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[Daring Entertainment] Hellspawn: Countdown to Invasion
Author: Lee F. Szczepanik, Jr., David Martin, with material by Clint Black, Jeremy Menefee
Artists: Julius Abrera, Dino Agor, Jason Engle, Butch Mapa, Bien Flores, Alida Saxon
Pages: 144
You've fought for justice and battled evil . . . but now you fight for the very survival of the Earth!
Introducing the launching point for the Hellspawn product line, continuing next in the Hellspawn plot point campaign setting book.
Since superpowered beings first revealed themselves to the public in the first half of the 20th century, the world has been mesmerized by the dazzling array of powers. No place has been more famous for its superhero community than New York. A veritable melting pot of colorfully clad heroes and villains, the Big Apple is known the world over for countless epic battles.
All that changed, however, when strange, gigantic pods fell from the sky. Already weakened from an impossible battle against the world's most powerful supervillain, the heroes were unprepared for the arrival of an alien race bent on the destruction of life throughout the universe. Within days, entire cities were destroyed, heroes and villains alike perished under the onslaught of the invaders, and billions were turned into the dreaded Hellspawn, flesh-ravenous creatures whose sole purpose was to consume all living things.
Hellspawn: Countdown to Invasion is a six adventure miniseries, and launches the massive comic book style mega-event, where you will not only face the world's deadliest supervillain, but also battle on the front lines of a war against an alien race determined to destroy the Earth.
Designed for the award winning Savage Worlds role-playing game and the Super Powers Companion, this volume includes five playable races, new Edges and Hindrances, and new setting rules— including how to perform Power Stunts and expand your hero's capabilities.
As long as there are superheroes to draw breath, there is a future. As long as you still stand, Earth will never go quietly into the night.
The Hellspawn War is just beginning!
Ergänzung: Daring Entertainment wurde von Seth McFarlanes Anwälten aufgefordert den Namen Hellspawn nicht mehr zu benutzen. Lee Szczepanik ändert kurzfristig den Settingnamen, um nicht dem Schicksal von Palladium Books zu folgen, die verurteilt wurden ihr Nightspawn Setting umbenennen zu müssen. Kunden der PDF erhalten in den nächsten Tagen ein Update.