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[Prometheus] Savage Worlds: Wilde Welten
Autoren: Günther Lietz, Oliver Loh, Thomas Bayer
Seiten: 110 S/W Softcover
Preis: €14,95 (Prometheus Shop oder Sphärenmeister)

Drei fesselnde Savage Worlds-Abenteuer, jedes mit einem eigenen Setting und fertigen Charakteren, um sich direkt ins Spiel zu stürzen – das sind die Wilden Welten.
  • Stell dich im dekadenten Rom der Renaissance okkulten Mächten und vereitle eine handfeste Intrige, mit Robe & Rapier im Schatten des Vatikans!
  • Schnapp dir deine Fliegerbrille und wirf dich als heldenhaftes Cartoon-Huhn und Mitglied der Chicken Wings in epische Luftschlachten – für Ruhm und Ehre!
  • Untersuche eine Entführung in Granishaim, dem mystischen Schmelztiegel aller modernen Städte, und durchkreuze die Pläne einer Weltuntergangssekte!
Spiele für Erwachsene, Kinder profitieren! Wilde Welten ist die erste Veröffentlichung des gemeinnützigen Spielkinder-Projekts, das sich mithilfe des wundervollen Hobbys Rollenspiel für Kinder und Jugendliche einsetzt. Alle Einnahmen des Verlages aus diesem Produkt gehen an karitative Einrichtungen.

[Mystical Throne Entertainment] Mercenary Breed: Rebellion
Author: Aaron T. Huss
Pages: 91
Price: €4,61 €2,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The Argo Galaxy is growing – not physically but figuratively. After years of study, the House of the Alliance has finally decided to open the Hastilion Expanse for full settlement and corporate utilization. Researchers identified numerous planets and moons as optimal for civilization and corporations from around the known galaxy, including Drake Mining and Manufacturing, are making plans to acquire land.

Since its inception, Drake Mining and Manufacturing has prided itself on mining resources and creating high-quality products from those resources to support the entire galaxy. Moving into the Hastilion Expanse provides them with a wealth of opportunities to expand their operations and grow their business. That is, of course, if their new facilities can survive.

New planets are always fraught with hidden dangers from native flora and fauna, pirates, rival corporations, and rebellious populations. Only the strength of Drake’s mercenary force will help them overcome any roadblocks and become successful. As long as they don’t get killed in the process.

Rebellion presents the Heroic portion of the Hastilion Expanse campaign for Mercenary Breed or it can be used as a collection of adventures for any sci-fi setting. While parts of it were originally published in Savage Insider Premium and the Hastilion Expanse Compendiums, this new campaign book updates that content to Mercenary Breed 2.0 and expands on it.

Rebellion includes:
  • Heroic-rank campaign missions (also suitable for Legendary rank).
  • A collection of additional Heroic-rank adventures based within the Drake Mining and Manufacturing setting.
  • New Xenopedia entries.
Rebellion is not a standalone product. It requires the Mercenary's Handbook and the Savage Worlds core rulebook. GMs may want the Galaxy Guide and Xenopedia to get the full feel of the Hastilion Expanse campaign along with the Drake Mining and Manufacturing setting primer for a gazetteer of the Expanse and Lord Leohn for all Novice-ranked plot points, Mastermind for all Seasoned-ranked plot points, and Infiltration for all Veteran-ranked plot points.

[Fainting Goat Games] Improbable Tales: Eaters of Steel
Authors: Sean Nokes, Walt Robillard
Pages: 8
Price: €3,23 €2,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

A disgruntled scientist has forged a symbiotic relationship with cyborg nomads from another dimension! He is unleashing them on a hapless populace to feed his own greed as he feeds their tribe with technology and steel. Will the heroes be able to stop these terrifying biomechanical predators?

This adventure is for use with the Savage Worlds Super Powers Companion (2nd Ed).

[Savage Mojo] Shaintar Guidebook: Dregordia
Authors: Darren Pearce, Sean Patrick Fannon
Pages: 19
Price: €5,53 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Who...and What are the Dregordians!
Even though they look like 7 and a half foot tall crocodiles, they have emotions anyone could understand. These are a people who enjoy learning from the other races. They've long interacted with the Fae and have been a stalwart barrier against the Kal-A-Nar Empire's expansion to the south.

A race, strange and Alien. Some think these folk are behind the Dragon cult but that couldn't be farther from the truth. These people follow The Way and choose logic and control over transitory feelings. Its probably a good thing...given that a moment of anger could mean the dismemberment of those less hardy races.

Come and travel in the living jungle and along the river to Ssatay. The harmony within is shown in the architecture, art and culture of this people - yet they have lived through generations of war.

This book contains everything required to base a campaign or character within Dregordia. You'll learn the history, weapons, art, beliefs and rituals of this strange race. There's even a bit of politics and even a secret or two we've shared.

[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape: The World of Aden
Author: John Beattie, Mark Swafford, Shawn Carman, Rich Wulf; Original World of Aden: Shane Lacy Hensley
Pages: 118
Price: €18,28 PDF; €27,43 SC; €45,71 €36,57 SC + PDF (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

An Epic World of Steam and Darkness

In Aden, a thousand-year Golden Age of prosperity gave rise to an unprecedented development: the fusion of magic and technology into a unique discipline called mechamagic. Arcane power, steam power, and gunpowder changed the world almost overnight. The Golden Age ended, and the Age of Thunder began. It seemed that there would be no limit to the industry and ingenuity of man.

Until the Darkfall.

A supernatural cataclysm of unknown origin, the Darkfall plunged the world into darkness as the sun was blotted out for only a moment. In that moment, every nightmare and horror imagined by the people of Aden sprang into existence, and the world was thrown into chaos. Villages were wiped from the face of the world, entire cities burned, and tens of thousands perished in an instant. It seemed that the world would die in flames.

But Aden will not die so easily.

Now, ten years later, the people of Aden struggle to survive in the face of unrelenting assault by horrors beyond imagining. It is a world of magic, a world of industry, a world of horror.

It is the World of Aden.

Savage Thunderscape: The World of Aden is a setting and mechanics sourcebook compatibly with the Savage Worlds role-playing game. Within the pages of this book you will find the following:
  • Details on the different races of Aden, seven of which are new to this work!
  • New Edges of all types, including new Arcane Backgrounds!
  • New spells, new technology, and new equipment!
  • A sample bestiary of creatures from Aden!
  • And much, much more!
Schnäppchenzeit im neuen Jahr! Ab heute haben wir die Preise unserer Savage-Worlds-PDFs für einen befristeten Zeitraum gesenkt. Wer seine digitale Büchersammlung noch vervollständigen möchte, hat nun die perfekte Gelegenheit dazu. Bis zum 31.01.2015 haben wir für unsere Savage-Worlds-PDFs neue Preise festgelegt, die im Schnitt 50% unter den regulären Preisen liegen. Wer also noch das ein oder andere digitale Buch sucht oder einfach mal günstig in Savage Worlds reinlesen möchte, findet die PDFs zu den neuen Preisen in unserem Onlineshop.

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[GRAmel] Beasts & Barbarians: Dark Places of the Dominions
Authors: Umberto Pignatelli, Andy Slack
Pages: 63
Price: €7,34 €6,42 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Welcome back to the Dominions!

This sourcebook is about the most important part of any adventure: locations.

Among these pages you will find a number of detailed, ready-to-play mysterious places of the Dread Sea Dominions, each of them ripe with interesting opportunities (and terrible dangers) for the heroes, which you can use in your campaign. An Instant Plot is also given for each of them, a pre-made idea to use it as a no-prep, stand-alone adventure.

So grab your sword, check your bow and venture into the Dominions again!

[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Books 1-5 *COMING SOON*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 each

The books in this small series will be:

City Book 1: Cities of the Freelands (contents: Spyre & Aslov)
City Book 2: Cities of Magic (contents: Imperial City & Kingshall)
City Book 3: Cities of the Crystalflow (contents: Bridgewater & Drakeport)
City Book 4: Cities of Royalty (contents: Ravensburg & New Asper)
City Book 5: Cities of Crime (contents: Freetown and notes on thieves' guilds)

All are 32 pages and we’re planning on printing these on glossy paper to do the maps full justice.

Counting up all the locations in the five Hellfrost City Books. Comes to over 320!

We’ll also put copies of the maps on the website but with no numbers on, so you can print them out, hand them to players, and let them point at where they want to visit.

[Reality Blurs] Karthador : Swashbuckling Science Fiction
Authors: Darrell Hardy & Sean Preston
Pages: 340
Price: €27,47 €18,31 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Karthador: Swashbuckling Science Fiction for Savage Worlds

Karthador is a world of beauty, danger, drama, and horror.
A world where swashbuckling heroes battle merciless villains across ancient vistas and above shining cities, in a world where science is magic and adventure is never more than a whisper away.
Noble warriors ride dinosaurs into battle, swords in their hands and blaster pistols on their hips.
Crafty sky traders dodge air pirates and thread the needle of storm clouds in the name of profit.
Scholars sift through ancient ruins, looking for bits of eldritch technology to complete their new inventions.
Kings and revolutionaries pore over maps, looking for high ground and choke points, ever wondering if their energy crystals will hold out just a little longer….

What adventures await you?

[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost: Additional Minor Gods
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 2
Prices: Freebie

No, I haven’t gone mad. Just finished a short PDF containing three gods with a seasonal feel.

Click the link and you’ll find a short PDF containing three gods with a Christmas seasonal feel.

Triple Ace Games Creative Director

[TAG] Hellfrost Atlas of the North
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 382
Weight: 1,6 kg
Price: €42,39 PDF; €84,78 HC/PDF (TAG Store)


See the Land of Ice and Snow in Hi-Def!

Atlas of the Frozen North brings new detail and exquisite maps for your adventures in Rassilon.

The world of Rassilon is an ancient land, one scarred by war, weather, and time. Over countless millennia it has hidden its many secrets from view. Unlock these secrets and discover the world of Rassilon in all its glory!

Hellfrost Atlas of the Frozen North takes you on an epic journey of discovery and exploration, one which delves deep into the rich geography and history of the lands of the frozen north. Triple Ace Games invites you to hold all of this epic landscape in your hands as we open up the secrets of Rassilon in new and amazing detail.

382 Pages in glorious full color

Hardcover book

49 Regions, including the mystical lands of Alfheim, the turbulent Ten Seas, and the subterranean deeps of Ertha’s Realm. Contains text from the original Region Guides series, plus new additions and edits.

Rules for creating sacred places, with detailed examples.

Your adventure in this amazing land will never be the same once you have glanced upon the pages of the Atlas!

For more information please check out our kickstarter page here!


Hi folks,

We have now received the print proof pages in glorious shiny color! There was a delay in our plans – we weren’t happy with the paper quality or color of the first proof (sent before Christmas) so we had another copy printed and shipped over from the USA. We know we’re long overdue on the Atlas, but we’re not going to take shortcuts in quality just to rush it out to you. You’ll be glad to know that we’re happy with the paper and color on this proof, so that’s a big step forward.

Now we have to go through the proof page by page to spot any layout errors. If there are none, we send back a form and the book joins the print queue. Should we spot an error, we have to get it fixed and order up another proof. It’s a slow process that goes on behind the scenes of the glamorous world of book publishing, but it’s a vital one.

Finally, to satisfy growing demand from fans, the physical book will be going up for preorder on our website today and will be dispatched at the same time as backer copies. No numbered or signed copies are available through this means.

Many thanks for your support!

Wiggy & Robin
Triple Ace Games

[GGstudio] Ultima Forsan: Macabre Rutenia
Authors: Mauro Longo, Giuseppe Rotondo
Pages: 110
Price: €18,25 €9,08 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)


From the frozen shores of the White Sea to the opulent khanate of Astrakhan, from the borders of the endless Tartary to the dark woods of Lithuania...
Ultima Forsan: Macabre Ruthenia is a regional gazetteer about Macabre Russia for Ultima Forsan.
Ruthenia is not a country for weak men: Muscovy is on the edge of a civil war, the marauders gather on the east bank of the Volga river, the malevolent Yagas lurk to ensnare travelers, Koschei the Deathless roams the steppes.
And the shadow of Erlik Khan, the God of Death that controls the Golden Horde, falls over the whole region.

Inside Ultima Forsan: Macabre Ruthenia you can find:
  • A gazetteer of Macabre Ruthenia divided by region
  • A new double-page map: Rutenia Macabra
  • History, geography and politics of Ruthenia in the time of the Plague
  • New Edges, weapons and gear for Ruthenian Heroes
  • Legends, rumors, threats and hints for adventure for the Game Master
  • An encounter generator that will allow you to create amazing travel adventures for your Heroes
  • New monsters and enemies


[Savage Mojo] Shadows of Rebellion - A Shaintar/Ainerêve Crossover
Author: Shawn Gore
Pages: 17
Price: €2,74 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

The worlds of Ainerêve and Shaintar collide as agents from both worlds fight to gain a foothold and secure more power. Help assist a group of rebels trying to break free from the tyranny of the Kal-A-Nar Empire, but find that a much deeper plot and more powerful foe work in the shadows.
This adventure is a crossover event written to bridge the worlds of Ainerêve and Shaintar.
The module is written in a “plot point” campaign style, allowing the GM to sculpt the specifics of each encounter. It can be used for a wide range of player/character/gm experience levels, and run with any rule set that a GM desires. However, it is suggested to use either Eldritch RPG (Revised) by Crossroads Games, or Savage Worlds by Pinnacle Entertainment Group.

[Kyoudai Games] Savage Thunderscape Playing Cards
Author: Shawn Carman
Cards: 54
Price: €4,62 PDF; €11,11 Cards; €15,73 €13,88 PDF + Cards (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Bring your Savage Thunderscape game to live with this deck of playing cards featuring amazing artwork from the Thunderscape campaign setting! This deck includes jokers and is a perfect addition to the Savage Thunderscape campaign setting for the Savage Worlds system on DriveThruRPG, or just to sit around and play cards with friends!

[Mutha Oith Creations] Boss Blocker for Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly
Author: Andy Hopp
Pages: 8
Price: €18,48 €6,44 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

This incredibly useful accessory for the Low Life: The Rise of the Lowly RPG helps the Boss keep all her private jazz concealed from the eyes of snooping players. It's a veritable overflowing cornucopia of charts and information useful to the game, arranged for easy perusal and quick reference. Also included FOR FREE in this digital pack are a full color Map of Oith, a Low Life Peepfolio character sheet, and the Marshfellow, a brand new playable character species!



[Triple Ace Games] Hellfrost City Books Kickstarter *FUNDED!*
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Pages: 32 each

From crumbling castles to musty tombs and overgrown forests to mystical places, there are many hundreds of places to explore in Hellfrost. There are also cities and towns, urban sprawls where the best and worst of the civilized races live side by side, if not always in harmony. Although often seen as places to visit only to buy and sell equipment or pick up rumors, they can be sites not only for entire adventures, but whole campaigns. Triple Ace Games is proud to present nine of Hellfrost’s towns and cities in greater detail than ever before!

This project is to fund FIVE city books:
City Book 1: Cities of the Freelands (covers Aslov & Spyre)
City Book 2: Cities of Magic (covers Imperial City & Kingshall)
City Book 3: Cities of the Crystalflow (covers Bridgewater & Drakeport)
City Book 4: Cities of Royalty (covers New Asper & Royalmark)
City Book 5: Cities of Crime (covers Freetown & includes extensive notes on thieves’ guilds)

Click here to visit the project page.


Hellfrost Atlas map of Kingshall


New map of Kingshall

We've created a short preview for you to download. Note that each page is from a separate book. Page 1 is from City Book 1, page 2 from City Book 2, and so on. The text is unedited - editing will have already commenced by the time this project goes live.

Es ist nun offiziell, seit einigen Minuten ist unsere eigene Crowdfunding-Plattform online und unsere erste Kampagne ist gestartet. Wenn alles gut läuft, werden durch die Kampagne die Hardcover- und die Deluxe-Editionen der Savage-Worlds-Kompendien und ein Haufen cooler Bonusziele finanziert.

Wir freuen uns über eure Unterstützung und natürlich über jedes Feedback, am besten direkt an crowdfunding@prometheusgames.de.

Viele Grüße

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[Modiphius] Achtung Cthulhu - Elder Godlike
Authors: Greg Stolze, Dennis Detwiller, Allan Gooda ll, Shane Ivey & Dave Blewer
Pages: 139
Price: €13,88 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Elder Godlike is where the superhuman suspense of Godlike meets the cosmic terrors of Achtung! Cthulhu, introducing a whole new dimension of fantastic adventures to the Secret War, in the ultimate crossover gaming experience.

Written by original Godlike creators Dennis Detwiller and Greg Stolze, and based on their acclaimed Godlike: Superhero Roleplaying in A World on Fire, Elder Godlike adds battles on a new front as Talented Allied commandos use their amazing abilities to confront super powered Nazi Übermenschen and combat the secret, awful designs of the nefarious Black Sun.

Will your characters embrace the power of their new abilities and powers and can they resist the onslaught of the new super soldiers of the Nazi regime?

Elder Godlike features:
  • A complete new rule system for superpowers in Call of Cthulhu.
  • A history of Talents in the Secret War
  • A complete Elder Godlike adventure
  • Guidelines for Talents in mass combat
  • Six pre-generated characters ready to play
  • Fully compatible with the Call of Cthulhu, Sixth Edition and Savage Worlds roleplaying games.
Elder Godlike is a crossover dossier’s worth of useful alternate historical and fantastical information to help you expand your campaign out into the wider world of the Secret War

You are larger than life - but the Secret War is larger than you!

[Gun Metal Games] Interface Zero 2.0: The Republic of Texas
Richard T. Balsey
Pages: 54
Price: €7,87 (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow)

Ask any Texan and they'll tell you that life in the Republic is about one thing: freedom. Life here isn't a cakewalk, but it’s far better to die on your feet than live on your knees. That's Texas in 2090, amigo, better get used to it. Learn what it means to be a citizen in the Lone Star and how Texans remember the breakup of the old nation in order to form their more perfect union. This is a land where freedom reigns supreme because it’s surrounded by enemies and uncertain allies on all sides.

Engage in high-tech espionage in the new range wars. Go south and live lawless, or head to the Austin-Antonio sprawl and get closer to the center of power or trapped in an AI/gang turf war. Plunge head first into the Runenberg Corporation's financial data fortress nicknamed "the Mountain." It'll take more than gumption to survive, but it's a start. You in?
  • New Archetypes and Occupations decidedly Texan
  • What it’s like living in the Lone Star in 2090
  • Stock up with new weapons, golemmechs and vehicles with a Texas flair
  • Gear that makes Texas feel like the Wild West
  • Dozens of threats from within the Republic ready to slug it out
  • Bioforms of classic Texan stock weaponized to keep you awake at night
  • Enough hooks to keep you exploring the Republic

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