D20 [D20 Modern] The Shock Stars


15. Februar 2006
The year is 2386, the place is New Moscow City.
A vertical city of wonders, of dangers, of oppression and free thinkers, built into the Mars Canals.
The civil war is over, the Separatists lost. The United Cosmonaut Armed Forces and HexaMetacorp Security stand victorious, their reign over most of colonized Mars now finally being supreme.
Or so it seems. The upperbelly of New Moscow's surfaceside favelas breeds rebellion, an uncounted number of crippled veterans rotting forgotten by the powers they fought for and believed in, a whole generation slipping through the fingers of the powers that be.
A new rebellion grows.
One that has to adapt fast, has to evade the ever present telepathic watchers of the Cabinet Intelligence Office, one that needs to slip through the digital traps of HexaMeta's Gridwork Safety, that has to overcome it's inner fractures to unite, to form a single front against the combined oppresion of corporation, government and public ignorance.
The latent telepaths, the gene spliced veterans of the war, the mutants, they are the SHOCKSTARS of New Moscow.
Their actions made public by the ever elusive DJ's of the legendary Radio Free Mars underground network, smuggled into public broadcast streams, struggling hard to open the eyes of the sleeping public to rise up, to evolve, to throw off the shackles of Earth, to embrace being Martians, to finally become truly free Martians.

Die Idee ist simpel.
Ein buntes, comichaftes Psiberpunksetting auf einem von Russen dominierten Mars.
Maßgeschneidert für und nach D20 Modern / Future / Cyberscape.
Mit ganz klassischen Cyberpunkthemen und Vehikeln, nur mit viel mehr Comichaften Versatzstücken, nicht ganz so viel düsterer Ernsthaftigkeit, Russischen Space Mobstern und so weiter...
AW: [D20 Modern] The Shock Stars

Äh, nö.
Nicht SO Comicrussen. Keine Comicsoviets.
Eher Comicputins.

Außerdem, wo ist Red Star denn Cyberpunk?
AW: [D20 Modern] The Shock Stars

(Bei den vercyberten Zauberinnen aus der WTA.)

Und jetzt erzähl mir mehr.

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