<Qworg-OOC> Something happens - you die, but you're not done living yet.
<Qworg-OOC> While you're lying there about to pass on, you hear a voice in your head, "You don't want to die, this doesn't have to be the end.... how about we make a deal?"
<Qworg-OOC> You agree, and your and the Geist's souls merge.
<Qworg-OOC> You are now one.
<Qworg-OOC> The hope is that the player runs their Geist and adjudicates the internal conflicts.
<Qworg-OOC> If necessary, the ST will provide "Geist pushes"
<Qworg-OOC> The Geist is less like something that MAKES you do something, as much as an entity that suggests, and insinuates.
<Kevin-ooc> It's much more symbiotic than say, OWoD Wraith/Shadow.
<Kevin-ooc> I look on it as kind of somewhere between the old Wraith's shadow and the vampiric beast, but that's just how I grok it in my head

<Qworg-OOC> Yes, far more symbiotic.
<Qworg-OOC> I never played OWoD.
<Qworg-OOC> But some folks talk about it like OWoD Demon, Wraith, Orpheus and Mummy, shaken wildly and the bad things skimmed off the top.
<Kevin-ooc> Yeah, pretty much :0
<Kevin-ooc> It's taken from a *lot* of sources, which I like.
<Colin00C> Yeah I didn't play OWOD wraith
<Colin00C> Okay, so you essentially have an every present insisting consciounce that may or may not want whats best for you
<Qworg-OOC> Well, it wants what's best for oyu.
<Qworg-OOC> That may or may not be sane.
<Qworg-OOC> Or even something that won't make you do horrible horrible things.
<Kevin-ooc> I'd say it's unlikely for the Geist to want something that's bad for the Bound; after all, they're one and the same.
<Kevin-ooc> Although it's drives may be different.
<Qworg-OOC> There you go.
<Qworg-OOC> Kevin's 100% right.
<Kevin-ooc> Unless of course you have mega low Synergy.
<Kevin-ooc> In which case your needs and the Geist's will diverge more and more.
<Qworg-OOC> Well, true. Your Geist doesn't want to be part of one of the Wretched though.
<Qworg-OOC> They'd push you to die forever if you become one.