Neuer Line Developer

23. Februar 2003
Company News

Noch fehlt die offizielle Version der Neuigkeiten, aber:

SLA Industries hat einen neuen Line Developer.

Stay SLA
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Ich bin ehrlich gespannt auf die offizielle Ankündigung(en), die vermutlich noch in dieser Woche kommen dürften, aber auch ohne diese könnte man (zusammen mit anderen Gerüchten) auf den Gedanken kommen, dass sich mehr bewegt als nur die (seit Jahren :p) langsam näherrückende Veröffentlichung von Cannibal Sector One.

Stay SLA
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Da habe ich mich vielleicht etwas missverständlich ausgedrückt. :O

Cannibal Sector One ist (immer) noch nicht veröffentlicht worden, aber angeblich rückt der Termin (immernoch) näher.

Stay SLA
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Und hier die offizielle Meldung:

Tuesday 31st October 2006 London, UK:
Cubicle 7 Entertainment is pleased to announce new appointments of the team and also a brand new acquisition.

Cubicle 7 Entertainment Purchases Heresy Gaming & Victoriana RPG
We’ve kept this one on the quiet for a number of months whilst we sifted through all of the files we received and also got the ball rolling on a number of projects.
Earlier this summer Cubicle 7 Entertainment purchased Heresy Gaming from John Tuckey. The company, best known for its Victoriana Role Playing Game – a game of Victorian Fantasy – and all of its assets have been merged into the Cubicle 7 family and we are currently working on Victoriana 2nd Edition using the Heresy Engine Rules System which is due for release in the Spring of 2007. More information will released about our production schedule and plans for the game by the game’s Line Developer shortly.

We are very excited to have added Victoriana to our portfolio and have some exciting developments in the works. We’re also happy to announce that John Tuckey, the previous owner and designer of the game, is still on board in a freelance capacity.

New Staff Members
As the company has started to grow we have also changed our internal structure to help manage the lines more effectively and share the workload.

Dominic McDowall-Thomas has come on board as Operations & Marketing Manager. Dominic will be a man of many hats but these include overseeing our PDF Sales Development as well as liaison with our printers and the convention scene.

Andrew Peregrine, whose previous credits include Serenity, Buffy: The Vampire Slayer, Warhammer Fantasy and 7th Sea amongst others, has been appointed Line Developer for Victoriana. We’re very pleased to have someone with as an extensive CV in the games industry and who has worked on so many top games in charge of Victoriana and are looking forward to some great things in 2007 and onwards.

John Dodd, a veteran contributor of SLA Industries and head of Team 8 (, has come on board as Line Developer for SLA Industries. John’s appointment has been made after many years of working on SLA Industries and keeping the game alive through a whole range of support activities including the immensely popular Team 8 Forums and Team 8’s extensive convention support. John was selected as the best man for the job due to his knowledge of the game and his ‘no nonsense get things done’ attitude. John is currently putting the finishing touches to the long overdue Cannibal Sector One sourcebook and has also devised the product schedule for 2007 onwards.

Trudi Topman (Editor of Pantechnicon - has joined the team as Cubicle 7’s Web Mistress. She is currently beavering away making sure that the company, and the various product lines, have a home online. The website hasn’t been completed as yet but will be appearing at in the near future.

More news to follow and I hope everyone has an enjoyable Halloween!

Angus Abranson
Cubicle 7 Entertainment
London, UK

(Wobei mir gerade auffällt, dass ich gestern bei meinen Gerüchten vergessen hatte zu erwähnen, dass John der neue Line Developer sein würde. :p)

Stay SLA
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Und das hat John selbst zu sagen:

Alright, we’ve all been here before, new person taking over SLA, sudden flurry of activity, suddenly goes dead, hear nothing more for four years….

Yeah, we’ve all been there

This time is different

This time it’s me

So here’s how its going to play

Release Schedule

December 2006 – Dragonmeet – CS1, and this year, it’ll be there, no question.

December 2006 – Christmas - All previous books will be available on PDF download from Drivethrurpg and, as an added bonus, we’re talking to Drivethru now with regards putting the first MRB (V1) on as the christmas freebie, this is both to increase the activity around SLA and also to give everyone who didn’t manage to get a copy the first time around a chance to see how it all started. If they don’t have it as the official freebie, I’m sure that a free download can be arranged to all the fans separately.

March 2007 – Hunter Sheets and the latest edition of Karma (which would be the 906 tech update as opposed to the previous version, we’re going to keep the format very much similar to the original Karma for this one). I’m giving serious thought to releasing both Hunter Sheets and the new Karma on an official SLA memory stick, but I’d like to know from the fanbase who’d be interested in such a device, I know the folders did well, but I want to know how much interest there is for merchandising within SLA.

August 2007 – Integration 20 (working title) – Campaign sourcebook detailing all the events between 904 and 910, this book is both a source of updates and data for the new characters and events in the WoP, but also the primer for how the world comes to be the way it is in…

December 2007 – SLA2 – SLA second edition, system revised, game updated, what we’ve all be waiting for.

We’ve got a provisional release schedule for 2008, such things as GMs/Players guides, race books, Suppressor Powers, Worlds of Progress and Gangs of Mort City, but I want to get 2007 started before I start running ahead.

A few other things are going to change, the first of which is the truth, the source of a number of problems with SLA, there will still be an underlying story to the WoP, but it won’t be generally available, Integration 20 will pull together all the loose ends to the truth and change things so that while the elements of the game are still the same, there won’t be the problems that the truth caused. At the same time, a number of things like Shard Angels, Monitors, Chien Demons and other things will be made clear (which doesn’t mean you can stock up on the hesh and go monster hunting, it just means that you know why you’ve never seen one and why you stay out of the way if one turns up). The Focus of the game is going to be brought back down to the urban horror it was in the beginning, there’s still going to be a few big guns in there, but they won’t unbalance things anywhere near as much as they do now.

Another thing that’s going to change is the Fans involvement, I know how its been in the past, there’s been no involvement allowed, the fans kept it alive and mostly got told “don’t produce anything, just be thankful we don’t ban you”.

That’s ended, as of now

We’re going to be asking for Fanbooks, and what’s more, we’re going to be paying for them. There are going to be two different lines coming out of the SLA base now, those done officially, and those sanctioned from fans, the first is called Head Office, the second is called Operative Action. If you’ve got an idea you want to put together something for, or if (like many of us) you’ve got a book you’ve already done and you want to put it out there, we want to know about it. All payment will be done in royalties, you’ll get a percentage of the profits of the book that you’re putting out, we’ll help with all the aspects apart from the actual writing, which we’re going to leave to you. We’re not saying that every book is going to get printed, but if it’s a good idea and we like it, then it’s in with a very good chance.

If on the other hand you’ve just finished playing Halo and decide to write up the gear for SLA, nice, but understand that you’ve got nothing coming as its not what we’re looking for.

All Fanbooks will be produced on a PDF or POD basis only unless the requests for a print version are strong enough, at which point we’ll upgrade it. If you want to produce one for free and just put it out there, fine, no problem from me, it’s what made this game as good as it is, there’ll be no more policing of fan material from here.

The fan books process is part of one of the new initiatives that we’re starting called the Operative program, SLAs greatest resource has always been its Fans and its time that was recognised. As of now, anyone wanting to apply for an operative card can get one, and it’ll be an actual card with your photo on it and all your details, the SCL will be recorded on the database and will go up with the work you do. You start at the normal SCL and work your way up the ladder with BPNs, which work something like this.

Blue – Assist a SLA demo at a convention

Red – Do a SLA demo at a convention

Silver – Help out on the SLA stand at a convention

Black – Run a SLA LARP

Yellow – Fanbook – Write a fanbook on existing material, which is to say that it’s something that’s already been written about but you have a new slant on it, after all, a Yellow is a retrieval, so we’re looking to be reminded about something, but in a way that puts it in a new slant.

White/Green – Fanbook – Write a fanbook on new material, this is something that’s new to SLA, something that hasn’t been seen yet, which means that you’ll have to work hard to find something

Platinum – Canon Material – These are issued directly from us, and it’s a commissioned book on a specific subject. Platinums are paid assignments, with cold hard cash being given at the completion of the book.

All of you that have been helping for years, and we know who you are, when you apply for your cards, all the previous service that’s been put in will be put on the card immediately.

The benefits for SCL levels have yet to be finalised, but the higher up the ladder you go, the more things will be available, such as previews of new material, opportunities to playtest new systemworks (which includes SLA2), occasional freebies and access to the newsfeed which will be starting up shortly, which will include a daily update on what’s going on in the SLA world and will weave a picture of what’s going on on a day to day basis, which will also tie in to the new releases. This newsfeed will most likely be going live within the month.

The first fanbook is likely to be SLA300, it’s been sitting in the archives for years now and has never seen the light of day, but it’s got to be editted and presented properly before it does see the light of day, any proceeds from the sale of that book are going straight back into the Salvation tower restoration fund.

There’s going to be more, but I don’t want to dump everything on everyone at once.

Bit of a running start, so I’m going to leave it at that, any questions, you know where to find me.


Not so much a Stormer as a Frother with a height problem.

Stay SLA
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Und meine Kommentare:

Zu den pdf Versionen der alten Bücher gab es schon länger Gerüchte, schön diese jetzt auch ganz offiziell bestätigt zu sehen.

Auch die anderen Punkten waren grösstenteils schon einmal in der einen oder anderen Form im Gespräch. Es freut mich, dass John seinen Einstand damit gibt alte Ideen wieder aufzugreifen, das lässt das Ganze für mich viel weniger als Luftschlösser erscheinen, weil man so das Gefühl hat es wird weitergearbeitet und nicht ins Blaue hinein fabuliert.

Stay SLA
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Welcher "John" ist denn da am Werk? Und wann soll es die pdfs geben? Und welche?
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Welcher "John" ist denn da am Werk?

John Dodd.

Er war bereits am Contract Directory beteiligt, und davor (und auch noch danach) einer der aktivsten Schreiber von Fanmaterial (was bei SLA ja durchaus etwas heisst) und Vertreter von SLA Industries auf diversen Conventions.

Und wann soll es die pdfs geben? Und welche?

Im Dezember diesen Jahres, über die üblichen Vertriebskanäle, also Drivethru und RPGnow (und demnach wohl demnächst deren gemeinsame Seite). Geplant ist die gesamte bisherige Produktpalette, und eventuell das Grundregelwerk zeitweise zum freien Download (aber das ist noch nicht spruchreif).

Stay SLA
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Wo (über welche Website) kommt man jetzt an die neuen Infos zu SLA? Oder ist das nur in Foren zu finden?
AW: Neuer Line Developer

John Dodd schrieb:
what we’ve all be waiting for
Nein. ^^
The Focus of the game is going to be brought back down to the urban horror it was in the beginning
oO. Ich finde SLa eigentlich ziemlich urban horrend. Aber egal, das ist jetzt unwichtig.
there’s still going to be a few big guns in there, but they won’t unbalance things anywhere near as much as they do now.
Ich finde zwar immer noch, dass man dieses Problem über die Reputation regeln kann, aber so wird es allein eingetrichtert, dass Waffen langweilig sind. ^^
Ugs. Gut, wenigstens neue (hoffentlich interessante) Entwickler.
Was ich toll finde ist die Art der Umsetzung mit spieltypischen Dingen, die eine Selektion untereinander bedingen und gleichzeitig Gutes von alleine keimen lassen; so wird die Nacharbeit lediglich ein feines polieren.
Wie sieht es mit Abenteuern aus? - wäre das schon White/Green?
AW: Neuer Line Developer

Nein? Also zumindest ich für meinen Teil gebe zu, dass ich durchaus darauf gewartet habe, dass endlich wieder offiziell signalisiert wird, dass etwas passiert, und was das sein wird. :p

Ugs. Gut, wenigstens neue (hoffentlich interessante) Entwickler.

Eher alte, die aber nicht offiziell publiziert haben, oder? :p

Stay SLA
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