Fallout: Wasteland Warfare Modiphius kündigt Fallout-Tabletop an


2. Juni 2008
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Thanks to your survey replies we're focusing on one two-player starter set containing all the rules you'll need and then various army boxes that kickstart your factions. Each box will come with around 8-10 figures along with their stat cards and more (see below). There will be unit and character expansions for each faction, as well as scenic sets including resin rusted cars, turrets, vending machines and much more. We've also teamed up with the guys at Battlesystems to make an incredible Red Rocket set as the first of several scenic buildings featuring clip together buildings and resin scenic parts.

The two player starter box is going to contain a mix of Super Mutants and Survivors - I've mentioned Sole Survivor, Preston Garvey and Dogmeat in some interviews and there will be more - which we're firming up this week. The idea with this set is it will give you some solo and two player missions to learn the rules starting with just the sole survivor as they find new friends and gear in the wasteland before building up to some cool missions using the contents of the set. You'll get a taste of Crew & Settlement advancement, solo play as well as the Wasteland Event deck we've been talking off and with each set you buy you'll gain the solo activation cards for the figures in those respective boxes as well as new gear and Wasteland Encounters to spice up gameplay. Regardless of which factions you then collect the starter set can also form the basis for your first AI forces, and neutral characters that will be thrown up by scenarios or encounters so it will be a great starting point.

In early 2018 we'll have a Campaign box which introduces the base building (and base defence), the full advancement rules, detailed campaign rules, mass battle rules, advanced solo play and much more.

Now let's check out those Super Mutants. First up the Brute! I just played a game versus this guy with my Raiders. He was a character with what we currently called a Heroic card which gives access to more options. He ended up scoring some special effects with a hammer attack knocking one of my poor Raider scum back 4inches. It was hilarious (well not for the Raider!)
Die Miniaturen sind wirklich toll geworden und die Vorstellung auf der Spiel mit der Tankstelle als Setting sah toll aus, aber als Spiel selbst konnte es uns leider noch nicht überzeugen.
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