual tavern. We’ll be posting the link to join in when we’re closer to the event, which happens Saturday, May 14 at 9:00 p.m. EST.
And if you prefer your interactions to be a little more intense, you can visit Saturday Night at the Cy-Bar over on the Goodman Games Twitch Channel starting at 8:00 p.m. EST! The Cyclops himself will be there to talk about his beautiful daughter and her newfound love, and just how that makes him feel. And he might talk about gaming and what’s happening in his world, as well. You never know what he might bring along…
So be sure to be there, Saturday, May 14, as Goodman Games brings you The Saturday Night Social Hour online at 9:00 p.m. EST, and Saturday Night at the Cy-Bar starting at 8:00 p.m. EST over on Twitch!
Der Beitrag Dungeon Crawl Classics: Romance of Cyclops Con (13.5. bis 15.5.22) erschien zuerst auf .