[News] Extrablatt ! Extrablatt! ...

Peginc mit "neuem" Savage Worlds Setting - VIA KICKSTARTER !

Quelle: Klick me

It’s like a revolution here at Pinnacle. We’ve got a new setting to talk about next week, and we’re going to try something new to us—Kickstarter! We’re even pretty sure what we’re doing with our Kickstarter is new, too!
Are we suffering from spring madness? Maybe. Are you suffering from insatiable curiosity? Probably. Do you desperately want a hint that’s almost certainly misleading? Well, let me oblige—the setting is something old with something new, where something dead can sing the blues…
You want better hints? You want more low-down? You want to visit our Facebook page!
Be sure to drop by next week for the full skinny.


Na, wenn das kein HOE ist ... ? Was meint Ihr?
Es ist ein NEUES Setting und keine Lizenz. Ich tippe eher auf Weird War Rome, das ja schon vor Monaten über ihre Facebook-Seite spukte...

Allerdings orakelt Matthew Cutter, der Brand Manager von Pinnacle: "It involves a very young Elvis..."
Dundjinni wieder unter den Lebenden?!

Seit einigen Tagen der Dundjinni-Store wieder offen. Wer Interesse hat und ein paar Euro auf der Kante, sollte zugreifen. Der Store soll solange offen bleiben, wie er Geld macht...
Brandaktuelles für alle, die schon begierig auf das Sundered Skies Kompendium warten.Es hast zwar etwas länger gedauert als gehofft, aber kurz vor der RPC sind die letzten Buchstaben getippt worden und das gute Stück macht sich gerade auf dem Weg Richtung Lektorat und Layout.Ich wurde auf der RPC schon öfters gefragt: „Was ist denn eigentlich drin im Kompendium, vor allen was ist neues drin?“ Daher wird es wohl langsam Zeit, für eine News zum Thema.
Das Kompendium liefert massig Material um das Spiel vor, während und nach der PPK im Settingbuch anzureichern und zu erweitern, u.a.:
  • Neue Talente und Handicaps
  • Neue Ausrüstung und Schiffe
  • Eine neue Göttin
  • viele weitere Infos zu den einzelnen Inseln
  • Vier neue Inseln (Atrium, Frostfels, Reue und Savanne)
  • Neue Relikte und Artefakte
  • Einen Überblick über die verschiedenen Kulte, Geheimbünde und Organisationen
  • 23 Savage Tales
  • unzählige neue Kreaturen
  • ein erweitertes Fallensystem
Exklusiv in der deutschen Ausgabe findet ihr zusätzlich:
  • Ein neuer Schiffstyp: die Kogge
  • weitere Schiffspläne, die es auch als Download geben wird, so dass ihr sie als Bodenpläne für eure Abenteuer verwenden könnt
  • 4 weitere Abenteuer
Unten findet ihr einen kleinen Teaser wie diese neue Schiffspläne aussehen. Geplant ist die Veröffentlichung für Anfang Juli.

Bleibt Wild!
Sebastian Deutsch
Chefredakteur Sundered Skies

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Deadlands Noir—The Secret Setting Revealed!

The year is 1935. New Orleans is one tough lady of a town. Some say her blood-red lipstick hides a heart of gold, others say it’s black as a killin’ bruise. Colorful, but a smart man don’t say nothin’ if he can avoid it—best to let the deadly secrets of the streets roll down the gutters like dirty rainwater.

This hard-boiled new setting brings the gritty history of the Deadlands world into the 1930s, giving you the shades of gray only a world of noir can deliver. Study the dangerous art of private detection in the city of New Orleans, solve whodunnits where both suspects and victims shoot back, venture into the gator-filled sludge of Louisiana’s deadly bayous, and learn just what the killer known only as “Stone” is doing in the Big Easy.

Deadlands Noir is also our first foray into Kickstarter. Even if you’re somehow not interested in the dizzying array of fabulous perks available, be sure to check out the first installment of the illustrated audio drama Hard Boiled in the Big Easy.

Since we first leaked a teaser about the new setting last Tuesday, we’ve been running a contest on our Facebook page to guess the name of the new setting. Give it a look-see for an explanation of the various clues and whether anyone guessed it correctly.

Hellfrost - Region Guide #52: Supplemental Material
Model: TAG31253
Author: Paul "Wiggy" Wade-Williams
Page Count: 19 + 14
Price: €3.49 (TAG), €3.61 (DriveThruRPG)

The road goes ever on! Actually, it doesn't. After an epic quest spanning two years, the exploration of the northern continent's mundane realms reaches its conclusion.

Hundreds of sites of interest have been described in the Hellfrost Gazetteer and Region Guide series, yet these have barely scratched the surface. The snow-bound continent is a vast place, littered with isolated communities, thriving towns, and abandoned ruins of bygone ages. This Region Guide contains an additional 35 locales and 4 colorful citizens from across the continent.

As a special bonus to celebrate the 3rd anniversary of Hellfrost, this Region Guide comes with a free 14-page supplement exploring one of the major cities.

Hinweis: Wie vermutet ist es Aslov - sogar mit grober Karte.


Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition
Author: Shane Lacy Hensley
Page Count: 194 PDF
Price: €7.24 (DriveThruRPG)

The contents of the Savage Worlds Deluxe: Explorer's Edition and Savage Worlds Deluxe are the same. The Explorer's Edition is formatted for 6.5"x9" while Savage Worlds Deluxe is 8.5"x11".

Savage Worlds is a Fast! Furious! and Fun! rules system for any genre of roleplaying game. Create your own setting, convert an existing one, or pick up one of our amazing worlds like Deadlands, Slipstream, or Weird War II. The rules give players plenty of depth to create their characters and keep bookkeeping to a minimum for the game master. If you're looking for a game that's fast and easy to set up, run, and play, Savage Worlds is for you!

Savage Worlds Deluxe is the newest edition, providing an update to the third printing of Savage Worlds Explorer's Edition. It includes rules updates, new rules material, new art, more examples, an expanded Setting Rules section, Designer Notes to give you an insight into the development, and much more. It does not, however, invalidate prior printings of the rules, which you can continue enjoy.​

[Interface Zero] Hostile Takeover
Author: Charles Green
Artists: Sam Manley (midnight illustrations), Jason Walton
Pages: 40
Price: €5.79 (DriveThruRPG)


The Megacorp is a staple of cyberpunk literature. These titanic, inhuman forces of naked greed and lust for power are like the gods of the mythic age. Their aims are enacted in the realm of mortals through their employees; agents that are expected to further the ends of their corporate masters in exchange for the best gear, cash, and a lifestyle that is the envy of many.

In most cyberpunk games, the ways that player characters interact with megacorps are strictly one-sided: the Corp hires the PCs to do a job, always with a looming threat of an attempt to screw the poor suckers over. In Hostile Takeover, we turn this relationship on its ear.

With this book, the player characters are put in charge of a fledging corporation. Can they swim in the sea of dangerous hostile corporations, or will they be gobbled up whole by an unsuspected rival?

The rewards are immense power, wealth, and influence. That is, of course, assuming you can keep it. The world in which megacongloms operate in 2088 is one of threats, espionage, and hostile takeovers; where the result of a life's work can be taken away through the purchase of a few stock options. Only those skilled and fortunate enough can thrive in this environment.

The rest get used up and tossed aside.

So, ami, what do you think? Do we have a deal?


Membership has its privileges. Here you’ll find a guide to Corporate Culture, new Edges, Hindrances and Skills, and a sweet Expense Account, assuming you can keep and maintain your ever-changing relationship with the Corporation itself.


Here you’ll find tools and rules suggestions to make your job of running a corporation campaign easier. There is some discussion on what to focus on and what to let run in the background, a system of Trappings to characterize the various corporations that will be involved in the ongoing campaign, a list of the major comgloms of 2088, and Murder in the Boardroom: how to use the Situational Rules from the Savage Worlds Deluxe Edition to describe the big events in a corporation’s year.

Welcome to a world of high-stakes, winner-take all power plays, where one wrong move can shatter dreams, legacies, and stock options.

I hope you’re ready.

[Low Life] The Whole Hole - A Gadabout's Guide to Mutha Oith - Volume 01: Keister Island
Author: Andy Hopp
Artist: Andy Hopp
Pages: 226
Price: €10.83 (DriveThruRPG)

Tash Shardborn has this to say:

“In a very real sense, the Keister is the island. But in an equally, and more accurately, real sense the island is the island. Witness the cosmopolitan jumble of Floom, the aromatic mysticisms of the Garden of Smellemental Glee, the monumental juts and caverns of the Knobby Rumple... Behold dank rites and unspeakable atrocities as you scramble your way through the lichenous strew of Stan’s Rug. Prance the loamy frolic of the Soul Patch. Wallow in the ichorous murk of the Imple Slew. Wonder what all those statues are about. Do some other stuff. Try not to get eaten.”

The Whole Hole - A Gadabout’s Guide to Mutha Oith, Volume 01: Keister Island is the first in a series of guidebooks (that’s what “Volume 01” means) designed to immerse the reader within and among the places, peeps, beasts, and happenings of the various realms of Mutha Oith. Join intrepid gadabout Toucanacondor Flaminguez as he tours Keister Island. You’ll explore dozens of locales, meet hundreds of peeps, examine new religions, gawp in awe at wondrous magics, and run in terror from a bunsload of horrifying monstrosities. Here you’ll investigate the Fundamental nature of all things, dabble in smellcasting at the Garden of Smellemental Glee, chug suds with Floom’s elite, and marvel at the bottomless Keister of Gawd. There’s new Holy Crap, new Edges and Hindrances, New PC species, new setting rules, and twenty pages of new monsters. Seriously, stop reading the back cover and just buy the goosin’ thing already.

[paNik] Caravan
Author: Nik Palmer, M. Andrew Payne
Artists: M. Andrew Payne, Josh Rosen, Randall Drew, Bill Volk
Pages: 50
Price: €4.31 (DriveThruRPG)

Set in 3000 B.C.E., a time without the myths and legends we now take for granted -- because they either haven't happend yet or are happening right now. Would-be gods and previously unheard-of monsters stalk the earth openly building armies and recruiting followers.

Explore ancient Mesopotamia and take part in the birth of empires and the dawn of civilization itself. In the process, the players will to protect a trade caravan as it travels from Ur to Nineveh. Along the way, they'll battle the desert sun, be attacked by bandits, and kicked by the camels they're supposed to be protecting.

While mostly adventure, this book is also a bronze-ages sourcebook for the Mesopotamian region, complete with a regional map, details on the cultures of the time, and minor rules and equipment modifications for bronze gear.


Thoroughly researched, Caravan is historically accurate, or at least as accurate as you can get while still having halflings running around underfoot.
  • 50 pages of text and illustrations
  • 8 pages of maps
  • Compatible with 3 different RPG systems: Savage Worlds, d20 OGL, True20 (layered stats)

[paNik] The Deadly Seven
Author: M. Andrew Payne
Artists: David Senecal, Timothy McClurg, M. Andrew Payne
Pages: 150
Price: €9.38 (DriveThruRPG)

The Deadly Seven is a modern-era supernatural horror adventure that pits the characters against seven unwitting servants of hell. The players will have to contend with a variety of threats both direct and indirect ranging from drive-by shootings and murderous psychopaths to rogue hackers, misguided zealots, and the demonically possessed. As each encounter draws them deeper into the grip of evil, they'll have to find the connection between their seemingly unrelated opponents to find the sinister mastermind manipulating events behind the scenes.

A multi-part adventure, The Deadly Seven can be played as an extended campaign or as 7-8 independent scenarios ranging from all-out action to tense investigations. Each segment is designed to be incorporated into an ongoing story but the story also works if you play straight through.

The Deadly Seven is suitable for any modern urban setting that includes paranormal activity. It can also be a great way to introduce the paranormal into an otherwise-mundane campaign.

The Deadly Seven is also a sourcebook on demons and the theology of demonic possession, outlining the various stages of – and rules for – possession and exorcism. These sections can be printed out as player hand-outs150 pages of text + 30 pages of character stats + 21 pages of maps
  • Full Color, Fully Illustrated, Multi-Layered PDF
  • 7+ Individual Adventure Scenarios
  • 5 Multi-Page Maps Including Offices, Homes, & Neighborhoods.
  • 2 Sets of Clue Cards for player hand-outs.
  • 3 System Compatibility: Savage Worlds, d20 Modern, True20 (layered stats)
Contains adult situations. May not be appropriate for individuals under 17.

[Agents of Oblivion] One Shots #1 - Cats Eye
Author: Michael Ysker
Pages: 13
Price: €2.17 (DriveThruRPG)

We have a mission for you. Snag the first scenario in our brand new line of adventures, ONE SHOTS. Each ONE SHOT is full of varied levels of horror and espionage and should not be missed. They are designed to play out in one session, but can easily be extended at the Director's discretion.
ONE SHOTS #1 : CATS EYE finds our Agents deep in the jungles of Vietnam, where they are assigned to look into the disappearance of a United States Biological Security Operations team. Things take a turn for the worse, as the Agents are faced with the horrors left behind from an experiment gone awry.

For use with Agents of Oblivion from Reality Blurs.

Agents of Oblivion is a setting for the award-winning Savage Worlds system.
Heute kann ich leider nur mit einer eher mittelmässigen News aufwarten. Wir hatten ein paar Probleme mit den Vektordateien der limitierten Fassung und konnten diese erst in der letzten Woche lösen. Die Auslieferung der Limited verzögert sich dadurch leider um gut 14 Tage. Sobald ich den exakten Ausliefertermin habe, gebe ich den noch mal gesondert bekannt und lade euch auch ein paar Schnappschüsse hoch.
Bleibt savage!
Christian Loewenthal

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Ein erster Geschmack von Deadlands: Hell on Earth

HoE ist leider noch eine Weile weg. Um die Wartezeit zu versüssen, spendiert uns Pinnacle das Cover als Wallpaper. Der Link führt zu einer Auswahl der gewünschten Größen...


Deadlands Noir Kickstarter geht in die letzte Woche!

Das Ziel ist mit aktuell $75.000 schon beinahe um das 10x übererfüllt. Die aktuellen Stretch Awards sind auf der Homepage ausführlich erklärt.

Einen Überblick gibt es auch in der folgenden Tabelle:

Hard Boiled in the Big Easy Episode 4 schließt außerdem das kleine Hörspiel ab!

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