AW: Tremere!?
Hier was von nem Fan aus dem White Wolf Forum: Die Tremere als Blutlinie, allerdings VÖLLIG anders als oWoD und aufbauend auf der Mage-Fraktion und tatsächlich nicht uncool (obgleich man, da sie nun wirklich nix mit den oWoD-Tremere zu tun haben, sich auch den NNamen hätte schenken können):
Ok, before I go on, I want to make something absolutely clear: this Bloodline is definately NOT the oWoD of Darkness Tremere. This is my interpretation of the Tremere based upon the Tremere Lichs found in the Mage: the Awakening book. There are some similarities, but this is not to be mistaken for some nostalgic attempt at recreating the oWoD tremere. If you are some oWoD super Tremere fan, tough titties. I don't want any post whinging about how this isn't what they used to be. Welcome to nWoD. Deal with it.
Now thats out of the way, here is the basic information on my Tremere bloodline. I will post the history and society and culture soon, followed by the bloodline discipline.
The Tremere
Even the Kindred must one day decay
As a Bloodline, the Tremere are a shame. They are barely discernable from walking, rotting corpses, trapped in an eternity of decay and torment. Even before the Tremere’s spectacular fall from grace they were a travesty, consuming the souls of the living, only to feel some temporary semblance of their lost mortality. Their hubris cost them dearly.
The Bloodline originates from a small coterie of Mekhet Kindred who operated in the middle ages. These Kindred desired above all unconditional power. They had become vampires, wishing to gain the powers of the blood and immortality, only to be disappointed at the nature of vampirism: a curse, rather than blessing.
This coterie searched tirelessly through the use of Auspex arcane lore and supernatural phenomena, hoping to discover a way to remove their curse of undeath whilst maintaining their powers. They operated much like an early Ordo Dracul, yet where up to a point, terribly unsuccessful.
Their fortunes changes when they discovered the presence of an unusual entity that wandered through twilight. They believed this creature to be some form of demon, and sent several months tracking it down and learning rituals to force it’s manifestation, and to bind it to their will. Upon their eventual success, they began to question it.
The being turned out to be an abyssal entity, and revealed to the Mekhet the secrets of the Abyss, the Supernal World and the nature of the soul. It was this last bit that fascinated the coterie most.
Based on the information provided by the demon, the coterie transformed their blood and formed the original Tremere line. They manifested a power of the blood that allowed them to steal the souls of the living, thus giving them a temporary half-life. They had achieved with this a significant step towards their goal of transcending Kindred weaknesses. Unfortunately, human souls were seemingly insufficient and could only sustain their half-life for a few days, and kindred souls would only bestow them with the diablerie benefits. They needed something more.
Of course, fate handed them a second gift. Their blatant soul consumption had attracted the attention of a cabal of mages. The vampires lured the mages into a sense of security with promises of the secret powers of the vampires, and indulged the mages’ curiosity to a degree, until they reached the opportunity to strike.
The attempt was a fiasco for the Tremere. Instead of sustaining them, the kindred were all destroyed as their blood burned with celestial fire, and the mages who here their victims were horribly cursed as well, becoming soul-stealing lichs.
But the bloodline was not all lost.
The youngest member of the coterie had sired. This childe, known only today as “Superstes” or “the survivor”, was too young to have yet awakened his (or possibly her, it is still debated) blood. Therefore, Superstes could not have engaged in the soul-stealing rituals. He witnessed the occurrence from the shadows, and hid from the newly cursed mages after the incident. He could feel the echoes of divine punishment within his blood, a sympathetic connection with the fate of his unfortunate sire.
When he awakened his blood, he became a new kind of Tremere, one cursed by the divine powers of the Supernal Realm of Stygia. And so he set forth, in a vain attempt to lift his now doubled curse, as his sire’s coterie once did. As the Tremere were born to do.
The Tremere of today seem to have lost their purpose. Some, hearing the tales of their sires, blame their cursed state on the Mages. Others believe that they themselves are Demons of the Abyss. Many Princes view the corpse-like and enraged Tremere as violations of the Masquerade, and will not suffer their presence within their cities.
Parent Clan: Mekhet
Nickname: Ghosts
Covenant: Many are surprised to hear it, but there are almost no Tremere at all within the Ordo Dracul. The Tremere claim they outdate the Dragons, and that their Coils of the Dragon are too moderate and ineffective. The Ordo Dracul position is that the Tremere only makes these claims because they succeeded where the Tremere had failed. Because of this, there is an ingoing feud between the Ghosts and the Dragons, and any Tremere who joins the Ordo Dracul is excommunicated from the bloodline.
The Tremere are much more likely to be found within the ranks of the Circle of the Crone. Even though they are destructive beasts, where the Acolytes are creative, Ghosts often agree with the philosophy of growth through struggle, and often represent the crueller arm of the Covenant.
In terms of political choices, the Tremere normally favour the clear hierarchy found within the Invictus. Most of the Elders and Ancillae who are not Acolytes will be found within the ranks of the Invictus. Several neonates, however, have been flocking under the Carthian banner, thankful for the equality that means they will not be judged based on their decaying, haggard appearance. Elders of the line disapprove, but have not yet taken any steps against it, hoping the young ones will grow out of the Carthian ‘fad’. It is rare for Ghosts to join the Lancea Sanctum, but not unheard of.
Tremere who have broken off from the bloodline major will normally gravitate towards the Belial’s Brood, frequently becoming leaders or spiritual advisors amongst them. Tremere bring their abyssal lore to the Brood, and quickly convert them into a demonic force to be reckoned with.
Appearance: Due to the weakness in their blood, the curse of Stygia always gives the Ghosts the appearance of an exhumed corpse. Their clothes decay, their skin looks dried and coloured sickly green-grey. Most Ghosts wear several layers of clothing, so the rips and tears don’t reveal decayed skin beneath. The state of decay is not one that causes gender to be indeterminate, however. There are still clear indicators of a Tremere’s sex.
Haven: The havens of Tremere will eventually suffer the same decay as they face, so normally they would opt for out of the way havens in a naturally defensible position. Underground is favourable for Ghosts, as well as structures of stone that don’t decay or rust. As cliché as it may sound, many Tremere use crypts or mausoleums as havens. This preference is possibly what earned the Tremere their ghostly moniker.
Background: Tremere are typically embraced from people with two major qualities: The desire to learn, and the desire for power. Many show preferences for embracing similar to that of the Ventrue. Those who realise that knowledge is power, and power must be achieved through the acquisition of as much knowledge as possible are ideal. A degree of patience is also required, as the promise of transcending the curse is advertised as one that will take some time to be fulfilled.
Character Creation: Mental Attributes are the favoured attributes of the Tremere. The Ghosts must be smart if they wish to survive their new unlife. Physical Attributes normally are secondary, with social left by the wayside. When you look like a corpse, social graces really go out the window.
In terms of skills, Tremere favour Stealth and Subterfuge, so as to help them stay hidden and thus keep the Masquerade intact, as well as Occult, to help them understand the nature of the soul and the lores of the Higher Realities. There are rumours that some Ghosts have managed the use of Occultation, making them even harder to track.
Bloodline Disciplines: Auspex, Celerity, Obfuscate, Thanatopsis
Weakness: The Tremere suffer the same weakness as their parent clan; they suffer an extra point of damage from sunlight and fire.
As well as this, the Watchtower of the Lead Coin has left its mark upon the Tremere. All Tremere whither up like a mummified corpse, and thus the weakness of the Nosferatu as well: Presence and Manipulation rolls do not get the 10 again benefit and 1s detract from successes. This penalty does not apply to Composure rolls, the Intimidation skill or the Nightmare and Crúac disciplines.
The curse of Stygia doesn’t end there, however. Stygia also affects matter, and the objects a Tremere possesses suffer from early decays as well. For every week a Tremere has an item in their possession, the item takes one point of Structure damage, ignoring Durability. Clothes rot, weapons rust, equipment becomes increasingly brittle and breaks. Even havens the Tremere sleep in or studies they spent their nights in begin to suffer from this decay. For an object to suffer this, the Tremere must keep in contact with her for the majority of the week. A knife she used once at the beginning of the week, left in her haven and then used once more at the end does not qualify. A shirt worn for at least half a week does. Items that are just left within the Ghost’s Haven will not suffer structure damage. They may begin to show signs of disrepair, such as mouldy pages or chipping metal, but not enough to justify proper decay. Magical items, fetishes, artefacts or Vitae-imbued items (i.e. those under the Vitae Reliquary Theban Sorcery ritual) do not suffer from this supernatural decay.
Organization: The Tremere have a very strict hierarchy, based upon the age and experience of the Kindred and the services they have performed for the Bloodline. The bloodline is organised by the eldest of the line, known as the Lords (females may be considered Ladies). Each region within a country is ruled over by a Lord or Lady, and the nation itself is organised by the House of Lords. A ‘region’ is not clearly defined. It could be a state, territory, county, or just a loosely defined area of land. The House of Lords is responsible for the grand schemes of the bloodlines, as well as dealings with any Abyssal or Supernal entities. Kindred must be of 150 years of age minimum before becoming a Lord or Lady. Beneath the Lords and Ladies are the Regents. Regents have responsibility for a single city, and deal with Mage interactions, the Bloodline’s political interests and the maintenance of a chauntry, a safe house for Tremere. One must be at least 100 years old before becoming a Regent, and it is not unheard of for a Lord to also be the Regent of the region’s capital city. Members of the Bloodline proper are known as Gentry, and those who are yet to awaken their blood are known as Squires and Ghouls created with future intention to Embrace are known as Bondsmen or Bondswomen.
Concepts: Ambitious Regent, elusive investor, witty Primogen, unliving Avatar of Satan, shameful old-money uncle, gravedigger, neighbourhood ghost, witch, cultured occultist, Atlantean treasure hunter, mage hunter
While the Dark Ages coterie were in fact the first Tremere, the one considered nowadays as the progenitor of the line is Superstes. He was the first to manifest the curse of Stygia, and the only witness to the event of cursing, known to the Tremere as “the Fall”. In fact, many a modern Tremere elder will claim the bloodline was truly great, living gods sustained by mortal souls. The truth of the matter is that the Tremere did not have all that far to fall; they were merely an abnormality of the blood, and Superstes was their only childe, thus the bloodline was never truly official until after Superstes.
The Fallen
For a long time after awakening his blood and becoming the first of his now cursed line, Superstes was a wanderer and a loner. He was often mistaken for a roaming revenant as was ignored by most Kindred who encountered him. Superstes left no record of his wandering, sometimes referred to as ‘the Time of Mourning’ by elders. It is claimed that he visited several sites of great magical power during his wanderings, and encountered several visions of the Supernal World. Of course, a vision of the Supernal World is something most Tremere are aspiring towards and these claims are possibly just a vague expression of hope, proof that it can be done.
The Society for Rebirth
It is not full known where settled, but the location was somewhere in Eastern Europe. Other than that little is known. What is known however, is that after his decades of wandering, Superstes entered a town with a small Kindred populace and established his own covenant, the Society for Rebirth, aimed at completing his sire’s goal of throwing off the curse of the Kindred. The other Covenants within this town were surprised at this bold move, and as several of the town’s unaligned Kindred had heard Superstes message and sided with his covenant, it was respected and honoured, for the time being at least.
Superstes took the opportunity of his new found power and sired two childer simultaneously, for he had sired identical twin girls, Olga and Ingrid. These two were treated like royalty within the Society, and when they activated their blood and embraced the curse of the Tremere, Superstes announced the Tremere a successful bloodline, and that those of the Tremere would be the guides and rulers of the Society for Rebirth.
The Society’s fall
The Society lasted for several decades and a few generations of Tremere, before in inevitably collapsed in on itself. Superstes had raised his own bloodline to a level too powerful for the other members, who had to face being outranked by some Mekhet neonate because of their pedigree. The members of the Society of Rebirth quickly began to defect to other covenants where they would have a greater chance at power, until the society was reduced to those of the Tremere line.
Not only this, but mages had begun to sniff out the Tremere, especially the cursed Tremere lichs seeking answers. They had dabbled in things that the dead should stay out of, and the mages feared the Abyssal and Supernal lore that the Tremere had gathered.
To escape these problems, Superstes staged a rebellion, in which the entire Tremere line was supposedly destroyed. In secret, he had gathered them to reform them, no longer as the Society for Rebirth, but as the Tremere bloodline, independent of Covenant. He set up the hierarchy that Tremere today still follow, and bade his childer to spread out and find magic, wherever it may hide. Superstes, who had become weary of the world and could feel the thickening of his blood, vanished into torpor, leaving his twin childer in command of the covenant. He has never been heard from since.
The Ordo Dracul
The Tremere’s first encounter with the Ordo Dracul was one that would shape the Bloodline’s opinion of them for the rest of eternity. Sometime within the 19th century, a coterie of Ghosts discovered a site of Supernal power, and managed to kill the mages guarding it. The Tremere began to take steps to hide it from unwanted attention, but before long another coterie of Kindred came along.
The Tremere’s first concern was how had these non-Ghost Kindred discovered this site. The second was the fact they where trying to annex it, calling the Supernal site a “Wyrm’s Nest”. The coterie did not stand for this, and soon became involved in physical conflict. Unfortunately, this upstart coterie had allies of a more militaristic bent, and the coterie was slain except for one survivor. The reports of this survivor reached the ears of Olga and Ingrid, who were utterly outraged and ordered a forceful takeover of the Supernal site. This attack was cut short by the Prince of the region, who declared that the claims to the site were legitimate claims of the Ordo Dracul covenant. Olga and Ingrid declared the attack anyway, only to have it quickly broken up by agents of the Prince. The Ordo Dracul where declared enemies of the bloodline then and there, and their conflict is yet to be resolved.
Modern Nights
The Tremere have spread far and wide these modern nights, but resultantly their numbers are stretched thin. The Tremere are strict on Embraces and require that the population is kept small enough to be easily managed and kept from the sight of Tremere lichs, who they fear will come for revenge, or worse, to strip them of all their occult and Supernal lore. Keeping mages away from their line is the major work of modern day Regents, as well as trying to maintain healthy relations with each city’s political powers. The study of occult lore is normally a task left to the Gentry, and the study of true Supernal and Abyssal lore is left to the Lords and Ladies.
Olga and Ingrid are still awake and running the Tremere line, presiding over the House of Lords within Vienna, the seat of Tremere power. However, as the years roll on the Vienna House of Lords is growing more and more independent of the twins, beginning to make decrees on their authority. The Vienna House of Lords, sometimes referred to as the House of the Ghosts, have extensive power over all Tremere regions, and their decrees can even reach those in the furthest flung corners of the world. The Tremere may be cursed, but no one can say they are disorganized.
Society and Culture
Tremere society is some of the strictest found within a bloodline. Younger members are to defer to elders, unquestioningly. Even youths who have entered the Carthian Movement still obey the commands of those above them in Tremere hierarchy, though admittedly somewhat grudgingly.
Bloodline Hierarchy
Normally, bloodlines do not have a Status Merit of their own; they simply follow Clan Status. The Tremere, however, are a rigidly hierarchical structure, and one’s standing within the bloodline’s structure affects their dealings with other members. With Storyteller’s discretion, this may be represented as a form of Bloodline Status Merit
Those lowest rung of the Tremere hierarchy are the ghouls. Not just any ghoul would be considered part of the Tremere hierarchy, however. The Tremere are liable to create ghouls for the purpose of servants and slaves. No, a Bondsman is one who is made a ghoul with the intention of the Regnant being training for the Embrace. The Tremere train their mortals extensively, and indoctrinate them into a Ghost way of thinking (they’d have to for a potential childe to wish to become a corpse-like Tremere rather than a plain Mekhet). Bondsmen are trained in the basics of occult and Supernal lore, vampire politics and the traditions of the Tremere. Most Tremere begin as Bondsmen, as the Ghosts are unlikely to Embrace of a whim. If a Tremere embraces a childe without him first being a Bondsman, it is up to the rest of the Gentry to decide whether or not the childe is of worth to the Tremere, with the Regent getting the final say. If accepted, he begins training as a Squire. If rejected, he meets Final Death.
The Tremere watches Squires closely. They are expected to awaken their blood at the first possible opportunity, and while these Kindred are normally blood bound to their sire from their time as a Bondsman, any sign that the Childe might not wish to remain in the Bloodline and never activate it’s blood is harshly dealt with. A lot of the Squires existence is petty tasks given by the rest of the bloodline, meant to make him submit and accept the Tremere as the only possibility for their unlives.
Once accepted into the Gentry, a Tremere begins his study into transcendence through the occult. However, transcendence isn’t the only aim they hope to achieve. Any member of the Gentry can gain himself prestige within the Bloodline by finding ways to use the occult to their advantage. Members of the Gentry are expected to support each other to some degree, as well; such as covering up any Masquerade breaches one member may have committed, so as to protect the Bloodline as a whole.
A Regent is a member of the Gentry who has shown the Bloodline he has political power and savvy in the Danse Macabre. Frequently, Regents are selected from the ranks of Invictus Ghosts. A Regent protects the interests of a bloodline within a single city. They normally work their way up to Primogen status and use this to influence the Princes decisions in favour of the Tremere. They also are expected to keep a chauntry, which is a place of study and protection for those of the Tremere line. Chauntries tend to be well guarded by strange occult rituals, and often times have a Twilight equivalent of the safe house. Regents are considered the ultimate Tremere authority in a city, and those of the line would likely obey their Regent above even the Prince.
Lords and Ladies
The Lords and Ladies are the elders of the Tremere. Their main concern is higher than that of the Gentry: they are the holders of all the Tremere’s knowledge of the Realms Invisible.
The Lords and Ladies maintain Supernal Sites the Tremere capture, and safeguards their museums of Atlantean artefacts. If any form of Abyssal or Supernal being is discovered, it is the responsibility of the Lords and Ladies to deal with it as they see fit.
Another major duty of the Lords is hiding the bloodline from the prying eyes of the mages. The Tremere have stolen large amount of Supernal artefacts and knowledge, a lot of it through the torture of willworkers. The Tremere especially try to hide their existence from the Tremere Lichs, who they fear will come looking for answers… and revenge.