AW: Rassen machen
Allerdings schwierig das umzusetzen...
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A human who survives Tiberium contamination shouldn't be considered lucky - Tiberium crystals merge with their flesh, growing over time. Concentrations of crystallized tissue can develop to the point where they burst and excrete a thick, viscuous liquid, which quickly hardens on the victim's skin, creating an exoskeleton of sorts.
=> Racial Edge / Rassen-Talent: Exoskelettpanzer (Voraussetzung: Rasse: Mutant, Rang: Fortgeschrittener)
While it devours the mutant's exterior, Tiberium toxins continue to ravage the inside, changing large amounts of bone marrow and muscle tissue into crystal formations. Eventually, the victim turns into a distorted mass of bone and flesh.
=> Ab Rang: Veteran bekommen die Mutanten den DL:R-Nachteil "Ailing" - irgendwann kratzen sie daran ab.
Of course, the process is not instantaneous and can often take months or even years to complete. Before crippling disabilities (as seen above) set in, a Tiberian human will only become stronger with each passing day. They tend to be faster, stronger and more agile than pure humans, and the presence of Tiberium is not harmful to them, on the contrary, it actually accelerates their healing.
=> Faster = Quick, Fleetfooted (Normale Talente - nur fluff-orientiert bevorzugt gewählt)
=> more agile = Agility/Geschicklichkeit steigt um einen Würfeltyp auch außerhalb der Beschränkung von nur einem Attributsanstieg pro Rang (Rassen-Talent)
=> Immunität gegen Tiberium (hatten wir oben schon, gehört zu den Rassen-Eigenschaften)
=> Beschleunigte Heilung durch Tiberium (siehe oben)
In Westwood's C&C3, the Forgotten were to play a major part in retaliating against the invading Scrin, as they could control Tiberium and the environment it has reshapen in ways the aliens could not,
=> Rassen-Talent "Arkaner Hintergrund: Tiberium-Kontrolle", Mächte: Tierfreund, Fesseln, Flächenschlag (Ionensturm), Negieren von Scrin-Fähigkeiten (Eigenschaft Senken - nur gegen Scrin), usw.
The mutants would do anything to survive, and often raided Nod and GDI bases alike for food and supplies.
=> Mutanten sollten tendenziell eher Überleben, Kämpfen, Schießen als Fertigkeiten wählen (kein Zwang, keine Rassen-Fertigkeit, sondern fluff-gesteuert eine Empfehlung an den Spieler)
Mutants were also slowly being accepted by regular humans, although hostilites and even an all out war between the humans and mutants was on the verge of breaking out, as Tratos was assassinated and riots began. Fortunately, GDI rectified the situation and the two sides calmed down.
=> Außenseiter
-The Forgotten use equipment which consists almost entirely of scavenged, hijacked or otherwise stolen weaponry and vehicles, which has been known to include anything from modified civilian vehicles outfitted with armor plating and weapons to equipment hijacked from both GDI and Nod depots, to disposed and former Mammoth Tanks to stolen experimental high-tech weaponry such as a portable railgun.
=> Keine Probleme hier.
The bases they operate from tend to be composed of old and abandoned military buildings and/or converted civilian ones (for instance, observation towers converted into sentry turrets), and are typically set either in deserted Tiberium-infested wastelands or former ghost towns (and cities) which The Forgotten settled in.
=> Keine Probleme hier.
Interestingly, the Forgotten have managed to tame Tiberium Fiends and use them for combat.
=> Fällt eventuell unter Tierfreund/Tiermeister oder unter die entsprechende Macht.
Eigentlich nicht so schwierig hier geradlinig in eine Setting-Adaption einzusteigen. Man muß sich nur nicht verkünsteln, sondern sich die Savage-Brille aufsetzen und schauen, was damit noch scharf bleibt. Das übernimmt man dann.