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Bruce Dickinson -A Tyranny of Souls

When shall we three meet again
In thunder, lightning, or in rain?
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Aye, ich weiß, ich hörs ständig, aber:

W.A.S.P.- Hellion

The Gods you worship are steel
At the altar of rock 'n' roll you kneel
A slave who forever rocks
Is chained in the devil's locks
And slain by the bloody axe I wail
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HIM - Gone With The Sin

"I adore the despair in your eyes.
I worship your lips once red as wine.
And I crave for your scent
sending shivers down my spine.
I just love the way your running out of life."
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Meinen Vater, der gerade versucht eins seiner uralten Radios in Gang zu bringen.
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W.A.S.P. - Wild Child

und im Anschluss:

CoB - Follow The Reaper
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Farin Urlaub - Wie ich den Marylin Manson Ähnlichkeitswettbewerb verlor :D
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Monster Magnet - Power Trip

"Who's gonna teach you how to dance?
Who's gonna show you how to fly?
Who's gonna call you on
the lame dope smoking
slacking little sucker you are?"
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Die Crackers - Herr Kardinal, ham sie schon mal?
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Rammstein - Reise, Reise

"Der eine sticht die Lanz' im Heer,
der andere wirft sie in das Meer."
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Samsas Traum - Thanathan und Athanasia
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