Mutant Chronicles 3 ist noch bis 17. Juli, 14 Uhr Ostküstenzeit, als Bundle of Holding erhältlich:

Für 12,95 $ gibt es das Grundregelwerk, das Spielerhandbuch sowie die Quellenbücher zu Capitol und Imperial. Für 20,62 $ gibt es noch zusätzlich die Quellenbücher zu Bauhaus, Mishima, Cybertronic und der Bruderschaft sowie die Dark Symmetry Campaign.

Mit dem Erlös soll die indische Hilfsorganisation Vision Rescue unterstützt werden, welche in Mumbai Projekte zur Bildung und Gesundheitsfürsorge durchführt.
Kickstarterunterstützer können nun eine Vorabversion von Conan the Mercenary herunterladen.

Zu Siege of the Citadel gibt es im Update Nr. 85 eine Vorschau (Bodenpläne).
Gerade eingetrudelte Meldung über das John Carter Rollenspiel, von dem man lange nichts mehr gehört hatte:


Our journey will begin soon...

I want to thank you for your patience as we've worked away at the John Carter of Mars project with the Edgar Rice Burroughs Estate. It's been a long labour of love from the whole team and we've wanted to complete as much of the book and miniatures as possible before the forthcoming Kickstarter.

Today I want to start sharing a taste of what's to come. The roleplaying game will be a gorgeous deluxe edition landscape book with stunning long artworks taking you across Barsoom whilst the miniatures will bring your favourite characters, villains and brave crews of their ships to life. Beyond that a boardgame will let you explore the adventures of John Carter and friends in new ways!

We're making a final push now before aiming to get the project live at the end of August but our goal is to be able to ship the book and miniatures soon after the project so this date will shift to ensure we're fully ready. Please bear with us, it's going to be worth your wait.

Now on to Barsoom, with a first taste of some of the layout from the books to give you an idea of what to expect.




The art is bringing to life our favourite desert world in new ways.

Meanwhile Woola will be appearing amongst the throng of miniatures on your tabletop...

John Carter & Dejah Thoris are often accompanied by brave crewman ready to sell their lives dearly for Helium.

These women are expert shots with their radium rifles.

Even the great Jeddak of Helium, Tardos Mors will be joining the action leading his trusted Helium soldiers, or perhaps crash-landed in a forgotten ruin...


Our John Carter of Mars miniatures each come with a scenic base and will be relatively easy to assemble. There will be several sets including Heroes of Helium, Villains of Zodanga, and more. We'll go in to more detail of what you can expect in the next update.

I hope you enjoyed our brief interlude, please share this with other fans of John Carter of Mars and ask them to sign up so we can share these updates with them here

Meine Meinung dazu nebenan.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Für Unterstützer des Conan-Kickstarters ist eine Pdf-Vorschau auf einige Bodenpläne verfügbar.
Für Star Trek Adventures ist eine lebende Rollenspielkampagne angelaufen:

Hi there as you were part of the original Star Trek Adventures Playtest Campaign we'd like to invite you to continue your adventures in the Shackleton Expanse with the official Living Campaign.
Over the coming months we're unfolding the incredible plot which we've been developing with New York Times Best Selling Star Trek novelist Dayton Ward and Star Trek novelist & editor Scott Pearson. Each month we'll be adding two new missions - one set in the Original Series era and one in the Next Generation era. You can run your campaign in either era - the Original Series is a prequel to the main plot but is equally challenging whilst the Next Generation era leads you to an epic finale.
We'll be asking Gamemasters to complete Captain's Logs telling us using a simple form what happened and this feedback will be used to change the plot as we go so you're crews could have a direct impact on the whole storyline. Dayton Ward will be writing Admiral's reports with each new mission highlighting recent events and notable actions of specific crews.
You can download the documents you need using the link below and some instructions follow.
You'll find several folders (depending when you have signed up):
Star Trek Living Campaign Set Up
This includes the background on the storyline and the Shackleton Expanse where the Living Campaign is set, and for the TNG crews Narendra station, a major location.
You'll find form fillable character sheets and ship rosta, pre-generated characters that can be used for both eras as well as ship rostas for 4 ships letting you pick in which era to play and which type of ship to experience the story. Whilst we provide pre-gens this is intended for store and convention demos, we really encourage you to create your own characters for the campaign using the Lifepath system in the core book.
July 2017 Release
This is the first release in the official campaign. For those involved in the huge playtest this includes some references to notable events in the last set of missions (which we'll be updating and making available later on for us with the final version of the rules).

Simply play through the mission and we'll send out an invite for the Gamemaster to complete the Captain's Log at which point we'll update the folder with the latest mission for the next month. If you have any questions post them in the forum here:

If you have friends that would like to join the Living Campaign as GM's ask them to sign up on this page so we can make sure they get sent each new set of missions.

tl;dr Es gibt bereits ein paar Downloads und eine Anmeldemaske.

Für Siege of the Citadel gibt es ebenfalls ein kleines Update einschließlich einer Vorschau auf weitere Bodenpläne.
Gestern kam wieder eine E-Mail zu Star Trek Adventures:

Hi there today we're unveiling a free Living Campaign for you to join in with our Star Trek Adventures RPG with monthly PDF missions with an epic plot. See below for more info!
First news of the exclusive Locutus of Borg miniature (see below) that has been added to the Borg Cube Collectors Edition. More villains are being added to the Borg Cube Collectors Edition as we hit waves of 500 orders with both online and retailers. There will be a later set of Star Trek Villains Miniatures featuring another version of Lore and Locutus. We're currently sculpting a set of 10 male and female generic Starfleet alien crew from 5 species for the next wave of releases.

Pre-Order Deliveries
For those who've pre-ordered the corebook, collectors editions, dice sets and tokens they will be shipping next week, orders with miniatures soon after GenCon, and orders with the GM Screen, These Are The Voyages and Borg Cubes later in September as they're still going through approvals. We'll update closer to the time as we have sign off. Retailers will be getting the corebooks and dice around mid September with other items following through September and October.
If you're going to GenCon come by the Modiphius Stand 2461, Hall G and check out some of the miniatures, a sample of the Borg Cube, dice and books! If you've been waiting for GenCon you'll be able to pick up a corebook and dice set of your choice but we only have limited stocks coming so don't hang around!

The Living Campaign!
Over the coming months we're unfolding the incredible plot which we've been developing with New York Times Best Selling Star Trek novelist Dayton Ward and Star Trek novelist & editor Scott Pearson. Each month we'll be adding two new missions for you to play for free - one set in the Original Series era and one in the Next Generation era. You can run your campaign in either era - the Original Series is a prequel to the main plot but is equally challenging whilst the Next Generation era leads you to an epic finale.
We'll be asking Gamemasters to complete Captain's Logs telling us using a simple form what happened and this feedback will be used to change the plot as we go so you're crews could have a direct impact on the whole storyline. Dayton Ward will be writing Admiral's reports with each new mission highlighting recent events and notable actions of specific crews.
Gamemasters can sign up to the Living Campaign with just their email by clicking the link below and you'll get an auto reply with a link to download the documents you need and there's some instructions below. You don't need to re-sign up if you're already on our playtesters list.
You'll find several folders (depending when you have signed up):
Star Trek Living Campaign Set Up
This includes the background on the storyline and the Shackleton Expanse where the Living Campaign is set, and for the TNG crews Narendra station, a major location.
You'll find form fillable character sheets and ship rosta, pre-generated characters that can be used for both eras as well as ship rostas for 4 ships letting you pick in which era to play and which type of ship to experience the story. Whilst we provide pre-gens this is intended for store and convention demos, we really encourage you to create your own characters for the campaign using the Lifepath system in the core book.
JUST A REMINDER - You do not have to use the pregens or our suggested ships - make your own and start your own voyages!

July 2017 Release
This is the first release in the official Living Campaign. For those involved in the huge playtest this includes some references to notable events in the last set of missions (which we'll be updating and making available later on for us with the final version of the rules).

Simply play through the mission and we'll send out an invite for the Gamemaster to complete the Captain's Log at which point we'll update the folder with the latest mission for the next month. If you have any questions post them in the forum here:

If you have friends that would like to join the Living Campaign as GM's ask them to sign up on this page so we can make sure they get sent each new set of missions.
Für Siege of the Citadel gibt es wieder ein Update mit einer Kartenvorschau. Die Auslieferung an die Unterstützer wird vermutlich so Ende Januar bis Anfang Februar sein.
Infinity-Backer finden Previews einzelner Kapitel des Bandes "Adventures in the Human Sphere" in ihrem Backerkit-Account.
Dort ist der Bearbeitungsstand vom 10.08. gerade im Zugriff.
Im Modiphius-Shop gibt es 21. August (Montag), 13 Uhr MEZ (12 Uhr britische Sommerzeit) unter anderem auf Mutant Chronicles 3 20 % Rabatt. Dazu muß man GenCant2017 eingeben.
Modiphia Nr. 2 ist erschienen. Es erhält folgende 2d20-relevante Beiträge:
  • Regeln zur Verwendung von Waffen als Werkzeug und zum Tragen von Rüstungen außerhalb von Kampfsituationen in Conan.
  • Ein Interview mit Rick Sternbach, einem der zentralen Designer von Star Trek: Der Film bis Voyager, der auch für Star Trek Adventures beratend tätig ist.
  • Für Infinity eine Beschreibung des Hintergrunds der Hassassinen und Werte für einige Angehörige der Organisation.
  • Ein Artikel zu Mutant Chronicles 3 mit Spielwerten für einen neuen Gegner, den Metropolitan Prophet (Prophet im deutschen Doomtrooper und Warzone) sowie einem neuen Häretikerritual, mit dem dieser Gegner erschaffen wird.
Wenn ihr diese Woche bei für mindestens 30 £ einkauft, könnt ihr das Mutant Chronicles 3-Grundregelwerk (oder ein Nicht-2d20-Produkt) als Pdf gratis erhalten.
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