Hintergrund allgemein Spoilerthema: Warhammer - Warpsteine


Dr. Spiele
16. Januar 2003
Was wisst ihr über die Warpsteine bei Warhammer? Mir ist immer noch nicht ganz klar, was sie sind.

Ist das überhaupt geklärt?
AW: Spoilerthema: Warhammer - Warpsteine

Hier ist ein Auszug aus diesem Artikel von Graeme Davis:


Warpstone is the raw stuff of Chaos - a form of matter dragged through into this world from another dimension by the violent birth of Chaos. It is a powerful source of magic, and is greatly sought after by all followers of Chaos.

A single piece of raw Warpstone is usually an irregularly-shaped lump about the size of a man's fist. It emits an intense black light, which seems to swallow light from its immediate vicinity, creating a small patch of darkness around it. In this raw form, Warpstone is very dangerous to all creatures, and prolonged exposure can cause severe mutation or death. The Skaven, and many of the other races of Chaos, were created by exposure to raw Warpstone, as natural creatures were twisted by its magical emanations
and developed mutations which have been handed down through the generations.

Any creature exposed to raw Warpstone (ie within 10 yards of an unshielded source) for a period of a day or more has a 5% chance of developing one mutation, which is rolled on the Personal Chaos Attributes table in Slaves to Darkness. Roll at the end of each day of exposure. Skaven Grey Seers have only a 1% chance of being affected, since their constant exposure to raw Warpstone has given them a limited resistance to its effects. Warpstone can only be used in a controlled way once it has been refined. This is a difficult process, and one which only the Skaven Grey Seers have the natural ability perform, actually gaining magical energy by doing so. Refined Warpstone is a grey powder, quite unlike the original matter. It has has no warping effects unless it is eaten or otherwise taken into the body, in which case there is a 1% chance of gaining a Chaos mutation every time it is consumed. Many Skaven bear the results of this unholy diet. Grey Seers may consume refined Warpstone without risk of further mutation because of their special resilience.

Möglicherweise stehen in Quellen wie dem Liber Chaotica noch tiefere Geheimnisse dazu, aber mir ist im Wesentlichen nur das oben zusammengefasste bekannt.
AW: Spoilerthema: Warhammer - Warpsteine

Ah, danke. Das (neue) GRW ist in der Hinsicht nämlich nicht gerade hilfreich.
AW: Spoilerthema: Warhammer - Warpsteine

Da die Skaven offenbar so eine besondere Affinität zum Warpstone haben, findet sich vielleicht nächstes Jahr was dazu im neuen Skaven-Quellenbuch, oder auch in The Tome of Corruption: Secrets from the Realm of Chaos.
AW: Spoilerthema: Warhammer - Warpsteine

Chjaaaaa? Skaven ... viel Warpchtein... Agrochim großzer Feldherr von Skaven!

Ein Skaven QB für das Warhammer RPG? Langsam wird's doch interessant.
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