Eclipse Phase erhältlich



Wie Catalyst Games berichtet ist Eclipse Phase nun als pdf erhältlich, und das auch momentan stark verbilligt. Zum Rollenspiel um post-apokalyptische Verschwörungen und Horror das sich zwischen Delta Green, Shadowrun und einer gewaltigen Portion Transhumanismus ansiedelt habe ich hier im Almanach schon einmal was geschrieben. Im Werbetext heißt es dazu:

Your mind is software. Program it.
Your body is a shell. Change it.
Death is a disease. Cure it.
Extinction is approaching. Fight it.

Eclipse Phase is a post-apocalyptic game of conspiracy and horror. Humanity is enhanced and improved, but also battered and bitterly divided. Technology allows the re-shaping of bodies and minds, but also creates opportunities for oppression and puts the capability for mass destruction in the hands of everyone. And other threats lurk in the devastated habitats of the Fall, dangers both familiar and alien. In this harsh setting, the players participate in a cross-faction conspiracy called Firewall that seeks to protect transhumanity from threats both internal and external. Along the way, they may find themselves hunting for prized technology in a gutted habitat falling from orbit, risking the hellish landscapes of a ruined earth, or following the trail of a terrorist through militarized stations and isolationist habitats. Players may even find themselves stepping through a Pandora Gate, a wormhole to distant stars and the alien secrets beyond.


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(Digital Fingerprint:
e1a7e4fd78c4d9275a3b9b5c268c7021) Catalyst Games, Delta Green, Eclipse Phase, Horror, Setting, Shadowrun, Transhumanismus
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