Hellfrost [Hellfrost] Hellfrost Deluxed


Gelehrter des Hoenir & Schreiber des Qedeshet
27. August 2008
Möchte man Hellfrost mit den neuen Deluxe Edition Regeln spielen, sind einige Änderungen notwendig bzw. sinnvoll. Das betrifft wohlgemerkt nur jene Regeln, die nicht durch eigene Settingregeln "überschrieben" werden.


This might change, so it's not getting written up as a download freebie for a while.

Races: As per Hellfrost Player's Guide.

Languages: As per Hellfrost Player's Guide.

Guts: Hellfrost isn't really a horror setting, so Guts is dropped. If a player character has the Guts skill, he should be allowed to reassign his dice into new skills. Where an ability grants a modifier to Guts rolls, it now grants a modifier to "Spirit rolls to resist Fear."
Courageous Edge: Requirement for Guts changes to Spirit.
Disciple of Hela: Guts requirement is dropped.

Edges & Hindrances: Where an Edge or Hindrance has a similar name or effect, the Hellfrost Player's Guide version takes precedent.
Adept: This Edge can be used. Note that not every miracle list includes all the spells the Edge effects -- some adepts will benefit more than others.
Martial Artist: This Edge can be used, but it does not represent Oriental martial arts, like karate.

Gear: As per the Hellfrost Player's Guide. Gear notes not specific to the Hellfrost Player's Guide apply as per SWD.

Spells: The Hellfrost Player's Guide takes precedent. Spells not listed in the HFPG use the SWD variant. Where a revised SWD spell allows a single casting to affect multiple targets, any reference to Power Points becomes a casting penalty of equal value. i.e., 3 PP becomes a -3 casting modifier.

No Power Points: The Hellfrost Player's Guide system remains the default for Hellfrost. If you want to add in the rule for a casting failure automatically dropping all active spells, you can do so as a house rule.

Trappings: Up to the individual GM. If you use SWD, any reference to spending an extra PP to produce the effect becomes a -1 arcane skill roll modifier.

Cold Situational Rule: The Recovery & Incapacitation notes from SWD apply. The Vigor modifier is as per the Hellfrost Player's Guide. The cold and acting sensibly to offset penalties is an important part of the setting.
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