Caitiff have long been the expendable peasants and puppets of pure bloodlines. The
Sabbat has used them in this role even more than the Camarilla. However, as the
Caitiff grow in number and power, they are slowly becoming a force to rival the
During the Great Jyhad, also known as the Sabbat Camarilla Wars, the number of
Caitiff increased drastically, but so did their rate of destruction. The Creation Rites
were performed differently than they are today. The recruit was drained of all her
blood and then fed the blood of the entire pack. This could create an intense
Vinculum in the recruit from the first draught on.
This variation of the Creation Rites was popular during times of war because of its
efficiency. However, when the Great Jyhad ended, the Sabbat found itself with an
ever -growing number of Caitiff. The Lasombra clan did not wish to relinquish any
of its control and saw the Caitiff as a grave threat. Because of this, the Creation
Rites were modified to allow a recruit only one sire. This was also important to
some because it allowed the pure bloodlines to continue.
In the 1950s, a Caitiff named Joseph Pander became so irate at the Lasombra after
a massacre of more than 30 Caitiff in Cincinnati that he decided to break with
tradition and start his own "clan." Pander enlisted the aid of a number of highly
respected Caitiff and together they succeeded in uniting the Caitiff as an
organization. It became known as the Panders in honor of its founder. The group
even developed its own rituals and practices to give the members a common bond
with each other. Pander took the initiative in forcing the Lasombra to recognize
Caitiff as equals, and eventually became a priscus himself.
However, things did not change for the Panders overnight. The Lasombra continue
to manipulate them and treat them as lesser beings. The journey to full acceptance
is not over yet. Nonetheless, a number of Panders have began to fill the roles of
pack priests and some have even became bishops. Many respect the group, but
think the Lasombra still manipulate it despite what Joseph Panders might believe.