[TAG] Hellfrost - Heah Wyntr Daeg Poems & Songs
Keeping in the spirit of last year, here are some Hellfrost festive poems...
'Twas the night before Cold Night, when all through the stead,
Not a creature was stirring, that’s all thanks to Veth.
The wood it was piled on the fire with care,
And less it burn out, they gave Kenaz a prayer.
The children were nestled all up in one bed,
To give them good dreams, praise to Sváfnir was said.
And mamma wrapped in furs, in her bed did wriggle,
While I prayed for summer, said a quick word to Sigel.
When out in the yard there arose such a din,
Could it be ice goblins trying to break in?
Away to the door I flew in a dash,
Stopping but briefly to snatch up my axe.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of mid-day to objects below.
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a red-hatted fey with a terrible leer.
The stump of a pipe he held tight in sharp teeth,
And the smoke from it encircled his head like a wreath.
He had a cruel face, and his voice was a cry,
Said, “I am a redcap, prepare now to die!”
He sprang right toward me, on flesh he intended to chew,
But I am no farmer, but a servant of Tiw.
His axe he did raise, but mine it rose faster,
And I cut off his head, and so stifled his laughter.
With thanks to the war god, I gathered his axe,
And chopped up his body, and placed it in sacks.
No more of my neighbors will he give a fright,
Happy Cold Night to all, and to all a good night.
We three clerics of Scaetha are,
Visiting wards, can't check from afar.
Mist and moorland, through the Liche Lands,
Hoping doors are still barred.
O we beg you Scaetha keep us in light,
Though fell Hela sends us plight.
Eastward leading, still proceeding,
Grant us now your holy might.
Lord of evil, he ruled the damned,
But was brought low by Scatha's just hand.
Alive for ever, ceasing never,
We must be vigil-ant.
Bless-ed potions to anoint wards have I,
Imbued with power from Scaetha on high.
Prayer and praising, fear his raising,
He that will never die.
Incense is mine: its bitter perfume,
Given by clerics to seal his doom.
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying,
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.
We stand before the doors mortals fear,
Praise be Scaetha, as we shed tears.
Wards still glowing, thus we're knowing
We're safe for another year!
To the tune of Silent Night:
Delling Day, holy day
Through the night, vigilant we stay
Lit torches form holy symbol
Song and praise from mortals they flow
Rise O Sigel we pray
Rise O Sigel we pray
Delling Day, holy day
Come the dawn's first pale ray
Fire arrows are lit by Kenaz
To the heavens they fly like stars
Renew the light of Sigel
Renew the light of Sigel
Delling Day, holy day
See the stars start to fade
Radiant beams cast from Sigel's Hearth
With a new dawn to dispel the dark
Sigel, he is reborn
Sigel, he is reborn
Ode to Dunross, to the tune of "O Little Town of Bethlehem":
O little village of Dunross
How still we see thee lie
Above thy burnt and corpse filled streets
The silent stars go by
A black tide doomed your people
The rats they brought you death
But for your souls we faily pray
To Scaetha and to Veth
The vermin were defeated
The righteous fight was won
Your village may be no more
But its memory shall live on
Freelanders mourn together
Though you we barely knew
And the with blessing of Eostre
Dunross will rise anew
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