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Assemblage 23 - Skin

und nun:

Hammerfall - I believe
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Iron Maiden - Look For The Truth

"All my dark dreams
Drift like smoke in the breeze
The fear grips me as I fall towards my sleep
Here comes the nightmare that never ends
Here is the dream that makes monsters of men
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Lordi - They Only Come Out At Night :headbang:

"You know you saw them but no-one ever listens *gröhl*
They'll be long gone by the time the sun has risen *kreisch*

You feel 'em lurking, hear 'em howling in the shadows *gröhl*
Wreaking havoc on your perfect world *kreisch*

They are the tricking trolls *gröhl und kreisch*
They got the bell that tolls *gröhl und kreisch*
Flash at the edge of your sight *kreisch und gröhl*

They only come out at night *gröhl und kreisch*
They only come out at night *kreisch und gröhl*
They only come out at night *gröhl und kreisch*
They only come out at night *kreisch und gröhl*"
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Subway To Sally - Seemannslied

"Wer gießt Blut durch meine Adern?
Wer schickt Vögel übers Meer?
Ach, ich harre schon so lange!
Heimatlos und sehnsuchtsschwer."

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