[Unisystem][ConX] Status kommender Quellenbücher


In Dubio Pro Rex
17. März 2005
Gerade auf RPGnet entdeckt:
lonegunman schrieb:
Sorry guys, you know as much as me. Keep checking my blog for updates though if you get desperate...

The ETs book is done, and in layout, though it's behind the queue after All Tomorrow's Zombies and City of Heroes...

The Paranormal Book is out of playtest, and in final edits by Alex at Eden who'll work his magic on it...

The Conspiracies Sourcebook (that has taken a while to finish due to it now including the entire AREA 51 SUPPLEMENT that was originally slated for ConX "Classic") is done and in playtest at the moment... (not only does it include Area 51, but also a whole slew of new stuff, hinting at Extinction)...

That's all I can say at the moment, any more and they'd have to shoot me.

Dave Chapman
Aegis Prime
Developer - Conspiracy X Second Edition
AW: [ConX] Status kommender Quellenbücher

Ja, die Vorfreude ist schon groß (und bei Eden ist sie auch immer lang ;)).
AW: [ConX] Status kommender Quellenbücher

Ich freue mich auch schon :) Noch mehr würde ich mich aber natürlich freuen wenn ich mal dazukommen würde ConX auch endlich zu spielen *g*
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